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AI ChatGPT and VW

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What do you think?  How will AI be used in architecture in general and are there possible ways that it may be integrated into VW or how we use VW.  I have found that it can be useful in looking up code issues on just about any subject.  The problem being that it is not updated past 2021 but at least it is a starting point.  Can it be used to do repetitive tasks of any sort for example.  

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I have seen several attempts to have ChatGPT or similar write Vectorscript or Python. All have failed miserably with the AI making up functions that don't actually exists in the languages.


I am not certain there is enough sample code for VW scripting or good enough documentation of scripting to allow and AI to properly train to write scripts. So automation of VW via AI will be limited.

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I just spent 5 hours playing around with it.

Started to produce a custom window schedule, ended up trying to produce a simple blue cube...still nothing.

I think it's only a matter of time before it becomes a reality (months? not years)

I'm excited for it's potential.

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I suppose the initial uses will be more along the lines of research, writing and help with understanding various issues.  Maybe in using Excel for example as it can explain or even creat formulas for cells.  It can create work schedules, and research product suppliers.  There are a lot of uses before it starts designing buildings. 

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16 minutes ago, Helm said:

There are a lot of uses before it starts designing buildings. 

Very true.  A few months ago I used it to write some marketing copy.  I shared my version and the AI version with some colleagues in a blind taste test… they could not identify which was which.  I spent over an hour writing mine, AI took less than a minute.


The scary thing was I asked ChatGPT to “write a travelogue along historic Route 66 from Albuquerque to Flagstaff”.  The result was striking as a human experience, referencing the character of the drive including the weather, specific landscape features and stops along the way.  Writers are certainly being impacted like how newspapers and journalism are nearly dead due to the internet.

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18 hours ago, SEStone said:


I just spent 5 hours playing around with it.

Started to produce a custom window schedule, ended up trying to produce a simple blue cube...still nothing.

I think it's only a matter of time before it becomes a reality (months? not years)

I'm excited for it's potential.

Same experience. Phyton script to lay a drop emitter for each plant (a very common request in the forum...). Never worked... Anybody tried to create a Marrionette script? Just curious to see if works or not.

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Do you remember the VW tool for creating a matrix and then using it to maximize a floor plan layout.  That's what we are talking about here on steroids.  AI works well when you feed it the information and ask it to minipulate it.  I would love to be able to test any new tools that VW is thinking about using AI to do them.  Right now I think it could do the floor plan matrix but also add in more info like which rooms need more natural light, where is the best view, do the clients for a house want a small or a large kitchen, etc.  


I also did some travel stuff with it.  I asked if for a route connecting several cities that worked well.  I fed in an excell list of destinations and dates of arrival and it wrote up a littel program.  I aksed it to list the time and distance between each city, no problem.


I asked it to give a history of a local historical building and it gave a bunch of incorrect info, so it's not there yet.  But when I told it that it was wrong it did mostly correct itself.  

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To date I have not used AI other than in the form of specific functions baked into some of my photo apps...(producing some interesting if not anticipated results). With this said there will be interesting Architectural uses developed in the (near?) future that will open up some useful and likely unexpected possibilities.


An idle and perhaps naive thought regarding ChatGPT: What happens once human writers have been relegated to the fringes and ChatGTP is left to mine the works of earlier ChatGTP work that in turn was mined from earlier ChatGPT work... and so on down the rabbit hole? An iterative process in reverse producing nonsense or the great cosmic truth? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/6/2023 at 5:01 AM, jeff prince said:

society generally seems to appreciate commodity over creativity.


I love this reflection and it rings true to me. So much of the AI generated art I've seen looks great but denotes the shallow thinking gone into it. Everyone takes photos, but few know how to produce beautiful, evocative and meaningful compositions. Perhaps, given the nature of this tool, it will enable average designers and profit-focussed developers to produce designs that are also beautiful, sympathetic and harmonious. The best [practitioners] in any field will always be a minority, so they can continue to lead the way, while providing new and better examples to feed the AI with which hopefully will elevate life for all concerned. 🤞 - But I suspect this is all only relevant in the short-term, because some are expecting super-intelligence to emerge within the next 10 years and for which there might be no comparison. 

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On 5/6/2023 at 4:23 AM, Pat Stanford said:

I have seen several attempts to have ChatGPT or similar write Vectorscript or Python. All have failed miserably with the AI making up functions that don't actually exists in the languages.


@twk Tui, I've been trying to achieve things in VectorScript that are beyond my extremely limited know-how. (I understand programming concepts, but lack experience with the syntax and functions to construct anything even moderately simple). Like Pat mentioned, I too have experienced ChatGPT making up VectorScript functions so it's probably cost me more time than a studious approach. I'd expect the same thing to occur when scripting with Python in Vectorworks and that Marionette coding would be subject to the same problems, so I'm keen to know how you have been achieving such success? I might move to using Python in my scripts if it is indeed that much better at composing useable code. 

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  • 1 year later...

It could really expedite the drafting of certain entertainment situations. Imagine being able to just say 3x truss width of stage, 10 wash, 7 profile, 6 strobe per truss, fixture numbers grouped in unique 100's. And then it just populates your rig, you dictate to adjust its height and some spacing and then export it into eos offline and you are programming a show in minutes. Obviously this is overly simplified but speech to light plot drafting sounds amazing.

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