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  2. Rutuja


    Thank you all for your reply. It helped alot. Thank you Jonathan for the youtube video. Made it very easy to make the roof.
  3. if you take a copy of one of your staircases and ungroup it you will find that the stringer for the flight is not created as a single continuous object. Warning: Ungrouping converts the stair from a PIO into its components and will they be no longer managed by the stair tool.
  4. My suspicion would be that it ran into a memory allocation issue. I have had to regen viewports before publishing to remove glitches that appear in the pdf output.
  5. Is there a solution in the works for this persistent problem of a line being generated where a flat surface extends/continues as a radiused surface where the surfaces are flush and tangent at the junction? Often the working plane and view are aligned but I don't think this affects the outcome. The aberration seems to be associated more with 3d PIOs that have been cut with a NURBS plane or a solids operation (add/subtract/etc).
  6. Today
  7. Hi I would use the plant tool for this, set to Rectangular Array - in the style or in OIP you can set the 'grid' distance. I believe this way you will be able to position it more precisely. If your planting grid is not perpendicular, first use Rotate plan to change the angle and then add the Plant-Rectangular array. Good planting! Carol
  8. Yeah several years later... Kinda surprised the event planning community hasn't gotten Vectorworks to include some of these to the available database as a baseline as they are so important to event planning. Working on a music festival layout and I really don't want to draw my own (and don't care if they aren't the exact ones I have) but I guess I have to. Really would prefer a hybrid symbol. *sigh*
  9. On the design layer, the Shaded Edges are somehow tied to or limited by the resolution of your monitor. If your Shaded Options are set to turn on Anti-Aliasing, and the edge thickness is 1, then that's about all you can do. You could try increasing the Crease Angle to see fewer edges, perhaps? You might also check the resolution settings for your monitor under System Settings < Display. Hypothetically increasing the resolution would make the Shaded Edges appear smaller and crisper. Hopefully you're working on a larger external monitor.
  10. I am seeing it in VW2024 + VW2025 but in both cases they are files created in earlier versions originally if that makes a difference...? I don't always have Stairs in my buildings so easy to forget the issue exists sometimes...
  11. Tom W.

    Door Frame

    Yep correct those side walls have End Caps:
  12. This issue was really bad in 2022, though in recent years I've only rarely seen it. Still pops up occasionally though. I just found an unaddressed VB of mine on the topic to add to the list: VB-185124 from 2022-02-04.
  13. I don't think you misread, in their initial post it sounded like they were having issues with Sheet Layer VPs. But later they posted that they were also having issues -- with what I assumed to be DL Shaded views. It's not entirely clear if they are talking about DL views and if they resolved their earlier SLVP issues.
  14. zoomer

    Door Frame

    Is it a single compound Wall ? (As otherwise you would need Wall Ends for the bottom Walls ?)
  15. Thank you! Took me a minute to decipher what you were saying, but I ended up finding the call to kObjXPropSpecialEditSpecial in the code. I had seen it only in the constants and missed it in the code. Yes, it was code recycled from learning examples...
  16. Sorry I misread - I assumed you were talking about sheet layer view ports, but I see now that you are having trouble in design layer shaded view. Is that true always or just with this particular file? I'm not sure what that could be outside of video card issues, but I'm not on Mac, so I don't know how these things work on modern mac hardware. Curved moldings can be weird and sometimes I play with the Crease angle in Shaded to show them better, but even your square countertops are jagged. Sorry I can't help more.
  17. I don't think I've seen any response from VW to any of the multiple posts on this. I don't know if any of the people who filed VBs have had responses they can share...? All a bit depressing.
  18. Tom W.

    Door Frame

    For my purposes I did it like this because I needed a plastered opening: i.e. stacked Walls. But if I wanted a fireplace I'd just have three full height Walls then insert a symbol.
  19. zoomer

    Door Frame

    Do you mean you offset the Wall bottom of the chimney's middle Wall + Z ... for the fireplace opening ?
  20. I had the same problem just recently, with a fair amount of work done since the last save and auto-save. I also had that separate and floating data entry box. I opened Task Manager to see what VWX was doing. Usually, there are (2) subtasks open for VWX. This time there were (3). As I could not close the data entry box manually, by clicking on the 'X' in the top right corner of its window. I forced closed the smallest subtask in Task Manager. After a few thoughtful seconds, it closed and I was able to save my work. I have never had this occur, and must admit that I found it confounding at first. Hopefully, it doesn't happen again.
  21. Or find at least VW2021 to upgrade to which is compatible with Win 11. I think that would be my recommendation. But even if 6 year old software is acceptable for your needs, the risk of incompatibility with newer hardware and OS will increase every year.
  22. Tom W.

    Door Frame

    Another option is to build the chimney breast as separate Walls as it would be built in real life. This would allow the insertion of a fireplace:
  23. I tried to disable the simplification in the classes tab in "Define Legend Image" but nothing changed. What can i do to solve this?
  24. I am still having this issue on VW 2025 SP3.1... brand new file too
  25. One way to do this is by creating a wall projection. Please note that, if you plan to place a fireplace insert into the projection, it won't work well. Improvements to wall projections and recesses are high on our list though. ScreenFlow.mp4
  26. Thank you for the reply and link to the charts. It seems better then to downgrade my new machine to run on Win 10 if I'm looking to find and be able run a somewhat older version of VW. (But in my case to update from an even older VW 🙂 ) /KJ
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