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Pat Stanford

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  1. Correct, Right Click in the database header Row Label. You don't have to select the row.
  2. The only place you can edit a database is in the Database Header row (ie 2, not 2.1, 2.2, etc.). If you can't see the header row, then check the Worksheet View menu and make sure the Database Headers is checked.
  3. But you will still need to make the font large. 20 point will still be almost invisible when you zoom to fit on some of the larger shapes. HTH
  4. Sheet Number and Sheet Name are actually properties of the Sheet Layer, not the Title Block Border. The only think I can think of would be a script that would create the sheet layers for you and pull the record information to the Num and Title. If each booth is an individual object (group, symbol, PIO), it could even make the Viewport and set the crop to match the bounding box of the booth or the part of the booth that has the record attached. Ok, I lied. I just thought of something else. How about you make a Data Tag that pulls the record information off the booth on the sheet layer and is the right size and shape to put the text in the correct spot on the title block. But this would not put those directly into the TBB, and you would not be able to use the auto-naming functions of the Publish command. HTH
  5. Since the data is already in the Record.Field, I don't think you want to use the Link to Source Data. You just want to pull the data from the Record and Display it. Uncheck the Link to source data check box. Change the Current Tag Field Definition to: #EPI_Land_ZoningRec#.#SYM_CODE# Then All Eligible Objects will be everything in the drawing that has the EPI_ record attached. To be legible at the scale of your shape objects your font size is going to need to be HUGE. I had to zoom in from about 0.21% to fit all the objects on my screen to about 30% to be able to read the text at 72 point. I had to change it to 7000 point to be readable. When you try a use All Eligible Objects and the size is too small, it will not attach the DT again because every object already has a DT attached. So there really is nothing that is Eligible. HTH
  6. Here is a script that will take every object with the record and set it's class to ZONING- plus the SYM_CODE. If the class does not exist it will create it. If it does exist it will (should) use it. Procedure ShapeZoneToClass; VAR S1 :String; Procedure Execute(Hd1:Handle); BEGIN S1:=Concat('ZONING-',GetRField(Hd1,'EPI_Land_ZoningRec','SYM_CODE')); SetClass(Hd1,S1); End; BEGIN ForEachObject(Execute,((R IN ['EPI_Land_ZoningRec']))); End; RUN(ShapeZoneToClass); Short version of what this does. ForEachObject passes each object with the record to the Execute procedure. Execute makes a string out of 'ZONING' & the SYM_CODE and then set the Class of the object to that string. HTH.
  7. How about a script to place all the objects in a class that has a name that matches their Sym_Code. Then you could go though and delete those classes and pick the class to move the objects in that class to. Or if there is a naming structure that would "easily" allow the generation of the correct class name from the Sym_Code we could use that. Just to make sure I am using the correct record and field names, can you post a file with a couple of your shape objects with different Sym_Codes and the include the names of the classes those Sym_Codes should link to.
  8. Do you have viewports that show the data as well as the Design Layer? This could trick the report into listing the same object multiple times. If so, edit the criteria for row 2 (right click on the row number and choose Edit Criteria) and specify the layer(s) that you want to report on.
  9. For that use, take a look at FindFile. It searches User/Workgroup/Application folders for a given file name taking the Folder Index as a starting point. I don't know of any other way to get the Workgroup folder name or path. Must use DynArray of Char. String will crash hard (at least it did in 2022).
  10. BuildResourceListN and BuildResourceListN2 both allow you to specify a complete path including the file. Take a look at the sample code on the developer list for BRLN2 for an example. https://developer.vectorworks.net/index.php?title=VS:BuildResourceListN2
  11. You need to use the folder identifier and then just use subfolders from that point as a string. Slashes work fine on Mac so you only need one version of the script. Procedure Test; Var L1,L2:LongInt; BEGIN L2:=BuildResourceList(16, 13, 'Annotations/Data Tag (styles)/Architecture',L1); Message('There are ', L1,' Objects Symbols in the Subfolder'); End; Run(Test);
  12. Thanks Tom. I thought I was using the true Default, but I must have made a change before U4, so I only got the Windows menu version, not the Model menu option.
  13. And if you are using a default workspace it is under Window:Palettes:Web Palettes:AI Visualizer
  14. These are not shapes that are going to be easy in VW, especially the first image. For the others either NURBS or Subdivisions may work. For NURBS, create a closed NURBS curve for each petal. Duplicate it and Convert to NURBS Surface. Assign an appropriate texture. Select the original curve and do a Loft with Single Rail to give the thickened edge. But you might be better off doing this in a different program that is better at this kind of stuff like Blender. It will depend on how "nature inspired" you need to be. And one of my thoughts is that a number of these where not "designed", but rather "conceptualized" and then the technician/artist who did the actual construction was given lots of leeway in the actual build.
  15. Are you done? Or would a script still be helpful? Are the Code and the desired Class Name the same? If so it will be quite easy.
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