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    MCIAT Chartered Architectural Technologist
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  1. The percentage who produce documentation in a secure environment, with no connection to the internet, must be infinitesimal. Especially compared to the potential market for a browser-based VW. But perhaps a way around this would be for VW to provide a self-hosted version that offices can run on computer or local server.
  2. When you run the installer, there's now an option to install the Viewer. Run the installer again and make sure this is unchecked amd you've put your serial number in. This could be made a lot clearer if the wording was changed from "Install Viewer" to "Install Vectorworks Viewer only". "Install Viewer" sounds far too much like something the user "should" be installing in their mind.
  3. So have you all checked your VW customer portal? https://customers.vectorworks.net/dashboard
  4. Just make sure you set the Story for each duplicate layer and the walls should come right. You don't need to set a Story Level. (Reflecting on this, I think when we duplicate a layer the Story setting should get carried over instead of being reset)
  5. Something has changed at VW over the past few years. It feels like well-implemented new features are becoming the rule rather than the exception 👏🏼
  6. I'm still unable to upvote people comments in my own threads @JuanP
  7. Ability to create a watertight mesh around open or closed meshes, NURBS geometry, subdivision and point clouds.
  8. Try as I might, it stubbornly refuses to render flying cars, The Fifth Element style
  9. Can somebody post a screenshot of MiniCad 1.0 so we can reminisce about where we'd be if the user interface never changed?
  10. One of my favourite potential uses of AI Visualizer is the creation of seamless textures, however I've been unable to produce a weatherboard texture with a consistent board width. Anyone had luck with this? None of this seems to help: prompt: seamless texture, vertical shiplap timber weatherboard cladding, even width, uniform width, consistent width, regular width, equal width, unvarying width negative prompt: horizontal joint, varied width, irregular width, inconsistent width, unequal width creativity: 0
  11. I had a problem with the AI Visualiser window being blank and this fixed it. It repaired 26 files. Pretty sure that's the first time I've ever used the repair command to fix a problem I was having.
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