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2,595 Spectacular

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  1. I thought about (prefixes) that too. But all my Stiles and Materials Names already consist of such a row of abbreviations .... And that makes it even harder to read. Don't understand, why at least different Object Types, can't share a same name. Imagine to try to baptist your child and the priest says, sorry we already have a John Smith in New Jersey, please try another name.
  2. I also always have to fight with Names - already in use. Like e.g. Render Materials vs Building Materials and such things. I don't like that unique Naming requirement in general. I think that is what UUIDs are for.
  3. May be related to the Clip Cube narrow area. Otherwise, yes, looks exactly like my iPhone Lidar attempts 🙂
  4. Yes, looks like a low hanging fruit. Unfortunately no one at VW seemed to care about this special type of fruit. While otherwise, for wishes for more tedious implementations of long standing wishes/complaints, over the years we got so many low hanging fruit features instead where users do not care so much. E.g. wish in 2014 for 2 point perspective/architectural camera, once brought use camera banking instead at one point (?) It needs a VW 2025 to finally arrive. Potentially my most top feature from all VW 2025 features (?) Except we finally get a Speckle Connector for VW 2025, which would degrade 2 point perspective to 2nd top feature for me.
  5. Usually I upgraded older projects to 4.x when I want to export them again. (Where switching unfortunately means that you need to re-tag all custom Solid geometry manually again. And Magic Wand Tool still does not search for "is BIM tagged" (?) ) Not sure if the related project with the 1 m Symbols was converted or started with 4.x. In the end I never used 1 m Symbols again so far. Not sure if this a general IFC (4) problem or a VW implementation issue. Why IFC 4 ? I once asked Dion from BlenderBIM about which version to use and he said that I should prefer the most current versions. Not only because of important features but also for the IFC fixes and that their (BTW excellent) support also concentrates on newer versions. Currently all Landscape and GIS users ask for support and jump to latest 4.x versions because of the coming DTM tags anyway.
  6. Also my experience since over 20 years. Sooner or later at one point you will get punished for doing so. I still don't use mirroring anywhere in 3D. I tediously copy and rotate instead. It started with Microstation > DWG > 3DSMax. Every mirrored object did not translate into Max. Now similar with IFC. Inserting scaled universal 1x1x1 m Symbols also do not translate to IFC 4. Scaled Symbols/Blocks can be nearly as dangerous as mirroring.
  7. Looks like your geometry (or any lost parts) are far from VW's internal origin.
  8. That's the (terrible) way it was many years ago. But that was once fixed and since then worked reliably for me (with VW 2016 or so ?) It respected and did not lose Selection when dragging. Is that a regression ? I read a similar post on the german forum a few days ago too, but thought he may use just a very old VW version.
  9. I really 100% like that initial idea for BIM coordination and management between different project parties. The problem is just that we didn't have any form of exchange between our CAD and/or 3D Apps in cases where we won't to really collaborate or work on the same BIM Model in a VW Project Sharing way. And IFC, even never meant as an import/export, often overall does this still better than all other existing also lossy export formats. Hence the IFC misuse. That is why I hope for Speckle. Currently I still can even test Speckle in terms of lossless collaboration between different Apps, as beside Blender and IFC direct upload, neither VW nor Bricscad currently have Speckle Connectors. (Currently I do not have access to Archicad/Revit/ .... users willing to play Speckle exchange with me) Once one of my CADs get's a Connector, I will be finally able to test if if it allows a lossless 2way exchange.
  10. I made exactly the same RVT experience as you since years. But IFC is also no fun. If you can use it just as an underlay like a file reference it may be ok though. I am still not sure if it is "only" a VW problem. E.g. Sometimes I get things like each Sprinkler as a separate single instanced Block in DWG or Bricscad too. Although for me these look exactly the same, Bricscad AI is not able to recognize/purge these to a single Block. Or in lack of adequate tools Revit users will model each facade panel with non instanced copies of of Wall Objects. RVT and IFC imports in VW come in in unnecessary Containers containing arbitrarily useless deeply nested Group orgies. Solid import option shows Solid Additions but if you go into Edit Mode you realize it contains loose 3D Faces though. Windows and Doors initially look like a Door or Window but in reality it is just a PIO using a Symbol, not even adapting PIO dimensions to actual dimensions. And once you rename such an important Door Symbol VW loses the Link and its geometry. Not sure if there were any VW RVT improvements during the last two years. So far my Bricscad imports were more useful but still far from a true exchange or collaboration. For the near future I hope for a Speckle Connector for VW.
  11. I do. Standard Public Beta. I think VW, Bricscad, Blender are ok so far. Beside, still some havoc with Spaces, Mail, erratic Bluetooth connexion losses of my original Magic Mouse and such issues. No iPhone Synch or Intelligent Apple as I live in the EU.
  12. I am waiting until they will be discussed here or I read them in the release notes.
  13. I think it is @JuanP that will delegate it to the right person (?)
  14. That was when the Forum Software was updated/changed. They did not convert/reattach all the old attachments. But they are still there. If you ask a web admin they can search for such files and reattach them. In the past Jim W did this from time to time if there was a demand.
  15. Hmmh, I did not have such issues so far. Thought because of being a desktop and single monitor user. But I usually always "maxed out" my CAD/BIM/3D App's Windows by green light while holding ALT. So basically maxed out but between Menu Bar and Dock .....
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