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Andy Broomell

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  1. On the design layer, the Shaded Edges are somehow tied to or limited by the resolution of your monitor. If your Shaded Options are set to turn on Anti-Aliasing, and the edge thickness is 1, then that's about all you can do. You could try increasing the Crease Angle to see fewer edges, perhaps? You might also check the resolution settings for your monitor under System Settings < Display. Hypothetically increasing the resolution would make the Shaded Edges appear smaller and crisper. Hopefully you're working on a larger external monitor.
  2. This issue was really bad in 2022, though in recent years I've only rarely seen it. Still pops up occasionally though. I just found an unaddressed VB of mine on the topic to add to the list: VB-185124 from 2022-02-04.
  3. I set mine up to always insert onto a particular class that has the attributes I want. This can be done by right clicking the Style in the Resources Manager and choosing Plug-In Object Style Options. The little button to the left determines whether instances are then "locked" to that class or could be changed per instance after the fact.
  4. I don't even get an "Edit" option when right clicking a Symbol not-inserted-into-wall.
  5. Oh you're right. How strange. Maybe it does require an actual Preferences reset? What a dumb inconsistency...
  6. You should be able to reset it simply by accessing the dialog via the right click "Edit" menu that you mentioned. This isn't the same as other "always do" preferences; it's much easier to reset / change on the fly 🙂
  7. At the very least, I wish it were one of those preferences where it would remember across sessions whatever you did last and always use that as the "default." Sort of like how Section Viewport preferences seem to always defer to whatever you did last even across files.
  8. The new Search / Replace command is fantastic! Thanks Paolo!
  9. So many of the projects you've been involved with have been huge improvements to the software, and as always I appreciate your expertise. 🙌 Simultaneously, I feel like we've heard this exact same sentence (from various folks) for at least a decade in terms of why the 2D representation of windows/doors can't be made to work better. There's always some other thing being fixed first. I just want a basic 2D door and a basic 2D window drawn following entertainment industry conventions, but neither is possible without inefficient workarounds (see VE-105502 and VE-105503... which might seem like small requests but are the bread and butter of set design). Not venting at you Matt, just the realities of software development. I'm sure these things will be addressed in time, I just hope I haven't retired by then, or replaced by AI 😆
  10. This would also be incredibly useful every time you buy something from an online source such as Turbosquid in the frequent occasions when the .obj doesn't come in with the textures for whatever reason. Being able to import the .fbx instead would be an easy and reliable alternative.
  11. I use this tool all the time and it's such a time saver. Has anyone else had issues where occasionally the size of the breaks/jogs will suddenly be miniscule? I've found this happens when the Breakline is within Viewport Annotations; it's almost like the break size is recomputed as being in World Units instead of Page Units. (Referring the Break Size Pts parameter). It doesn't happen when the Breakline is first drawn, but rather at some point later when I come back to the viewport I see the breaks are tiny. Forcing a redraw of the Breakline object results in the correct size once again. This doesn't occur in 1:1 viewports, which is why I think it has something to do with the scale of the viewport applying twice or something.... I don't know enough about about scripting to be able to dive into the code myself, unfortunately.
  12. The 'default' for this should save into your template, so if you change it and then save over your template it should then be the starting point in future files. As for why it's the program default, I couldn't say.
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