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Tobias Kern

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    Nerdy by nature
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  1. Hey, if you have a non-flat 3D-Polygon (or Nurbs-Surface, Nurbs-Curve) you can scale it with the 3D-Dragger in Edit-Mode to factor = 0 (zero) to flatten it. Greetings from Germany Tobi Kapture 2025-02-05 at 09.38.01.mp4
  2. Hey, I made a wish for this in 2024, because I thought the same. Wish: VE-106305 The Grid-Line technology should be used for property/section lines to show property/section lines it in other section viewports like Grid-Lines. Meanwhile, you can hijack Grid-Lines for property/section lines in SVP. Greetings Tobi
  3. Attached is a Herringbone similar Hatch for VW 2025. but not 6' by 5.375" Greetings Tobi Hatch Herringbone.vwx
  4. Hey, the algorithm fails with 6' by 5.375" the pattern won't be seamless, if i rotate it back 45° But you can use a Mosaic with absolute size instead. Attached some tests with VW 2025. Greetings Tobi test.vwx
  5. @Tom W. I tried a bit. The trick is to rotate the pattern by 45° Left is the ready to use hatch Right is the base for the hatch Later you can rotate the hatch back. The base I used is custom and not 6' by 5.375' Greetings Tobi
  6. Hey @Daniel OKane, greetings. If you predefine me a file (VW 2024/2025), I can try to convert the pattern into a hatch. Please prepare the pattern so that it can be seamless and place it in an equilateral rectangle (border). Everything inside the border should consist of lines. Greetings from Germany Tobi
  7. @Matt Panzer Report is here: https://jira.vectorworks.net/browse/VB-209298 Found 2nd Bug: After working Story Elevation change, not all Walls are redrawn correctly visually wise in 3D. Greetings Tobi
  8. Hey VW-Team, stacked Walls would be a dream! But don't forget Slabs. "Stacked" Slabs should also be considered and should be come hand-in-hand with stacked walls! Slab with edge insulation should be possible with one Slab-Style! In the example, you see a finish floor with edge insulation and an unfinished concrete floor also with edge insulation. Greetings from Germany Tobi
  9. @Matt Panzer, Hey Matt, greetings to you and wish you a late Happy New Year. I got crashes too, I investigated a little bit and I think for my crashes, I got the solution. In my crash-file I have Walls connected with Roofs and this is for me problematic. If I change the Story Elevation of the lowest story WITH Walls connected to Roofs AND want that this change influences all Stories above the lowest Story = VW Crash If I disconnect Walls from Roofs, everything is fine. I will make a Bug Report today and send you here the Bug-No. / / / Maybe this helps for the other users too.! Greetings from Germany Tobi
  10. Hey @ashot You are very welcome. I tried again to convert your requested Hatches, but the conversation calculation struggles with: 02, 04, 05, 07. The converted Hatches misses a lot of lines. More tests are needed here, but i think the tool is the problem Hatch 06 are over 500 Layer, so sadly no conversation! It seems that the conversation needs more Layers, then lines. I attached you the new file (VW 2025)! I will make a Bug/Wish-Report about the problem, but I do not think we have good chance for an updated version in a foreseeable future. Sorry that I can't help you more! Greetings from Germany Tobi Five Hatches repeat creation from Updated Line Geometry to meet Limit Tobi2.vwx
  11. Hey @ashot, I tried to convert your Hatches. Some of them work, and some not because: 1. Only lines are allowed, not polygons, polylines etc. as base. 2. There is a limit of 500 layers in the Hatch Note: If more than 50 layers in the Hatch are created, this can slow down VW. Hope this helps you. Working: Hatch: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 Faulty: Hatch: 4 (maybe because of the limitations?) Not working: Hatch: 5, 6, 7 (because of the limitations) If I can help, please let me know! Greetings from Germany Tobi Nine Hatches creation from Line Geometry Required.vwx
  12. Hey, You can use that value in Data Tags for Elevation Benchmarks. The value is unfortunately not available in Worksheets. … but maybe I missed something. Maybe it is possible to create an Record Format and link the value with the Data Manager into a Data Field in the Record Format. I have to play around with that in the coming days. Greetings from Germany Tobi
  13. Hey. you can use Structural Member Tool and insert the Symbol as profile. Save your Structural Member as Style and you are good to go. Greeting Tobi
  14. Hey VW-Forum, I'm looking for a function to find out if an object (e.g. a Window) is a subpart of a parent-object (e.g. a Wall), or is not a subpart of that parent-object. Boolean: True/False Window solo: is subpart = False Window inserted into a Wall: is subpart = True I do not have any idea at the moment. If such a function (or another solution) is not existing i would make a Wish for that. Greetings and thanks for help Tobi
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