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Tobias Kern

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    Nerdy by nature
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  1. Hey Virturalenvirons, a tutorial would be nice. Thanks in advance Greetings Tobi
  2. Hi, there are some Marionettes for stairs out in the wilderness. Greetings Tobi
  3. Hi Jeff, no worries, I'm totally fine and happy. The forum is a big family.
  4. Hi markdd, thanks for the new example. I will solve my "problem" with this technique. … but I change the Yes/No decision with: #WS_# because then this data field is "greyed out" in "Edit Data Tag". Thanks again for your help and time Have a nice weekend Tobi
  5. Hi Jeff, I know that most of the examples in VW can be solved, but it is often a long way and not necessarily user-friendly. Greetings Tobi
  6. Hi TomKen Sections are much more flexible to use in Sketchup. There are a lot more possibilities and they are faster to reach 1. Sections are visible as a plane in 3D. If one is active, you can see the others too. 2. You can rotate, tilt and move them in 3D 3. You can hide/show the Section-Planes by one-click 4. You can hide/show section area by one-click 5. You can select which Section is active and you can have more than one Section active at one (its's a special technique, but it works) 6. You have managing menu for all object to select the Sections fast and easy Greetings Tobi Kapture 2024-06-27 at 20.59.46.mp4
  7. Hey markdd, greetings, and thanks for your help and time you spend. I also thought of such a similar solution, but initially discarded it because I wanted to know if there was a more "direct" solution. I see that you have attached the record to the data tag and not to the grade object. I had never attached a record directly to a data tag itself before. My thinking has always been that the record is attached to the grade object. If this had been the case, it would not have worked with one data tag, I would always have needed two different data tags to get two different values, as the Grade object can only have either the YES or NO state with the linked Record. I wanted to build a solution that was as easy to use as possible with just one data tag without an additional record (at least that was the original idea). In any case, using =DataTagField() does not work. I will probably have to fill out the request form to find my desired get my desired consideration. Merci and have a good weekend Tobi
  8. Hi Forum, I have a Data Tag with some different data tag data fields. One of them is type: boolean Now I tried to create a function/formula in another data tag field of the same data tag to query the boolean data field. e.g. if boolean date field = true; then … I tried to operate with: #WS_DataTagField('xyz')# where 'xyz' is the name of the boolean data tag, to get the date of this field, but no success. The screenshot uses the German syntax and functions! It seems that =DataTagField() can't be used in this way within a Data Tag OR I missed something. … my guess is that the function needs more information about which data tag the data should come from!? Does anybody tried such similar with success? Greetings and thanks in advance for help Tobi testfile.vwx
  9. Hey, It's time to rethink the "Section Tool" so that the tool can fulfill modern needs (2D/3D), isn't it? I hope VW Inc. has this on the agenda. Sections/Cuts are a very important aspect of planning! Enclosed a short video how easy it works in Sketchup! It almost doesn't need much more in handling. Greetings and have a nice week Tobi Kapture 2024-06-27 at 09.36.06.mp4
  10. Hey! Another very nice approach is the use of round walls. Walls offers the possibility to edit the top side by double-clicking. This allows you to create relative even gradients quite well. From a wall created in this way, you could again derive a Nurbs curve with "Extract" Certainly not all modeling requirements can be derived with walls, but some certainly can. Greetings from Germany Tobi
  11. Hi Jeff, can you please upload the training video in this thread? Thanks in advance, Greetings and have a nice week Tobi
  12. @Jeff Prince Great video with great music!
  13. Hey, @Arconic I tested the behavior. I would say it is definitely an issue with empty lines at the end of textfields. If I delete the empty lines, the textfield works for me. by-the-way: I wrote some bugreport about this issue, but I haven't got a response from VW Inc. Greetings Tobi
  14. Hi, I noticed problems with textfields if there are empty lines at the end of textfields. I mean you press enter/return and don‘t write text. If in the last line is some text, the textfiles works much better. Can you please send some examples? Greetings Tobi
  15. Hi zoomer, Anything can happen in IT. Years ago, I had internet problems for 3/4 of a year because a power supply unit of a router was defective two houses (same property) away. A technician was able to detect interference with a cheap Chinese radio. The interferer (power supply unit) was found and removed and the Internet and the Fritzbox router worked perfectly again. Since then, I believe that anything is possible! Greetings Tobi
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