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Easy one - drawing table auto positioning



Hello All,


I would love it if drawing labels could be auto positioned in relation to the parent viewport.


Users could pick a specific viewport corner (top left, bottom left, top right, bottom right) and define a label offset from it (ie x: 0mm, y: -15mm). It would also be very neat if this were integrated into the drawing label style definition, as different labels will require different offsets from the viewport crop. To supplement this it would be cool if a new 'enable crop to content' checkbox were added in the sheet creation dialog, so the label offset knows where to offset from.


At the moment each new viewport starts off uncropped, and the drawing label seems to appear where it likes. Each viewport then needs manual cropping and the drawing label repositioned to get a consistent look for every viewport. I reckon 1 minute work time could be saved per viewport. So for a project with 60 drawings, each with at least one viewport per sheet = 1 hour saved. Of course please let me know if this feature exists and I've missed it 🙂


Adding some sort of drawing label auto position would be a really nice micro time saver!

Thanks for considering 🙂

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My preference - though I'm guessing this is not feasible & may have drawbacks I haven't thought of - would be for the Drawing Label to be outside of the annotation space, linked to the viewport, but allowed to move independently of it AND allow labels to be aligned with each other.

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31 minutes ago, E|FA said:

My preference - though I'm guessing this is not feasible & may have drawbacks I haven't thought of - would be for the Drawing Label to be outside of the annotation space, linked to the viewport, but allowed to move independently of it AND allow labels to be aligned with each other.


Sounds like a case for the "Annotations Mega Mode" again...


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They need to be dynamic.  And by that I mean fixed to a slider which allows you to move it from sheet border edge to sheet border edge.  We can't trust the extents of the viewport because sometimes those are all over the place.  So how do we know when we are aligned to the edge of the geometry in the viewport, or the center?  By using the snapping guides a la photoshop, which make this kind of graphic design work a breeze.  

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7 hours ago, BG said:

Could there just be a handle available outside the viewport? This would avoid having to enter the viewport to shift the label?


I agree. This is essentially the 'annotations mega mode' that is discussed in the other thread: where you'd be able to select multiple drawings labels at the same time + use the Align commands or whatever to easily arrange them across the whole sheet. Would be great.

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