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Matt Panzer

Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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    Architectural Product Planner
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  1. Hi @Michael Siggers, Can you send me the file via direct message?
  2. I'm so tempted to use my bottled politician response again here and I'm not sure what to say otherwise. It does come up a lot and I, personally, would like to address this sooner than later. I'll leave it at that for now.
  3. You know me too well, Tom! 😂 Unfortunately, I need to speak like a politician sometimes or risk having things I say taken as a promise for the next update version. 😉 Nevertheless, improving how inserts work with roofs and slabs is very important and is definitely on our radar but I can't give a precise timescale for it at this point.
  4. Hello @GatRed, This is a known issue (VB-199905). I added a not to the bug report to try to bump it up in priority.
  5. Right. After getting out of the drainpipe, I thoroughly noted these details on the bug report. 🙂
  6. Thank you! I knew that praise up front had something else coming. 😉 ...and I agree that this happens often but I do my best to sprinkle in these smaller (but very important) requests in where possible. I get it and (believe it or not) I actually read over both of those VE's last week. As you noted, our team has been involved in a number of large projects and, while there are others currently being planned, we do want to focus some of our team on these types of improvements.
  7. Calling @Matt Panzer... 🙂 Sill improvements are certainly on our radar but I'm not sure on time frame. We're currently working on a large complex project and, once that's complete, we'd like to attack some of the smaller long standing requests like this. I wish I had more to say but that's all I know at the moment. 🙂
  8. The original file submitted with the bug has four wall feature objects in it. I found and deleted them using Custom Selection and can no longer reproduce the crash. This was just a quick test but that seems to be the cause.
  9. In the case of the single wall in the trimmed down version of your file, it looks like a wall feature is causing the crash. Deleting the feature before changing the wall height avoids the crash.
  10. Yes. When I first reported it to Tech Support they gave it a number - VB-207915. This was on 10.23.24. I took a look and the bug is currently unresolved. I was able to simplify the test file down to a file containing only one of the wall objects that seem to be triggering the issue. This should help the engineer troubleshoot the issue but I don't know when this might get fixed.
  11. Thanks for the file, @marveln22, There does seem to be more trouble rendering surface hatches when rendering a wall "By Object". I would reccommend doing the following to improve the results but using the Sketch" effect will still generate overlapping ends of lines due to how the 3D geometry is rendered. Add a component to the wall with the same thickness and texture as the wall. Set the Render mode in the Render tab of the Object Info palette to "By Component". You can see there is some improvement on the wall to the left in the attached video and file. For the overlapping issues of the Sketch effect, you could tweak the Sketch settings to try to reduce the problem but that may not be the look you want elsewhere. ScreenFlow.mp4 curved wall-MGP.vwx
  12. Hi @marveln22 Can you attach a file with just that wall in it and with the same render settings? Note: The hatch lines are most likely not continuous lines across the full length of the arc path wall due to how the surface hatch placed on the 3D geometry. This is likely causing the overlapping effect at the ends of these line when using the Sketch feature. However, I would not expect a vertical change between them as shown in your screenshot.
  13. The reason for this is because the catalog item is by style so only one catalog item can be used for that style. You can edit the style and make the catalog item by instance by toggling the style button (see image) to allow instances of the style to choose different items which will also enable the "Select from Catalog" button in the Object Info palette. The reason we made the catalog item by style in our content is because it's recommended (for doors and windows) to use one catalog item per style to make it easier to manage, report on, etc.
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