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  1. Thanks everyone for a really great discussion and good suggestions, the tech folks who code this stuff and make it all possible do a fantastic job, glad we can all provide constrictive comments as my search for bullnose stair treads continues. 😁
  2. Of course, but it does make for good discourse 😊anyway, I didn’t even think about third party programs, good suggestion, thanks.
  3. Hmmm.. Jeff, you have a point, but going forward I think that the evolution of parametric modeling for BIM purposes and the world of 3D rendering are slowly melding. Us "older" CAD users have seen an exponential growth over recent years. Up until recently, parametric modeling has been pretty basic as you said, but with the advent of Red Shift, 5D, Enscape, V-Ray, etc. as stand alone and plugins, we're seeing a progression where 3D rending is just a phase of design process before we get to construction documents. Because of this powerful connectivity, I've recently began modeling and rendering simultaneously during the design process, even though parametric tools might still be in basic mode, it's amazing how much you can do with them in rendering mode to convey an idea. Soon we'll be doing it all, all at once with AI.
  4. It would be really great if they can recode the dormer to accept actual windows instead, I use dormers a lot, and I'm always having to change window styles while designing, so I find I have to constantly explode and create Symbols each time, feature request here Vectorworks...
  5. I have the same problem, and I'm not an advocate for exploding intelligent objects into individual parts, as a designer, I'm constantly experimenting and showing client's different ideas, so being able to manipulate the interior side of a dormer while it is a "dormer" is more efficient way of designing, and exactly the intent of these intelligent objects.
  6. then you lose the feature rich options for reconfiguring stairs as the design evolves and you need to reconfigure stairs, which happens quite a lot when you're in design mode.
  7. thanks, I'll have to dig deeper and see if I can find how to put a 3D selected newel post into the end of a stair rail, didn't find a way yet other than just dropping one into place on top of the last tread. Same for showing a stair in multiple floor stories and then having that show up on each floor plan, like for a 5 or 6 story building? So far I found only being able to select one additional story from the stair 2D configuration.
  8. Handrails is another matter, would be nice to select a handrail shape like in railings, and yet another cool feature would be to allow for selection of an end newel post, like the fancy ones we see in older homes, I do lots of home remodeling. And on another note, although the stair feature in Vectorworks is pretty powerful tool when it comes to two story buildings, i.e. houses, as you can assign 2D graphics to show that stair on two different levels, it falls short when you have 3 or more stories, but that's another matter, reason I bring this up, if we explode the stairs we lose that feature. But then again, based on Jeff's suggestion probably could generate a bullnose extruded shape and apply to the edge of the treads. thanks all.
  9. Is it possible to put a bullnose on the stair treads? If I'm working in 3D and I have a zoomed in view facing a stairway, the edges are all square. In reality most wood stairs are bullnose, looks a big goofy, especially when I render in 5D or Enscape. thanks.
  10. HI, I'm having similar problems, just upgraded to the new Vectorworks 2025, Update 1 (Build 780313) crashes constantly while working in D5. Sometimes it just crashes after I click the fire up D5 button while D5 is starting up, other times, and mostly when I'm just working in D5 with Vectorworks in the background, Vectorworks just goes away, poof, without any warning. When I'm working on Vectorworks without firing up D5, it rarely if ever crashes. Attached is an image of what I see often in the Task Manager while running D5, don't know if this is related. Dell Precision 3680, 128GB RAM, i9-14900 processor, NVidia RTX A4000 ada Generation cheers, Anthony
  11. Thanks, capping in this way does seem to help, cheers.
  12. Sure, I just made a file from scratch, that way we can be sure I didn't corrupt the file I've been working on, it's about 400mb or so anyway rather large to post. This file is from scratch, just the roof, dormer and a background rectangle. I created a roof with a dormer and put a rectangle underneath to see the results, same results. See attached vwx and pdf generated from the .vwx cheers, Anthony Roof dormer disappearing in viewport.vwx Roof dormer disappearing in viewort.pdf
  13. Thanks Jeff, I should be more specific, I'm running Dell Precision 7670 Laptop, 12th Gen i9-12950HX, 64GB RAM, nVidia RTX 4500. I should add that any combination of classes and layers that I turn on or off in that viewport, i.e. everything on, only items I want displayed on etc. still the same result. Try it and see if you get the same results. create a roof place a window in Vectorworks and explode it and make a symbol out of it (it's how you make dormers) activate that window and place it on the roof, the Dormer dialog box appears to allow you to configure your dormer create a viewport and place it on a Sheet layer publish, print or just export to pdf Make sure the viewport is set to Top/Plan View and Wireframe Background Render. let me know if you get the same result, it might be a graphics card issue, i do have 24gb graphics card, so who knows. cheers, Anthony
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