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Kevin Allen

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966 Spectacular

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  • Occupation
    Experiential, Scenic and Lighting Designer
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  • Hobbies
    figurative drawing
  • Location
    United States

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  1. I have not looked, but two approaches; create a new design layer for the walls with a Z at the stage height or change the bottom Z of the walls in the OIP.
  2. I have made custom textures for all of my favorite fabrics. If needed, I enter the weights and such in the OIP
  3. Select a SLVP, go to the OIP and change the scale.
  4. I would start with a circle, and then either split or clip to get the flat edge and extrude. many different ways.
  5. I've made exploded views with VWX but it is a bit of a PITA
  6. Data Tags are not the be all and end all solution for every user in every situation.
  7. I think the point is two fold, the evolution from MiniCAD 1.0 was most just that 'evolutionary.' I think there was one other major exception. The other thing I point out is that one of the key sales points for VWX is that it is very customizable. The new GUI is not. The users asked for incremental change and got revolutionary change. I have been using the new GUI since the first beta. Maybe even an alpha version.I still hunt for things and find some of the icons inscrutable. I am frustrated with some of the placements. I have all of the typographic controls turned off, but that leaves unused real estate and I can't move things I use around. It can only get better and hopefully it will
  8. For example many of us preferred the snapping controls in a floating positionable palette. But that didn't work for the programmers on Windows, so they are where they are now,
  9. There were many requests, mostly involved larger type in the OIP and elsewhere. Many of your comments were brought up by the beta testers.
  10. I don't know how or if VWX can handle the printing, but I am sure many folks could use this.
  11. Does Adobe want to much in licensing fees? I am an Adobe user. Every graphic designer I know uses Illustrator. Every show I do needs a logo. converting in Joe's really good free or cheap website is not necessarily a good option. Exporting from AI to DXF, importing the DXF and rebuilding in VW is fraught with the possibility of errors.
  12. Is that a curtain/softgoods object? Increase the visual fullness.
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