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Kevin Allen

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1,003 Spectacular

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  • Occupation
    Experiential, Scenic and Lighting Designer
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  • Hobbies
    figurative drawing
  • Location
    United States

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  1. There used to be, maybe one day we'll have that again.
  2. I don't think the lines are properly aligned. Once aligned, they need to be converted to NURBS and then composed. Then you can extrude along the path.
  3. I do not see any curves, only straight line?
  4. are those plain old lines, or did you use the poly line tool?
  5. Is this part of the power planning tools?
  6. does the polygon have a solid fill?
  7. I am sure there are many users who would prefer to go back to the look of the GUI before the recent (v2024?) changes. That should b e possible.I also think it ought to be possible to create our own icons.
  8. Hi Stuart! Been waaaay too long. The Editor is somewhat improved,but it still has a way to go.
  9. Redshift is not yet usable. Shaded doesn't provide an adequate preview.
  10. Do you nabe a similar curtains you can duplicate to get over the hurdle?
  11. I pretty much only model stairs. The tool is only good, for me, when not a visual element. I would be nice if these tools ,including walls, windows, and doors were more comprehensive,but it is what it is.
  12. this is a serious omission, I hardly ever use the stair tool. Only for "backstage" stuff where the look really doesn't matter.
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