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Jonathan Pickup

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699 Spectacular

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  • Occupation
    Vectorworks Trainer
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  • Hobbies
    motorbikes, cooking, photography
  • Location
    New Zealand

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  1. if you use working planes and want to rotate the working plane, you will have to turn the 3D Axes back on.
  2. when you increase the smoothing angle the lines go away:
  3. you are most welcome. it was an interesting roof as it looks symetrical, but it is not.
  4. can you share this detail in a Vectorworks file, i'll have a look if all else fails, draw a temporary arc and dimension that, turn off association and delete or hide the arc.
  5. This might help. Vectorworks 2021 - Working Plane and Align Plane - Podcast 225 https://youtu.be/nMs6AZx7wBA
  6. do you have click-drag drawing turned on? if so, turn it off, or drag for the second click
  7. the answer is to use a custom line style. Create a complex line style and then draw the shape that you want for the lawn. do you want this one?
  8. can we see a file with the all in it, just a small sample will do.
  9. you really need two buttons and mouse wheel with a button, I use a range, Microsoft, Logitech, the Microsoft mice are cheap and rugged. the Logitech has extra buttons I never use. I have found the Microsoft ones more reliable for tracking movement over graphic mouse mats. I always use Bluetooth mice now, never with a dongle.
  10. The problem with white is that we expect white in real life, so we see it. Its an optical illusion, our eyes see grey, but our brain says white... we have to add enough light to trick us
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