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Matt Overton

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Everything posted by Matt Overton

  1. Design layer scale is purely a visual convenience to the user nothing more and doesn't impact the BIM FULLNESS either positive or negative. It does help people better convey intent by always having an eye on how the output will be read by others. It should stay. After all, why invest time to make the program worse?
  2. Longer answer repost or get moderator to move to Wishlist as that would be a valuable feature.
  3. It's a price you have to pay if you really really want one. I see vesa being basically default option, what is a rip is the vesa mount isn't included in the price.
  4. Turner Hughes Architects is a friendly boutique practice established in 1990 specialising in television and media projects, fitouts and high end residential. We have an immediate opportunity for a graduate architect with 2-3 years local experience. To be considered for this role you must have previously worked in the local market and are Vectorworks proficient. Our team based approach means you will get work from inception to completion including site and contract administration experience. We provide mentorship and assist with the Board of Architects registration process. Essential criteria: Tertiary qualification in Architecture Good written and verbal communication skills Proficiency with Vectorworks Please email your application to tha@turnerhughes.com.au
  5. If you create section viewports instead of just 3D views of elevations you get a lot more control needed for reasonable technical elevations including ability to set depth cut off for the section.
  6. And the scripting system has to recreate 10 times the function from scratch each time you edit it can't just ignore stuff you don't need. Still not enough to cause the sorts of 30sec plus slowdowns we see in some large masterplan files.
  7. Yes please. Also would be useful have an option to navigate visible layers only.
  8. When dealing with files imported from others it would be super handy to have and Edit Class option at the top of the list similar to New Class.
  9. You can make a snapshot (select site model, button on object info palette) of the site model and move it vertically.
  10. Design Layer Viewports are basically an advancement on Layer Links. Offering control of layers and classes and referencing from other files. I used to use Layer Links a lot but the big advantage DLVeiwports offers is you can mix and match treatments for different parts of the building and have just a single object. So if you divide each floor into say Core, Shell / Internal and Balconies you still only have one referenced object per floor not 3 or more.
  11. Or just not allow them at all. Require file to be saved as a non-project file before origin can be moved.
  12. A section viewport lets you set the perspective and will give a one vanishing point based one centre point of the crop object (as far as I've been able to work out).
  13. Yes works best and means associated hatches on textures show up. Still sure would be handy to have sunlight be a viewport setting instead of a bunch of classed light-sources. 😉
  14. As in one person modeling the other presenting and annotating. Or two people modeling but different zones in the building, basement and tower but leaving podium for traditional conversation based coordinating.
  15. It does work well when there are natural boundaries between the people working.
  16. If everything ends up in a single 01-Plan file there is little value to the structure. To me, plan sheets might as well be in the model files for ease of working. Also there many advantages to having a single model or distinct sections of buildings of a complete file. Things that can't or won't be touched are also good boundaries for files. Break out rendered or subservient content in to other files such as Elevation, Sections & details. Also, Library and separate project files can be great places for prototypes schedules, like Walls, Door/Window, Generic Bathrooms / Kitchens even apartments.
  17. If the render is in a viewport sometimes you need to force the geometry to reset. Switching off the layer the vanity is in, render, then switch it on again usually does the trick.
  18. LOL...Fickle users Not sure blaming the customer further for a designer overstepping the mark and annoying the people who pay the bills is the best plan. I do understand as the screen has gotten larger and DPI denser then less colour variation is needed to make things recognizable. Still to think you can just strip it bear and rely just on shape in a programme as complex as CAD / BIM is pure hubris.
  19. Also thumbs up to calculations in the field, one VW great 'hidden' features.
  20. Agree fully but doesn't seem like it has much attention over the years.
  21. Why add another interface to help the user navigate a confusing interface? Better just to make storey interface non-confusing.
  22. It would good to have both kinds of auto save activated with individual timing settings.
  23. Is it a known issue that invoking the Multi-view within annotation space causes the viewport under edit to be destroyed? Generally to make it happen M-key pressed while the mouse is away from the bottom corner is another view is considered active. So pressing M key again cause a move to an unrelated view. Navigation by any means other than undo causes the viewport to be destroyed.
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