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    Architect specialising in Vectorworks Production Management, Sales, Customisation, and Training
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    www.stevenshorter.com www.modelity.co.uk https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenshorter
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  1. Sounds like a third party tool?
  2. ...or vice versa and create your callout databse using excel in the first place...
  3. If you place text using a callout, you could create a txt callout database which would contain all the text in all the callouts on the project. You can then import the txt file into excel as delimited text.
  4. Ah... I had the spaces filled when I place the tag. I would then set the fill attribute to None.
  5. Use a data tag in the viewport in which you are displaying the spaces in section?
  6. Wish we could pre-define which classes are on/off in the TBB, so that when it is updated/referenced classes are hidden on the sheet. We often have three different conditions/sheets for sketch and competition, planning and construction, and each needs a different graphic. It would be a lot easier to use one TBB and turn off classes universally, across multiple files. We could of course use a Viewport for the Sheet and use the TBB just for the editable but but that's a bit of a faff.
  7. Framing Member... CYO symbol profile. It is such a shame that other PIOs don't allow you to use a profile (Curtain Wall, Door Frame, Window Frame...hint, hint). You will have to build different profiles for each slab depth, but that's how the building is built ergo...
  8. I am in the resource manager, and I right click on a number of resources... It would be very useful if we could batch rename multiple resources at the same time, by bringing up the Batch Rename command for that type of resource, or similar.
  9. The massing model needs a huge update. It needs to create walls, spaces, slabs, as one would model it, and all update when you adjust the overall mass of the building. It creates walls and slabs but you cannot style them. It does not create spaces. You also need to be able to tell parts of the mass model to have different no. of floors. Currently you need multiple mass models. They cannot be controlled by one 'outline', e.g. the site boundary. You should be able to define floor to floor height and then no. of floors, and VW works out the height, whereas at present the only option is to set the overall height and then the no. of floors within it. The floors are expressed and physically extend beyond the boundary drawn. Never understood why. They should be invisible or a single line, as an option. ... However, it is possible to produce a worksheet to report aspects of the massing models, and use data visualisation on them. 5/10 could do better, would be my report. 😉
  10. I need to re-title this to: Symbols with 'Hole Component' need to engage with Slabs and remain Symbols outside of the Slab, and not become part of the slab modifier, like a Symbol would with a Wall.
  11. @jpkna I am not sure the process is the problem, but the rendering of the result. I think we have all suggested the same, although I suggest an internal viewport since the original query requested one file solution. So as per your suggestion, one layer or layers contain the building models, one layer contains the site. The buildings are viewports located and distributed on the site layer. Well proven and successful solution, but... I don't use any rendering software so have no idea what Twin Motion or Enscape would make of this solution. It sounds like Enscape is not able to render the viewport correctly? @Scott Schwartz, AIA said "I can't manipulate ONE rendering of ALL rendered on ONE site at once. It's a single image rendering I'm looking for. I don't want duplicate viewports to try and render for one final image." What we are suggesting is in the design layer, not the sheet. The sheet would contain a sheet layer viewport of the design layer viewports and site combined for the 'final image'.
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