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Tom Klaber

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  1. Not sure what the difference between a drawer and folder is - but I like this. If a sheet can only live in one drawer only - then we would need the ability to have each drawers have independent numbering - where our construction set and our filing set each have their own A-100 with different sets of notes.
  2. Went to the Instagram page - do not see any video about new features. Is it the Auto Hybrid video?
  3. It was even on Instagram as one of the marquee features of the SP. Just tested - seems to be solved. 👋
  4. .... Yup - the age old 'Vectorwork's Dilemma" = Odds of crash TIMES time lost since last backup PLUS time to open backup files and determine was lost PLUS time to resave and relink reference DIVIDED BY the amount of time you think it will take Vectorworks to finish determining that the paint-bucket polygon tool can not draw a polygon around the entire working space....
  5. That is great news. I literally just spent the last 10 minutes undoing everything because I forgot about this.
  6. The radio silence on this is also frustrating - at very least it would be great if @vectorworks could at least acknowledge this.
  7. No - have not solved it. Been on deadline - and so have not had the headspace to do all the recommended fixes - so just living with the frustration...
  8. I would love better graphics for windows - including single, double, and triple glazed options. It would be good to show the glazing panes.
  9. I think we have all taken turns asking for this... Its another one of those super frustrating ones - because the technical challenge is not obvious. You tell me you need a few years to develop a new stair tool to work with the new modeling engine blah blah... I understand - that sounds more difficult. Instituting a folder system for classes, layers, and sheets - its just a organizational overlay.... Should not take 20 years to get that working.
  10. Thanks. I will give that a try.
  11. This might seem small - but VW24 does not seem to save the tool pallet sizes between opens. I am forced to resize all my pallets at the start of every session. There is got to be a way for them to have a save state. This is such a clunky and disheartening way to start my Vectorworks day.
  12. Yes! @vectorworksSee previously requested: Need need need.
  13. The replace data box is what I am missing. Thank you! I guess ultimately - if I could dream - I would love for wall styles to work the way other styles work where I can select attributes to be BY STYLE or BY INSTANCE so that I can have easier global control over this.
  14. We have our smart wall tags reading the "Wall Mark" data for the wall. We have this set in the wall style - but changing the wall style does not update this field - and I see nowhere to mark this as a "BY STYLE" attribute. So when you first draw a wall it is correct as it fills it in using the style parameters, but if you change the wall type mark does not update. What am I doing wrong?
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