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  1. @Stephan Moenninghoff The output should be like this image.
  2. @Stephan Moenninghoff please refer to @Chuck Davidson post. Thanks. The rectangle should be rotating with lower left corner as the rotation point.
  3. Hi @Marissa Farrell , it is 2020 and i just started to explore marionette.πŸ˜… I am having the same problem with the tutorial no5 result and adding the 'Point3' node to the script does not work for me. Fyi, i am on VWX2020 SP5. Refer to the image & file attached. Marionette.vwx
  4. Acip79

    Space Label

    I think this should be in one of the enhancement in future release of vectorworks. Sometime we do needs more than 1 unit format in a file. As for me, my overall document units is in mm while where there is indication of levels it should be shown in meter.
  5. Hi, i dont know when will this issue gonna resolved. What happened to me now is sometime the title block do not appear and sometime the title block is not at the correct position on sheet. What i did is open the page setup, and simply press enter without changing any setting and the title block will be good. It sort of refreshing the file memory, i dunnoπŸ˜…. Hope this helps.
  6. @KIvanov Sorry, this would not be a good workaround because once we update the reference file all elements will be locked back. So the data tags will note attached to the elements. Furthermore if we move the data tags, a ⚠️ sign will appear meaning we need to reattached to its elements. We might need to repeat this steps whenever we update the reference file. VWX2020 SP3.1 (64-Bit)
  7. Hi there, I don't know if this would help you. I am using VWX 2020 now and there is still no floor tags included / introduced. So, the work around that I did is to attached a record format to the slab. Then use a data tag to extract the data via record format not the element data. Hope this helps. πŸ˜€
  8. Hi there, just wondering is this bugs been fixed in VWX2020? I am still on VWX2019 now. πŸ™‚
  9. Another thing with sheet border, whenever i update the title blocks some of the input added earlier i.e drawn by, checked by will be reset to default settings which i left it blank. So i need to key in again. Another issue i faced is interoperability with windows base server, i manage to resolved it on VWX2019 (thanks to VWX forum) and hopefully it will not happen again in VWX2020 since we do need to purchase a new license later. Just wondering why the issue in previous version is not fixed in the new version of WVX? We need to experience again and again for some issue. 😞
  10. Hi All, Done a study on this issue. Currently my model is referenced into my sheets file using 'layer import' option (based on suggested way to do it in Best Practice for Workgroup BIM). I tried to use 'design layer viewports' option and the issue on PDF is resolved. But I need any opinion if that is the correct way to do it or it will cause any other issue later on. Thanks,
  11. Hi All, I have another issue on VWX2019. Basically my spaces area are showing finish floor level (ffl) and structure slab level (ssl) and it is controlled by using spaces. The problem is, it shown exactly like i wanted but once i export it to pdf my ffl & ssl will show the same figure. And my level indicator changed from triangle to square. Do refer the attached image.Any help on this matter? πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡ FFL - SSL exported to PDF.pdf
  12. Hi, I have a question on data tag label. does it works on reference file? coz i separate model file from drawing/sheets file. do refer the image on how i setup my file. for info i am using project sharing workflow. Thanks in advance. * the only elements that the data tag label detect is spaces. door,window,wall etc are not detected. * only door that are not inserted in wall will be detected.
  13. @JMR This is a good setting indeed. Instead of using 'Assign Room Finish' tab in default VWX setting for space, i can just key in manually via the attached record. I shall use this settings if the issue is not resolved in future updates. Reason why i used the 'Assign Room Finish' option is i can control the information that needs to be key in because all the specs will be taken from a single file containing all specs needed. So it will all be standardised. Good to have a optional settings. Thanks, πŸ˜€
  14. Hi, So happy that VWX SP4 is released. Unfortunately these issue on two way finish schedule has not been resolved yet. I did sent it out as a bug report before. Can anyone help me on this please? πŸ˜”
  15. @JMR i am new to vwx architects & bim environment. So i would like to try all the default tools & features in vwx. But i will save ur workaround as an option. πŸ‘πŸ».
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