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Matt Overton

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650 Spectacular

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    Architect (Reg NSW-AU 9462)
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  1. Part of that job would be to put out workflow videos to show some of the handy hints that often get lost in all the noise of larger updates. As well as admonishing devs who are driving up the click count.
  2. Yes indeed I was hoping the so-called “materials” were going to ease this by coding in a lot more information about the items that create wall and slab build ups. Then avoiding the need to set 3 or 4 items per layer and allowing greater reused. to me it’s not so much the number of clicks but how little “smarts” come from all that time.
  3. The others options to update class settings are also great. colour would be a win. colour be tied to tags which are currently a bit buried from the user experience.
  4. There would be many objects this would be advantageous for. having to unlock would be a great sign to other team members to that should stay as it is.
  5. Yes, that does get much closer. The engine has interesting ideas about cricket. Prompt "group of highschool students playing cricket over a solid white background. "
  6. Surely, any thoughtful discussion of AI now must include recent events of ChatGPT literally stealing someone's voice. I'd think they bet the farm and have lost with the hubris of such a move.
  7. Is there a standard prompt that will isolate the "subject" from the background like an image that would be then useful for image props? Negative prompt - Background also variations of the positive prompt "remove background" have no effect.
  8. Yes bring back blueprint (please tell me I'm not the only one old enough to remember that). It was a stripped back version of minicad but could do all those sorts of mark-up tasks, and simple 2D drawings from memory could open and save MiniCad files directly. That level of product as a starting point would be great.
  9. Is this a city of constructed iceberg buildings?
  10. Looking more and more like we will get to a camera on hardhat providing a pointcloud of site conditions before we get a device to make direct file mark ups.
  11. Still, an "include/ignore always visible classes*" option would be handy it that case. *understanding don't have such a thing as always visible classes.
  12. Or it would be bad and make conversion super lazy.
  13. If you want something quick and don't need the skills on an ongoing basis. Then there is the Massing Model tool(s) under site planning that will quickly draw you a building and let you edit it. Sure not great if you care about the look of the building to any detail but ok for planning studies where you want to give a sense of a building.
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