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120 Spectacular


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  1. I 2nd @Jeff Prince in saying that its best practice to wait a while until you have a solid understanding before one starts messing with defaults of class creation that come with plug-in objects and symbols(plants, hardscapes, etc). Of course you can adjust graphic attributes for the classes, and control which ones are visible in many ways - but you can also get very far just with slight mods, before editing the details of the plugin options themselves. This video might help: INDUSTRY CLASS AND LAYER USE AND ORGANIZATION While I think the VW University is great, it can be hard to find the discipline specific info or help. I figured that since you had a lot of different questions, it thought it might help to check into either something like the Core Certification course, or alternatively something like the Core Concepts course (which has a section on Drawing Organization that covers classes and layers) to fill some of the gaps. While they take a lot of time (8-16 hours) these have given me a pretty strong base. Not sure how long you've been using VW - but I got the impression it wasn't super long - so forgive me if I'm mistaken! and my favourite most simple intro vid to classes/layers,
  2. I would highly recommend going through some of the basic site modeling and introductory landmark courses on Vectorworks university. When coming from another program, all of the options and possibilities in VW, as well as any differences in workflow can seem overwhelming or complicated. It's well worth your time, and will answer questions before you need to ask them.
  3. It is worth downloading the resource libraries for plants in Vectorworks, as there are many plant image props, 3d plants, etc. that you can use. The key to remember is that you have to add the 3d symbol for each plant style if it doesn't already have one. Just try searching latin names in the resource manager. I sometimes use similar types/looking plants if the exact species is not available to save time, but you can of course create as you go and build up your own library of image props/3d objects. You can also purchase good species specific plants from Globe Plants, Laubwerk...but $$$$.
  4. @Katarina Ollikainen I'm not at my computer for the next week, but here's a link to a post I made with similar issue on color displaying incorrectly (especially when using palettes like farrow & ball) https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/119795-colour-fills-display-as-grey/ There should be a file linked.
  5. I am actually coming here after searching how to replace multiple blocks created for each plant symbol instance ( a LOT) with just a single named block in ACAD. Doing this one at a time....is a PITA. That ToolPac looks handy....but can't justify the price for this single task.
  6. For these reasons, I have made it a point to request survey files/drawings in the specific coordinate system I would like, and with the file prepared as needed - so it is easy for us to use and not have errors in placement/orientation, etc. that can lead to problems later on.
  7. Do we know if there is a way to customize the placement of these in the style for a curb?
  8. You should be able to hide these red lines, no? Assuming they are on the Site-DTM-Modifier class, you can just disable the visibility of the class. Unless I am wrong and these modifiers are doing something different.
  9. For these kind of reasons , I generally would avoid switching to the latest version for serious project work until there are a few service updates. For all the benefits of new features, reliability and the ability to deliver is more important.
  10. VW comes with a default B/W viewport style, which you would just apply similar to how you apply/change between styles on other objects (e.g. hardscape, landscape area, plant). You can set which classes/layers are on or off in your viewport settings, as well as other properties like line thickness, transparency, etc. and save these as a style, or modify an existing one. Turning off all the fills, would generally make a plan black and white. You can download the sample project used for that video HERE , and take a look at the settings used for different viewport styles. It is pretty easy to work from these and adjust to your own layer/class naming.
  11. Thanks a lot Knut! Totally solved the issue (it was indeed set to 0, and individual LA's had ~9500vertices 🙃) Guess this is what happens when I haven't actually had to use this for work in a long time....completely forget the basics!
  12. I am also having a similar issue on VW 2024 -SP7 , when then trying to update the site model, it crashes. This occurs after having updated the preferences on about 30 landscape areas to select the layer for the site model, and the internal origin is very close. Can send a file, but its about 100mb. I have also tried in VW2025 sp2, and while it is not crashing, it seems to hang the program - at least 10minute by now
  13. Thanks for the link. Luckily, I need to make only some minor adjustments to preformatted worksheets for the moment 🥳
  14. Thanks @Tom W.! Worked like a charm. Where can one learn some of these basic commands? I don't even work with Excel much...but I haven't found much on VWhelp. Would come in handy as similar issues come up for slightly different cases even in the same report:
  15. Thanks @Tony Kostreski for the quick response! Good to know that different summing operations should be combined when needed. I haven't really fooled around much with reports yet, so there is likely a lot to learn 🙂 I've also put in an Area column, but is there a way to hide the 0 values? I have searched/am trying some forum solutions...but no luck yet. So far tried something like =IF('Area'=0, '***', 'Area') But no dice.
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