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  1. I am trying to export 3D loci to .dwg or dxf (either will do), and no matter what I do the 3D loci do not end up in the .dwg or dxf. The locus are just converted to 3D and all have z = zero as I don't need that data for my end use, and 0 is a valid number (just thinking in case VW is chucking them out like 'junk' DNA). VW Landmark 2018 file encl. along the with latest attempts with .dwg & dxf (from 2012 BricsCAD). Any help appreciated. 244_HEX_3D_loci.vwx 244_HEX_3D_loci.dwg 244_HEX_3D_loci.dxf
  2. I'm trying to export a selection of sheet layers to DWG. I've tried this via 'publish' and 'export'. To test the export, I've dragged the DWG into a blank file and I get this grid all over the drawing. I've tried messing with the settings but with no success. Can anyone help? Thank you.
  3. Hello Everyone, I am hoping someone can help me solve this issue. I work on with VWX 2020 on MAC. I tried to export a dwg/dxf and got this error: ODA Platform Error. Does anyone know what this is and how to solve it? I would appreciate any help. Thanks!!
  4. Hello Vectors, Is there a way to export the fill colour into a dwg export? As far as I know, if you set the line colour it will be exported as the fill colour. In this case I want to have it the other way around because I mostly use black line colours. This means that all my symbols will be exported as white.
  5. @Eric Gilbey, PLA @Vladislav Stanev @Tony Kostreski We need better control of our DWG export process from VW. In order to coordinate with almost everyone, we still rely on this process and unfortunately, it is an extremely time consuming process...both in Vectorworks and in AutoCAD to deliver a product that is acceptable. I have voiced several of these concerns in various topics/threads/forums before to no avail, so I am trying one last time! One thing in particular I am noticing now is that Hardscape objects become AutoCAD blocks, regardless of the export settings! This is BAD...very BAD. We need the ability to have clean, simple, traditional AutoCAD files with minimal time spent exploding and cleaning them up. Block objects are relatively useless to a consultant, who will completely disregard files we send if they have to spend too much time on them. Next. Even if I go through the process of EXPLODING the hardscape blocks in AutoCAD myself, the result is NINE (9) overlapping coincident objects! WHAT?!? This is horrendous! Even if I go through the OVERKILL command in AutoCAD to try and eliminate coincident objects, it will only delete (5) of the (9) overlapping polylines, leaving me with (4) redundant shapes and a pissed of consultant! I am sure these are the result of the SLAB sub-components being exported, but we need a way to ignore that and get simple 2D linework to export. One of the BIG challenges we now face with VW is what is the BEST hybrid geometry to use for exterior hardscape/paving/slabs? For a long time we used floors because they were simple and didn't have any of the issues mentioned above. Hardscapes, although they have made simple strides recently, have always had problems. Additionally they allowed us to manipulate 3D textures on the surface independently, very easily. Obviously, for complex grading scenarios they were ineffective, but for simple "flat world" 3D models, they were perfect...until 2019. VW destroyed FLOORS and their simplicity in 2019 and we have been forced to using Hardscapes. The problem, in addition to the aforementioned export problems, are Hardscape Styles SUCK - They don't act like other styles where, when edited from a central location (the Resource Manager), they should update globally...they don't. CANNOT manipulate 3D texture direction - Think of pavers. If you want to have a varied direction for paver patterns, perhaps following the longest edge or two linear patterns running perpindicular to one another, you cannot do it. It is impossible! 3D Textures sometimes just don't work. Matching properties to ones that do, recreating, editing styles or slab styles all fail to make textures even appear (wireframe) on hardscapes on occassion. I haven't been able to really dive into this specific problem because it happens at inopportune times Slab Styles will automatically switch or break from time to time and have to be manually reset on each object or use the match properties...this should be easily controlled By Style. I know you are making strides in the Hardscape object in VW2020 and I haven't had the chance to really test them yet, but I'm fairly certain that none of these issues have been resolved yet! THIS IS HUGE FOR US! Please find a way to fix these issues ASAP! We need a "Hardscape" tool and workflow that doesn't compromise our workflow...in any way, let alone in 4 or 5 different ways.
  6. Hi All,Magicians Box Monitor.dwg Why is it that when I export shapes into DWG, All of my arcs become segmented. I am designing in Vectorworks 2023 Fundamentals and my draftsperson is using AutoCAD. We can't communicate designs properly because when I export, I loose important information in the translation.Magicians Box Monitor.dwg 950906118_MagiciansBoxMonitor.vwx
  7. Hello, I've exported my design in Vectorworks via dwg so I can build in Sketchup. All my curved linework is showing up as segmented lines instead of the arcs. Is there something I'm missing when exporting the dwg to show the curves in Sketchup? screenshots attached. Thank you for any guidance on this issue. Lukas
  8. Hey Hive mind, I am using Vworks Spotlight 2023. The drafting coming from designers are large DWG files and they are taking forever to import. These are not super complicated drawings. The files are anywhere from 300kb to 60mbs. The larger ones are taking upward of 45 minutes to import. Is there a faster way to open these in vectorworks? I also use AutoCAD 2020 (but prefer working in VW). What is the best file type to export for VW import for faster info transfer? Current file included as example. Thanks ALL! 1935395509_CLUSTERAV-RETRO.dwg
  9. Hi guys I wanna submit a request based on the topic linked below https://forum.vectorworks.net/index.php?/topic/51777-vw-17-massive-file-size-for-dwg-export/&page=0#comment-259615 In my opinion VW till the 2014 release was great in exporting 2D manageable DWG files with many Viewports, while maintaining a good compatibility From 2015 till now every viewport doubles the file size In effect Vectorworks creates a symbol with the FULL drawing inside for each Viewport included all nested symbols So if you export the only model space with about 10 symbols in a DWG file, its size could be for instance 10MB, while the same file exported in in 7/8 Sheet layers with 4/5 Viewports for each one can reach the file size of 170/200MB with 1300 blocks/symbols inside For each Viewport a new AutoCAD layer is created, so you really can't work Every time I was exporting in Vectorworks 2014 and then to DWG, but 2014 isn't compatible with High Sierra It should be nice having a flag, permitting you to export in the old way at the cost of a minor (not sure about that) DWG compatibility Erminio
  10. I have a DWG file that came from The Dead Sea Marriott Resort and Spa. For the life of me i cannot get the import scale correct. the scale of the drawing says 1/100 Can anyone help me out here I have an image of a few doors with dimensions if that helps. The DWG is also attached. If you could let met know what import conversion you did that would be great as I have another file from the same group LEVEL3-BLOCKA.dwg
  11. Does anyone have recommendations as to what deliverables to request from a surveyor in order to have a smooth import and DTM creation workflow in VW? I typically work on single family residences, so the survey areas are relatively small. @zoomer it looks like you've already thought about this. Do you have specific things you ask for?
  12. Hi everybody, after some trial and error id like to show everyone what i think is the best method to convert to DWG for when sending out to conultants if anyone has any info that could make this better please share! we can all help eachother so go to your model layer and make sure its on top/plan.. for example the layer with your first floor then go to FILE>Export>ExportDXF/DWG you get the pop up of options follow these settings File Format Format: DWG Version: 2013/2014/2015/2016/2017 Class / Layer Conversions Export as DXF/DWG Layers : Classes Invisible Classes are: Not Exported leave the box for "export single layer for classes with same name" unchecked leave the box for "export layers as seperate files" unchecked Sheets to include Export: Design Layers Only References leave the box for "export design layer viewports as seperate files" unchecked Objects: the only box that should be checked should be the "export as flattened 2d graphics" text and dimensions the only box that should be checked is "preserve SIA dimensions text appearance " 2d fills and files only check these boxes, "export hatches" "export hatch pattern files" "export hatches and 2d fills into seperate dxf/dwg layers" 3d both boxes should be checked no boxes should be checked in symbols and groups or line types line weights and colors only check the box for "use dxf/dwg indexed colors" you will have to do this for each floor seperatley once the file is in CAD you will need to do few cleans up listed below -explode everything as much as you can (because when a consultant copies your plan to there file an unexploded plan will not work) -clean up hatches (because we are doing hatches in sepereate layers you can easily just freeze it) do a final review of your lines and such and then thats it you are done
  13. Hi, 1. Why is it that 2D dwgs are super slow in VW when they are quite easy to handle in any other CAD software? How can I make them work better in VW? When I try to move around an imported (or referenced, tried both) dwg it takes seconds before it moves or anything happens. And it's a blank VW-document which has no other files in it. The dwg isn't too complicated and works super smooth in softwares like AutoCAD. 2. When I have made a crop of parts of the original dwg I want to use to make my 3D drawing, the crop doesn't "stick" to the dwg. I've changed the actual crop from Screen to Layer but problem stays. Hope this make sense. I have a drawing which have both section and plan view in the same dwg, and just want to split them apart so I can "stand" the section view next to the plan view. Just like Make Doubleday does in this video. Please let me know your thoughts on this 😃 Thanks! // martin
  14. The Question seems not to be very common (I was not able to find something similar in the script forum). The Attached Scripts converts the selected symbols to groups and attach the colors of the symbol to that group. Made to fix some incompatibility with DWG Block Colors. Maybe some one else can use it. The Attached File contains two Scripts 01 > attaches class colors, 02 > attaches colors from the attribute palette. Symbol to Group Attributes.vwx Symbols2GroupColors.mp4
  15. I have an issue where I import a dwg and it ignores all of the sheets and only imports the design layer. I created the dwg's myself in vectorworks export, and colleagues can reimport the same dwg's and all the sheet layers appear, so the problem is not with the file, but something in my copy of vectorworks. I can only assume that at some point I've changed a setting somewhere, but I can't for the life of me think what it could be? Any ideas? I'm running architect 2019
  16. Hey all, I have Vectorworks 2020, when I export DWG & re-import I've noticed my dimensions & drawing number info are outside the viewport and are on the sheets, as groups. Is there a way to solve this issue? Thank you Olivia
  17. Why, when using the extremely useful Publish Saved view to DWG option in the Publish settings is the option Export as flattened 2D graphics not available? This is extremely annoying and destroys the productivity of this functionality if ALL of the options traditionally associated with DWG exports are not available from the publish command.
  18. Hi, I am having trouble with getting exported 3D section viewports to consistently appear cleanly as an exported DWG to match the PDF viewports. Viewports on a sheet that are plan section viewports or detail viewports often lose their crop box and the DWG line data is very unclean or does not appear at all when exported. Fills are also lost. I have attached screenshots to show how the bottom drawing is not appearing after exporting as 2D graphics in model space and re-imported into rhino. It appears as a block instance and once exploded appears a coloured surface and not cad data. The Hidden Line dialogue box is selected for foreground render. Help with this would be greatly appreciated as it makes sending clear well annotated information to consultants from 3D model in 2D very difficult.
  19. Hi guys, I am currently working on Autocad for a couple of projects. I want to use the resource library that I have created over the years on Vectorworks. Although all the resources are embedded in the file (in the resource browser) and are not in the drawing space. I could drop all the items to the drawing and export them, but that would take ages... Is there a way of easily exporting all my resources to DWG? Thanks in advance, Russo
  20. I use the wall tool to draw a good portion of my theatre architecture and scenic elements (how I was taught). When I export to dwg for some collaborators, all of the walls are not exported as 3D objects and are only visible in plan view. Is there something I can do to make them show up?
  21. Hi all, Does anyone have an idea why referenced DWG viewport classes turn off after updating the file link? The classes in the linked file have not changed, only the contents have been revised. This happens with project sharing, at least. After updating the link the DWG disappears, there is only a small red rectangle at the insertion point (usually origin) representing the viewport. Selecting this reveals in the OIP that all classes have turned off by themselves. If I turn the classes on and update the project file, the classes will still be off for other users (of course, since class visibility is a user setting). However, this affects sheet layer viewports as well since the referenced dwg viewport class control occurs at the DL viewport, not on a sheet layer. Therefore, updating a DWG link will cause any dwg information to disappear in all related sheet layer viewports as well.
  22. PROBLEM: Vectorworks can't properly locate referenced DWG onto a model PROCESS: We reference DWG files created by our consultants (as is normal for any architects workflow) - First, we make sure all files have the same (0,0,) point - Then, we import these DWGs as design layers in a VWX file, so we can append class names for better organisation. - Finally, we Reference this VWX file and put them in our Project File. MANEFESTATION: On one terminal (where were did the imports), the file is in the correct location. However, in the shared project file, other terminals open this file and the position is wrong. [See enclosed screenshots] Also, if there was permission issue, causing us to re-save this project file, we also lose the correctly referenced location. This is frustrating and wonder if others have experienced similar issues.
  23. I would like to have an option where VW appends a prefix- or -suffix to classes at export. We export DWG to coordinate with consultants. Since they don't have a Class/Layer setup, things get very complicated very fast. For walls on the in VW are on Class: A-Wall & Layer: 1st Floor Plan or 2nd Floor Plan In AutoCAD that wall would end up on: Layer: A-Wall (stacked on top of each other) I would prefer to append the AutoCAD so the walls end up on: Layer: A-Wall-1st Floor Plan Layer: A-Wall-2nd Floor Plan or some version of that. And the same for Plumbing fixtures & Doors & Windows, etc.
  24. Hi VW lovers, I am having major !!! problems with PDF and DWG files prduced out of a 3D Revit model. the Revit files are 3D models of a building with interior fit-out of a supermarket ( displays only no products ) which one of my clients generated the files I am using in Vectorworks are one floorplan and 4 interior elevations - all created from the Revit 3D models into a PDF and DWG I - at this point - only need 2D elevations and the top view of the floorplan in order to create layouts for signage on the walls when inserting ( import or drag & drop ) either PDF or DWG into VW the program slows down so bad that my workflow goes from minutes literally to days !!! I tried every work around I could think of referencing the files deleting all displays out of the files as I only need the building and the layout of the walls So basically what happens is that my computer screen build up takes forever and I am looking at my 'wheel twirling' forever. Is there by any chance a work-around? Please note that I do need a vectorised file in order to be able to snap to the layout. Your insights and feedback is much apprecaited. Cheers, Grethe
  25. Hello, I have stairs created with AutoCAD, which is a 3D volume (solid). Imported to Vectorworks and they appear as NURBS inside a Group. I'm not able to convert the NURBS to a generic Solid. Is there a possibility to have this 3D import as a Solid in Vectorworks and not NURBS? Thank you in advance!
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