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About markdd

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  1. Yes, use a Design Layer Viewport. You can make as many Viewports as you like and put them wherever you like. The only caveat is that the Design Layer Viewport must not be on the same Design Layer as the original object. There is a section about this here https://showvector.com/viewports-design-layer-viewports/ (This is a subscription site, so you will need to sign up for a membership)
  2. Make sure that the Accessory is set as an Accessory and not a Static Accessory. Any Accessory that responds to power or control needs to be set as an Accessory in the Object Information Palette.
  3. Select the Annotation layer geometry and then go to the render tab and select No Sketch. That should correct things. I think the actual bug is that the Annotation geometry doesn't render as Sketch(ed) in the Sheet Layer?
  4. Unless I am very much mistaken, then the Spotlight Numbering Command and the Savvy Sequencer Command will not work on objects whose visibility options are not set to "Modify Others". This would mean that unless all your title blocks are on one very large Sheet Layer, then only the ones on the Active Sheet Layer will be numbered using these commands. The only way that this could be done is by using a Worksheet or perhaps a Script.
  5. That's possible already. Go to the Lightwright section of Spotlight Preferences. Select DMX Footprint from the Left hand side column and pass it over to the right. You will need to map it to a User Field when you import the data into Lightwright.
  6. I don't know why the Index value needs to be a criterion for the Equipment Summary Tool. @Scott C. Parker Do you think that this may be a refinement to the pick criteria that may be a step too far? I can't think of a particular rationale for having it, seeing as the Equipment Summary Tool is surely about gear of a certain size, weight, or configuration.
  7. If there is anything about the Pipe (apart from some styling) that is different, then the Pipes will be listed as separate items. This includes Position, Index, and Location. Otherwise, I am managing to get a count of multiples of the same Pipe.
  8. Go to the actual favourites folder in the User folder and remove any aliases/shortcuts that the program has made before - then try again.
  9. You could use the data manager to add a simple record to all objects in a specific class. Then, map the Length value to the Record. After that, you can use the Record to define the criteria. There is probably a more efficient way to do this with the Search criteria, but this is the solution that first appeared in my head! Enclosed is the file. Line Length.vwx
  10. I have seen this before, and a restart of the program sorted out the problem.
  11. Just import the referenced file into a Viewport in the usual way and then activate only the Layer you want to see. Duplicate the Layer (the Design Layer Viewport will be duplicated as well) and then activate the appropriate layer in the new referenced viewport. Rinse and repeat until all referenced design layers are correctly visible on the appropriate Layers in the active file. However, you can reference particular Layers into the file without creating Design Layer Viewports. The big caveat is that all the resources, including all the relevant classes, symbols etc., will also be imported into the file as well. If you are happy to import geometry from others, then that might be the best solution for you. However, the method above is probably best if you want to keep your file as bloat-free as possible.
  12. No, I'm fairly certain it's not possible. You could try Graphic Legends, which can filter by Viewports. However, I'm not sure if all the worksheet functions will work in these......
  13. Group them together and then use the Offset Tool.
  14. Welcome Back!! The only way I know how to do this so that the Worksheet lists the objects in the way that you require is with the Space object. Here is my version.... Room names.vwx Beware some of the stock symbols. In this example, the geometry was still developable (i.e., still extrudes, Solid additions, etc.), and some of the 3D elements spill over into other spaces. Converting the 3D geometry to Generic Solids fixes that problem!!
  15. As I said in my earlier post, the reason why the 3D polygon is not extruding is because it is not perfectly planar. Here is a short video explaining and proving the issue.
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