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Bruce Kieffer

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454 Spectacular


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  1. True, but it does not work using the hide selected objects command introduced in 2025.
  2. I understand your concern, but in my case all of this could be solved if only there was a wireframe render setting for section VPs, or the ability to hide objects inside of a symbol.
  3. Thanks @Pat Stanford. VH help told me to look in the View Bar, which I assumed was at the top right above my drawing window.
  4. Absolutely. But in my case if I could set the section VP to render hidden line that would be the best solution. I have added that to the wish list.
  5. I can't find my Data Viz menu in the View Bar.
  6. I used a Material too, and the material has a fill. I need the material for my worksheet criteria. I removed the material and fill form the bottom two shelves here:
  7. What is the setting you are using in the Hidden Object Display? I've tried everything, but I cannot get rid of the black fill.
  8. Yes I can! I've been working on the example for our user group to explain it later today. This may not be the best example, but it does show what I need. The right VP is a section VP. Wireframe is not an option (sadly). The horizontal dividers have been "sectioned" by the section VP cut. They are filled black and I cannot see the biscuit grooves, and I need to see those grooves. The left VP is a "standard VP looking from the right and set to wireframe. The best solution for my needs would be if wireframe was an available render option for a section VP. Hiding objects seems to be the next best workaround.
  9. Looks like @Pat Stanford is (unfortunately) correct. I am in a sheet layer.
  10. Am I doing something wrong? I'm trying to annotate the radius of these roundovers, but nothing happens.
  11. Wow, that is nice! FYI... It does not work if the VP is of a symbol. Then the entire symbol is hidden, and that does limit this trick.
  12. Looks like this type viewport that I wanted back in 2023 can be achieved now in Vectorworks 2025. I'm still testing, but it looks like when I hide objects in a design layer those selections are also hidden in the VP. If this holds true it will greatly simplify and speed up my drawing time. One limitation is; you cannot go back to the DL, change which objects are hidden or showing, and then see those changes in the VP. That does not work. Here are a few examples from my current house project. This is a simple design, and not the best to use for an example, but it works.
  13. This RW background appears a lot in my RM in all of my files. Why is it, and how to I remove it permanetly?
  14. Update Plug-in Objects does not work. Move 0,0 DOES work. I suspect there are other ways too, but there should be a understandable command for this.
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