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Scott C. Parker

Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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    VW Spotlight Product Planner
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    United States

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  1. I don't think this one exists yet. The VW libraries are almost all manufacturer-specific, and our current libraries contain mostly flat panels. What tile is this? You might find a DWG on their website that you can import into VW.
  2. I think you're flipping the link vs. rotating the link. When you attach the link, use the I (eye) key to flip/rotate the link symbol after the first click. In my test, I'm not having an issue with the middle bar being on the bottom.
  3. Yes, the tool uses both sets of information, and in this case, they should match. With custom truss symbols, you'll need to double-check that both have the appropriate information. As soon as I changed the .000 to 1.708, the trim field worked properly.
  4. While I don't disagree, the index, along with all the other fields, is considered part of the "configuration" of the parametric object. Please put in a VE to add to the list.
  5. @MatthewW, @markdd is correct in that each pipe is considered an individual item if there is any difference within the pipe data, aka parametric (plug-in object) object. We're working on solutions that will take time to implement. Yes, and no. Sorry, this does need symbols, but you can easily create them from the lighting pipe tool object. Place a pipe and create a symbol of it. Do this once for each different length of pipe you need. You get the power of the lighting pipe inside the symbol vs. using plain pipe symbols. Then, convert the symbol into a hanging position. This will give you the power of hanging positions, and the summary key can treat each pipe length as a separate object counted together. Here's a pic of my testing. All four 21' pipe symbols report as one in the key, regardless of the name used for each hanging position. Personally, I use hanging positions all the time to take advantage of the additional functions they allow. Many users prefer to avoid the extra step of converting objects into a hanging position. Both workflows are valid.
  6. @hdmcclx and @stayathomedad Please check the cross sections of your truss and be sure the height and width fields match the truss symbols you're playing with. If the internal numbers do not match the truss symbol sizes, your trim results will be off, even if they are grayed. Let me know if you need more info. If you do, Please post a test file here showing the issues. We don't need a complete drawing. Just a couple of offending truss symbols. hth, Scott
  7. The old way of rendering without the showcase workflow still applies. Showcase needs something that sends DMX, etc. Start here and you'll discover the workflows to render without a console. https://app-help.vectorworks.net/2025/eng/VW2025_Guide/Rendering2/Setting Spotlight_rendering_options.htm?rhsearch=Setting Spotlight rendering options&rhhlterm=setting set settings sets spotlight rendering render rendered renderings options option
  8. Would you please post a sample file? It will be helpful in figuring out what the issue might be.
  9. Right click the symbol in the Resource Manager and edit the 2D geometry. Save into a favorite file for future use.
  10. The Fresnel you're using is missing the Light Info Record. Right-click on the symbol and choose Attach Record, and add the Lightin Info Record. You might need to refresh the lighting devices, but the color changers should then appear. I've attached an updated file. Accessory Test.vwx
  11. Good catch. This makes sense as BW looks for items spanning the centerline of the truss. It wouldn't see anything crossing just the first chord.
  12. Colors can be applied using Data Vis. Explore this https://app-help.vectorworks.net/2025/eng/VW2025_Guide/Views/Applying_a_data_visualization.htm
  13. In the Light Info Record attached to the light symbol, edit the Inst Type field. That's where the summary key grabs the name from.
  14. Please share your file, or a sample file with what you're working with so we can take a look.
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