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Scott C. Parker

Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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    VW Spotlight Product Planner
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  1. I think you can do this in the Equipment Summary Key. I would think it should also work in the legend. Can you post a sample file to play with?
  2. If you create a summary key in a template file and you use the same symbols you used when you created the key, it should be present each time you start a file using the template.
  3. Robert, Explore schematic views. https://app-help.vectorworks.net/2025/eng/VW2025_Guide/LightingDesign2/Creating_schematic_views.htm?rhsearch=schematic views&rhhlterm=schematic views view
  4. I've had success with using duplicate along path and with duplicate array for hoists and using the centerline of the truss as the path.
  5. It was. Added yours to the list. I'm working on a task to add the single and distributed functions now avail w lights to the hoists. It'll take some time.
  6. @Stefan B. You've found a bug. I've reported it. Thanks, Scott
  7. This is a nice symbol. Have you made versions with various sized opening of the screw jaw? I would use these when making drawings of scenery that's held together using these. As seen here.
  8. Would you mind sharing a sample file showing this issue? We'd like to know if this is an actual bug that needs to be fixed or if it's a scaling issue between layers, etc. Thanks, Scott
  9. Sort of. It depends on how you are managing your symbols and the wattage info. If you're simply changing the wattage of the symbol and don't care about showing it on the plot, other than a legend or tag, the symbol remains the same. If you use the actual symbol in the resource library with the 750W cap, then it's a separate symbol. You get a bit creative depending on how you want to show the info and how you want to report it. Here, I have 11 bodies of a 26° light. In the symbols area, I have 10 at 575 and one w 750. In the Plug-in area, you see I also have 11 bodies, but I've entered different wattages in the wattage/power field of the light. On the right, I have 60 bodies at 575 and just three with different wattages. Notice that "750" is treated differently than "750 W"
  10. I haven't tried this, but if I wanted to do what you're doing, I would try it... Have you taken a hoist and edited the hoist symbol's overall shape to give a visual offset? I'm wondering if you place a larger invisible shape in the symbol and then move the visible parts to one side; the middle of the symbol would snap to the middle of the truss, but the visual image of the hoist would be offset. Braceworks would still calculate based on the centerline of the load objects. Yes, it's a workaround until when/if the feature can be developed.
  11. Funny you should mention...
  12. Could you send me a test file I can share with the programmers?
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