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  1. A ticket is open at french support since 2 Weeks but without any answer...( I often post to the support and the forum πŸ˜‰) Same here Ok I ll take time πŸ˜‰
  2. Bizarre it works well for me ... Here is a link may be it will be ok https://3bdt-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/ben_3b-dt_xyz/EfLqY6jR4WpFtLbgBs5cBesBPw-dwtC6WJOcs0E0ZAQ97A?e=3sNVZk
  3. Yes but this is not the good one πŸ˜‰ but anyway I've found a formula who works May be a space or comma problem (but in fact the reel problem is me 🀣)
  4. Hello my plot is moving when I select a new layer .. I certainly change a setup somewhere, but I don't witch one ... I try to uncheck the rotate around sel but this is not that setting select layer.mp4
  5. no Idea ? I would know if it works as expected or not . Thank you ! πŸ™‚
  6. @markdd could you send me the version that works or show me formula in cell R4 ? thank you ! πŸ™‚
  7. Arf too bad so in Work In Progress session my last possibity is to ref an external file, and as soon as the setup is frozen I can copy past from the ref file to the using file ... But I will have that problem
  8. When I save a file as, I would that vectorworks open the files folder and not the last opened... I odten works with multi file opened (to store symbols in favorite files for exemple), and when I go back to the first one and save as, vectorworks the folder of the last file I've open and not the folder from where the file come 😞
  9. It would be nice to have the possibity to select the column showed in the navigation windows for exemple to see the graphic attribut, as in the organisation panel it will be easyer to find the right class πŸ˜‰
  10. Hello I 've a project were I will have for time exactly the same stuff. it's composed by plant construction truss light hoist ... So i would draw one time, save it as symbol. by the way i could modify 1 symbol in the RM and all the instance in the file will be modified. The problem is that i lost truss system property like select system object or change height of a system Is it normal ? if I check the convert to group box, in the file i m able to change the height, but if I modify the symbol in the RM it dont change in the file because it s a group and not a symbol... 20250130-1101-25.6089006.mp4 PB truss as symbol.vwx
  11. Hello As I wrote in the tile, as soon as a class visibility of a referenced file is controled by the class visibility in the navigation panel of the working file, the snaping stop to work ... Enregistrement 2025-01-29 181649.mp4 pb snap xref.vwx PdE-BDX_Hall3-2024_ v01-a v2025.vwx
  12. I also tried with the ='VS4-LED'.'HCount' but as for the count, even if I sum value it takes the "un-sum" value in the formula
  13. Hello here is my method when you know the angle between led panel @C. Andrew Dunning there is also a tile option in the vectorworks ledscreen tool, so I can't see any difference between your plugin and vector one (in 2025) Can't wait for a new version of the tool who works with symbol as array tool with bumper and led panel symbol, so correct geometry, weight power... curved led scree.mp4
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