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  1. it seems that module total isn't a number but it text because I can' summarize it even in worksheet as in graphic legend ...
  2. ok I' m looking a way to report all the led module by size mdel or resolution... It works with an worksheet from from equipment list, (sum width item and sum count value) but I cant copy paste the formula because it seem to dont report to led screen parameters... here is the formula from worksheet from equipment list and the same from a report so i'm looking a way to do the same with vs4 plugin , I know this is possible with the "concat" formula But I'm to bad to write it here the report created in spotlight menu thanks
  3. Hello @C. Andrew Dunning I can't find where to post , there is no forum on your web site How can I use equipment list with led VS4 ? VS4 doesn't appear in spotlight pref inventory tab... Thanks
  4. It seems to work better now with twm 2024 I only lost texture when changing object class ..
  5. Thanks i'll ask to the file owner to export it in .OBJ or .3DS
  6. Hello what is the best way to import c4d files ? This is not possible directly in Vector, so what is the better way to achieve it ? I work with designer who works in cinema 4d , so i need to import the design to make the technical folder ... Must they export from C4d to another format ? witch one is the "better" in your opinion ? Or do you know a software I can use to convert c4d in a format accepted by vector ? thanks!
  7. So It s over my capabilities ... ... attached 2 file , the viewport style named" don't work" , don't work in file "section viewportA" but work in file "section viewportB" section viewportA.vwx section viewportB.vwx
  8. Edit : I'm not totally nuts If I open first my file and then open a blank file and section create section viewport, it doesn't work But it work If I apply the viewport Style I've saved if I start from crash it works , I think, (one more time) I ve settings from 2023 somewhere in my file, I ve to redo my start template because it si from 2023 but I need time :) But it is strange that the settings apply on a blank file ...
  9. Hello @line-weight, Thank you !! You give me the way I'm going crazy ... I did the test in good way ( i think) be cause i wasn't able to do what I want in my file I open a blank one, but with the same result I was at phone and teamviewer with french hotline , who has to investigate And now I 'm back from lunch have a look to the forum , test your answer, on a fresh new file and, it works ... What have change is that I close vectorworks during lunch ... I 'm no able to do the same in my file but when saving style (with class and layer by instance) and apply to the other file it works... So I'm wrong somewhere But I don't no where . Thank you !!! :)
  10. I think the answer is somewhere here https://app-help.vectorworks.net/2024/eng/VW2024_Guide/Viewports1/Creating_section_viewports.htm but I can't find :(
  11. You mean that setup? The color arent the same in what i understand (and see) the color setting for preselection object is just for when your cursor is over an object just before you click on it to select it . What I need is when you have more than 1 object selected, and want to navigate inside your selection, have a different color for active object selected and inactive object selected (like on a lighting desk ;) ) 20240103-0608-24.4450594.mp4 What is write in the manual is but it will be nice to have a color settings 20240103-0623-47.2344679.mp4 Thanks
  12. Something new in 2024 the section lien viewport don't keep the class color The last time I use it , I found the the way , but today I can't I think I simply have to mask the new section style class , but no ... I just want the same color in wireframe and in hidden line
  13. Hello when using mirror tool with lighting instrument I often have that "error" the Z coordinate isn't good (sometime the fixture are at kilometers ...) 20240102-1050-49.8083585.mp4
  14. in Light mode it's easier to understand and also to read the coordinate May it will be nice to change the text color of the screen coordinate , in light mode global and screen coordinate are black, but in dark mode glabal are wight and screen are grey who it is not easy to read ;)
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