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Mark Aceto

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    Technical Director
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    United States

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  1. to sum text, try using the function =value https://developer.vectorworks.net/index.php/Worksheet_Functions
  2. draw rectangle (stage) draw arc (curved thrust) select both right click > add surface (menu bar) AEC > Floor... that will give you a hybrid object that looks good in plan view also check out the stage plug tool if you need more options (could help downstream with documentation)
  3. i have a 16" m2 max 96gb i'm at the point where i'd buy an a MacBook air if it had 4tb storage and 32gb memory because my desktop is doing the heavy lifting however, if a MacBook was my only computer, i would max it out to the outer limits of my budget sidebar: i'm a huge fan of the Apple Card. i pay it off every month. so, if it meant getting a system i wanted and floating their payment plan thingy... i would do that. there's no hard pull (on the purchase itself), and the balance does count against your credit score but there's zero interest. so do that for a few months, and then pay it off early. and if anyone is interested in a laptop that will smoke the most expensive MacBook pro, go to best buy, and get a windows laptop for 1500 bucks
  4. Slower at multicore and graphics related tasks but I'm in the same boat as the OP (MBP is the secondary machine which takes the pressure off performance). The notes I have for the OP are: The M2 MBP has HDMI 2.0 (finally), so that might be of interest (supports widescreen monitors great than 4k if you're not using USB-C for some reason) Get the biggest hard drive you can afford, so you won't be forced into upgrading when you run out of space Or get a portable Crucial / Samsung 4tb SSD for around 200 bucks
  5. 3DC have licensed the tech (mostly to industrial manufacturing), so we may see more third party gizmos. In the meantime, this prerelease from Naya is the only consumer product I'm aware of: https://naya.tech/products/naya-float I'm all ears for a non-3DC device because they could care less about VW.
  6. Also, is the speaker tilted? For example, a -10º tilt in the OIP.
  7. What's more confusing is that I believe the "politically correct" workflow is to select those resources through the PIO resource selector rather than dragging them from the RM but VW really need to put out a PSA because I'm working with more and more "Draggers" who don't realize that PIO's exist, so half the time it's a "dumb" symbol (speaker, truss, whatever) instead of the parametric goodness unique to VW. Also, look at that gorgeous Unstyled button at the top of the pane!
  8. For clarification, it's not a hybrid symbol; it's an auto-hybrid plugin object. That means VW is drawing the 2D in real time parametrically based on the... parameters... entered in the OIP. For the vertical members, users are limited to right angles. For horizontal members, there's a little more control with elbow angles. To work around this, I've used extrude along path objects with custom data records for each Shai-hulud: You could even attach the stock Duct record if it suits you: There's also a third party plugin called VectorMEP to address all of this. BTW Michael helped me out with this.
  9. Room Plan is that Apple AR tech that the Rhino iPhone app and a bunch of others use. Of all the available modes, it's the most Fisher Price. Probably not what you're looking for. LiDAR Point Cloud is the most robust option. Take your time, move smoothly, try to "hold onto an edge" so it doesn't get lost. No need to scan flat surfaces (walls, floors, ceilings); just the corners and edges where those surfaces meet. Photogrammetry is good too if that's your thing but it's not my tempo (too much work).
  10. Check the yin & yang circle that's black & white in the screenshot (on mouse hover) but will be blue & white if it's selected:
  11. Reading between the lines, it seems like this accomplishes 2 power moves: Bypasses the need to create / replace a unique keyboard shortcut in VW or OS for each command Platform-agnostic across Windows / Mac (see #1 above) so the same SD / profile can be used with multiple computers / workspaces Am I missing anything?
  12. This has been an issue for years, and it never gets prioritized for a fix. I’ve just accepted the Sisyphean task of resizing them on every restart for eternity.
  13. @lainy1961 that dialog will also pick up where you left off numbering so you have to pick a different field, start at 1, then pick the field you want, deselect the other field, then start at 1… it’s a mess but it works if you go through that rigmarole. Sadly, it’s been that way for years. Bug’s been submitted. Maybe it will get fixed someday…
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