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147 Spectacular

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  1. the VW stock content is only shipped with the outer chords of any piece of truss. If a user wants more chords than that then you can add them yourself by editing the 3D portion of the truss and adding a 3D polygon the center of any desired chord. This can even be a vertical brace if suitable. you also need to add the truss chord record to this 3D polygon. The VW help explains the proces.
  2. The topic starter said something about time and you said ‘it adds up’ so my response was consecutive to both.
  3. In all my years of VW drafting I have never thought of the two click proces of inserting symbols and lighting devices as time consuming. And a simple double click is my habit of inserting without rotating. I can not imagine a double click to consume any time at all.
  4. Double click? Just like you would do with symbols if you don’t want to rotate. Can’t imaging a double click costing anyone hours.
  5. The enhancement would be to add an accessory to the LD to create the desired distance from the chords just like in real life the clamp and omega bracket will determine this distance. Since the correct combinations of (double) clamps and omega brackets are not readily available in the library I created a Virtual Clamp' file with base accessories that contain only a 3D poly at various lengths, these lengths will the automatically offset the LD from the chord using the accessory tool. If you are interested I added the accessory file to this post. Virtual clamp.vwx
  6. The idea is that you add a base accessory to the lighting device. For instance a clamp. This will give the Device the distance from the center of the chords whilst keeping it’s insertion point at the chords. I would advise against moving the Lighting device geometry inside the symbols 3D component.
  7. That is why you should always report your issues if you have the opportunity. You might be the first.
  8. I do not think there exists a software that is issue free….
  9. The selected layer issue is a known bug. A temporary workaround for this would be to set the desired layers to visible and use the export visible layers option. That works still.
  10. I would say this is incorrect behavior. Could you report this problem to your local tech support?
  11. Check if the Kara symbol came along to the resource manager of the new file. I presume it didn’t and you may have to import that symbol resource to the new file and try if you can then populate the array again.
  12. It is good practice to always import dwg’ s into a new blank file Unless you know for sure you need to do it in the project file. A DWG import could change your user origin for instance if you have the recommended settings turned on.
  13. Ah yes. No problem to do the purge by hand. In this case the script will automate enough work. Thx!
  14. I was thinking of just doing a purge after running the script that should work to clean up the RM shouldn’t it?
  15. Thanks @MullinRJ, playing with SetHDef() And got it to work on the first test! with below code. Now to expand the script to finish the challenge thx! vs.SetHDef('_TransformGroup', 'Group') symid = vs.FInFolder( vs.GetObject( 'DXF_DWG' ) ) while vs.GetTypeN(symid)==16: symname = vs.GetName(symid) if symname[:20] == 'Lighting Device (3D)': #for i in range(4): symDef = vs.FInSymDef(vs.GetObject(symname)) #for i in range(4): symDefName = vs.GetSymName(symDef) #vs.AlrtDialog(symDefName) if symDefName[:15] == '_TransformGroup': #vs.AlrtDialog(symDefName) Symobjnew = vs.GetObject('Group') vs.AlrtDialog(Symobjnew) vs.AlrtDialog(symDef) vs.SetHDef(symDef, Symobjnew) #vs.SymbolToGroup(symDef,0) symDef = vs.NextObj(symDef) else: symDef = vs.NextObj(symDef) symid=vs.NextSymDef(symid)
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