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  1. Using Update 3 on OSX. I dug a little deeper. Definitely a bug. I plan to submit this as a bug report. This is what I do to see the behavior: 1. Insert a truss series with the Distributed Insertion mode. First click defines the start of the truss sections. The second click defines the end of the series. Just as expected. 2. Now with the Truss Tool still in Distributed Insertion mode, if I go to a different location in the drawing and double click, it will duplicate, in place, the previous truss series that I most recently added. I now understand why I had some mysterious duplicated truss sections in my latest project.
  2. I am working with the Truss Tool and have found some odd behavior. When I double click in Single Insertion mode it inserts truss as expected. But if I have the mode set to Distributed Insertion a double click inserts truss in a completely different location. Is this behavior expected and I missing the intention, or is it a hiccup with the Truss Tool?
  3. @Nikolay Zhelyazkov It has been fixed with Update 3! Thanks again.
  4. The load data file for distributed loads and for point loads are both called LoadData.xml In Mac OSX they are located in [user]>Library>Application Support>VectorWorks>2024[or whatever version you are using]>Plug-ins>VW_Spotlight>Data>Braceworks. You should see two folders here - PresetDistLoads & PresetPointLoads. The LoadData.xml files are located in the corresponding folder. I use a general text editor and when I make changes to the xml file. No restarting of the program or reloading of the drawing should be needed. I can see those changes right away.
  5. Somehow after all of these years, I was unaware of the portal to submit bugs. The ever helpful @Pat Stanford clued me in and a bug report has been submitted. Thanks all!
  6. For truss objects, the Tag Field Definition previously included #TrimHeight# as a parameter. That parameter is no longer available. Any data tag with a Trim Height field is no longer working.
  7. My custom truss data tags are not displaying the trim height in VW 2025. The Tag Field Definition previously included #TrimHeight# as a parameter for truss objects. That parameter is no longer available. There is a #Height# parameter, but that is just the constructed height of the truss, not the trim height of the system. The standard data tags that are in the Resource Manager are showing the same issue. Does it help to cross post these issues as a bug report in addition to posting here?
  8. It probably works fine 🙂 I don't remember when I made it and didn't do a thorough test. But seems to work. 15 deg gate.vwx
  9. Thanks @Pat Stanford - Dual dimensioning seems to give me exactly what I need. Your time and expertise are always appreciated!
  10. Normally I operate in decimal Feet, but many times I need Feet & Inches on a Sheet Layer. I have been switching my document units, then publishing the Sheet Layer, then switching my document units back. Is there a way to have a Sheet Layer in different units than what the document is in? Thanks in advance!
  11. I have a data tag for truss that displays (3) data points - Truss System ID, Truss System Trim Height & Length of Truss Line I can pull the System ID and Trim Height directly from the truss object parameters. I can also get the ID for the Truss Line (1, 2 3 etc) but I can't pull the length of the Truss Line. If I go to the Menu command of "Replace Truss" I can see each truss system. A column for the System ID, a column for the Line ID and the 3rd column is the Current Length. My workflow currently is to add the data tag, open up the Replace Truss window and manually transfer the Length to each data tag. Is there a way to get the data tag to access the length of the Truss Line directly from the truss object?
  12. Hello all. I have a project to build a venue drawing with beam capacities. What they need is a simple 2D drawing to do overlays on. The issue is that I will be building it in VW and they will then be working with the exported dwg. Does anyone have recommendations for which 2D graphic and content features (symbols, groups, fills, gradients, etc.) translate well from VW to dwg and those that don't? In reality I could build them a drawing with 2D and 3D components, but that pushes even more on my lack of understanding what is lost in the translation.
  13. Thanks @VIRTUALENVIRONS! I'm excited to dig into the tutorial! NURBS has always been outside my current skill set. This may be the perfect project for me to start learning.
  14. Looking for some initial input into this project. I want to make additional attachment slings for trusses. To not only dial in trim heights more accurately, but also have correct visuals to add to the drawing. For example the 12in imperial sling that is in the VW library is very nicely drawn and is made of a single sling that looks to be 6ft long. I like the look of the span set and I know about "Extrude Along Path" and I suspect that would be a good starting place, but I don't know how to go about getting the areas where the sling is bunched up to look right like it does in theirs. The attachments I want to build will not only include wraps like above but also some chokes, double wraps, etc. I would be happy to take any input into the process. Or...Maybe someone already has built more slings and I can get access to those?
  15. That solved it! I needed to upgrade to 14.2. Thank you sir!
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