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Peter Neufeld.

Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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  1. Hello, If you plug in an external monitor like the System Requirements page says, you need to consider more Unified Memory. A 16" MBP screen at 3456 x 2234 = 7,720,704 pixels. Plug in an external 4K monitor at 4096 x 2160 and it will add 8,847,360 pixels. That's 16,568,064 pixels in total. Also, 2D geometry can be more demanding than 3D because of things like transparencies, image and tile fills, drop shadows, hatches and so forth. Having said that I have come across users with several external monitors and only 16GB UM and are happy. Cheers, Peter
  2. Here's a quick attempt with minimal words to get a decent result. The original: The result: Cheers, Peter
  3. In that image the 2D locus is beyond the bounds of the geometry. That is, to the right side of the shape. Nothing extraordinary there. Cheers, Peter
  4. Hello, To summarise, there are two rules about Sweeps: 1. Whatever is on the left is the centre of the Sweep. 2. If a 2D locus is part of the Sweep then that becomes the centre. If the locus is within the bounds of the geometry it is unnecessary and won't work because of rule 1. It's always been like that as far as I can recall and is logical. I don't know what you are trying to model but your geometry has different unmatching objects at either end so sweeping from the centre doesn't make sense even if it was possible. With the texturing using the 'Apply to Face Mode' tool, once I enter the group of extrudes it seems to work as expected. Cheers, Peter
  5. Hi Brianna, That is a very good observation about the insertion point. There are three ways that this is controlled: General Preferences>Display>Accelerate Graphics on/off. As above, this turns On/Off the VGM. Document Preference>Display 'Adjust Flipped text'. Viewport>Advanced properties>'Adjust Flipped Text'. It's tricky getting to the bottom of it but I think I've sussed it. If you have the Document Preference>Display 'Adjust Flipped text' Off, you can edit a viewport enter the Annotation Group and enter text and flip it, and it will read ok. Note the insertion point is bottom right. It reads ok because by default the Advanced properties>'Adjust Flipped Text' is on. The VGM doesn't affect this as far as I can tell. When published to PDF, these flipped annotations are produced backwards and not what you see on the screen. I have a bug report about this and it's been hard to work out what's going on without your post so thanks, and I'll add all this to the report. Cheers, Peter
  6. Hello, I had a user this week that had the same problem. It turned out that the viewport itself was flipped 180º in this case flipped horizontally. If this is true then the text will be flipped upon PDF export. If the Vectorworks Preferences>Display > 'Accelerate Graphics' is on (which it is by default) then the text will appear correct on the sheet but export to PDF flipped. Turn it off and it will appear flipped on screen as well. This enables or disables the Vectorworks Graphics Module (VGM). Cheers, Peter
  7. Hello, Please can you post a small test file here for us to have a look at. Thanks, Peter
  8. Hello, Hidden Line Render (HLR) does not show colour. Try Shaded or Renderworks rendering modes instead. The best place to start is the excellent Help built into Vectorworks. Then make sure you check out the Vectorworks University as well as the Vectorworks YouTube channel for some excellent quick videos on rendering. Cheers, Peter
  9. Hello, The enclosed file has a script plug in: MassEditPlantStyle(''); ...that you can import into your drawing and run. It is incredibly useful written by @Katerina It allows global editing one parameter at a time for all plants in a file. Change Plant Style Settings script.vwx Cheers, Peter
  10. Hello, If you change this setting to have displays as separate spaces does it help? Cheers, Peter
  11. Hello, If this is for Data Tags why not save them in a file and add as a Favourite? Or place in the Annotations>Defaults folder in your user folder. Easily accessed via the Vectorworks Preferences>User Folder>Reveal in Finder. /Users/yourusername/Library/Application Support/Vectorworks/2024/Libraries/Annotations/Data Tag (styles) Cheers, Peter
  12. I could have faked it instead and used this AI Visualiser image albeit with an Aussie flavour!
  13. This is using another texture using Renderworks rather than Shaded. Quite right about using the features that Renderworks brings like displacement etc. I've included it in the enclosed Vectorworks file, and here's a render of it. You need a decent Renderworks background to make it really work. water texture.vwx Cheers, Peter
  14. Hello, Not sure if this is the type of thing you're after but I've just done a quick render here. Note the Renderworks background in the distance. Use Landscape Areas for the mass planting of wildflower grassland (although these are some Australian natives). Image props or actual plants placed in the water for the reeds, although the ones I've quickly chosen look a bit like they're greyed out but they're not. A trick with a water texture is to edit the Image Shader and filter the colour via the object fill. Therefore if the actual 'watery-ness' of the texture is to your liking you can adjust the colour simply via the Attributes palette. Cheers, Peter
  15. I now understand that the reason it has always been like this is due to the potential of a performance hit. Imagine a large urban design project that is cropped - the program would have to render the whole image outside the crop when edited. As you know the status quo is to either delete the crop or go to wireframe. In a Hidden-Line rendered viewport, if you disable the advanced property "Automatic Occlusion Culling" it will render outside the crop and allow re-cropping. However, on a complex file you are giving up occlusion culling which may make the rendering take much longer. I agree that it's not ideal and something that's just been this way for a long time. I will do an enhancement request that some other options be considered, such as those which some of you have suggested in this thread. Cheers, Peter
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