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Vectorworks, Inc Employee
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    Quality Assurance Manager
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    United States

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  1. @wellebracht, Would you be able to send me the link to your presentaion in a prvate message, so our team can troubleshoot? Thank you!
  2. Interesting, this workflow works for me.
  3. @2N 2L Due to the current low adoption rates, Vectorworks is holding off on developing an app for this platform for now.
  4. @wellebracht, How are you adding the .vgx file to the presentation? You can navigate to the file in your cloud folder on the web portal and right click and then select Add to presentation. Or from the slide itself, you can select to add a file from the Cloud storage. I guess if you download the file and then you upload it from your local computer, the Saved views would be lost.
  5. @LMS1989, I am sorry, I don't think I fully understand your question. Are you asking about viewing of 3D models (.vgx files) in a desktop browser? If yes: You are correct. Unfortunately, point clouds are not supported at this time, as well as any 2D geometry. They are just not being exported by Vectorworks. We hope we would be able to support them in the future.
  6. @wellebracht, We released a fix earlier this week. We were not able to allow editing of the saved views within the presetation, so you can only view existing ones. I believe this would be acceptable. With this, you need to know that files added to presentations do not maintain a "live" link with the original file that is in your cloud storage. If you have created saved views in the vgx file after you have added it to your presentation, you just need to re-add the file to the presentation. When you overwrite the existing file, all pins will update to use the new version of the file. Let me know if you still have problems. Best regards, Iskra Nikolova
  7. @AALBORNOZ, Here is the link to the Cloud help where the latest version of the presentation feature is documented. https://cloud.vectorworks.net/portal/help/pages/create-presentations/?app=WEB
  8. @wellebracht, Thanks for reporting! We will look into it.
  9. Hi @BartH, Thank you! We are currently working on tethered mode for Vectorworks Odyssey, which would bring light direction control, shadows and ambient occlusion to VR. Adding saved camera positions to Odyssey has also been discussed and it is a possibility for later this year. Let me know if you have any feedback on the hot off the press saved views in the 3D viewer.
  10. Hi @BartH, It is not currently possible to configure the initial view of a vgx file, but very soon it will be. We are preparing to release a new version in mid January 2025, where you will be able to save views within the viewer. Best regards, Iskra Nikolova
  11. @Robert Strauss, Twinmotion doesn't add the necessary metadata to their panoramas, like Vectorworks does. Their panoramas can be made to work in the Cloud presentations by using this simple free tool: https://exiffixer.com/ The tool adds the metadata needed for the web portal to recognize them as panoramic image rather than a flat image. Best regards, Iskra Nikolova
  12. @DianaK It seems like your phone does not have a LiDAR sensor (available on Pro models), which is required for the Room plan and Point cloud scanning tools. It seems like you are viewing tutorials for those. Depending on what you are trying to achieve, the Photos to 3D model may still be a good option for you. Give it a try.
  13. The gravity file is only responsible about orientation. The scale is determined by depth data which is only collected on devices that support this feature. If your device supports it, you would also see "depth.tif" file for each image. With planned upcoming updates, scanning objects up to 6 ft in size would also utilize the LiDAR scanner, which would help with scaling of the model on devices without a depth camera.
  14. @Dave Donley Would you please check this? Thank you!
  15. @Zsombor, Did you set a password for your Vectorworks account by following the steps I provided (signing in a browser with your social login and then setting a password in the login field)? It could be the same or different than your social login password. They are independent from each other. After you set the password, you should be able to sign into the Vectorworks account without using the social sign in button. I hope this would give you a workaround while the social sign in problem is being looked at.
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