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  1. @klinzey Thanks for the information about the 180º rotation. From what I see with our house rig, that certainly makes sense when the file is ported from VWX to Capture. Looking forward to the fix! Cheers, Cookie
  2. Hi all, I've had some odd behaviour with fixture orientation when moving plans with MVR from Vectorworks into Capture. I've heard nothing back from Capture yet, so I thought I'd ask here in case anyone else has seen the same thing. I've found when importing fixtures into Capture with an MVR from Vectorworks, the fixture orientation is often different in Capture from the Vectorworks file. Here's an example with an Ayrton, GLP, Martin & Robe fixtures: Vectorworks Capture Is this related to Vectorworks' or Capture's implementation of MVR? Does MVR even reference fixture orientation (front/cable/screen etc)? Any thoughts are most appreciated! Cheers, Cookie
  3. Hi, Does anyone know if there's a 35mm cord ladder beam truss in the VWX truss resources? I'm using some Naxpro Truss FD 22 for a project https://www.vkf-renzel.co.uk/naxpro-truss-fd-22-trusses-natural-2000-mm-80-0974-8.html The symbol doesn't need to be perfect, happy to use anything close. Cheers, Cookie
  4. Sorry @Tom W., you properly got there first! Serves me right for skim-reading these posts....
  5. Hi @Cristiano Alves. How about running two Data Vis? One which colours the lighting devices. And another which colours everything which isn't a lighting device white. Lighting Data Vis only: Adding 'Not lighting device' Data Vis Not LX Data Vis:
  6. Hi @DearAlexJohnson. Love the level of detail you've gone into for the tour plan! Hanging positions are 'Plug in objects'. So you need to select 'Search within Plug-in Objects' within the Data Vis or report criteria. Example file attached. Cheers, Cookie Data vis - Within Hanging Positions.vwx
  7. Hi @Tom W. & @rudybeuc@gmail.com, you can bring in specific classes from a DLVP into the active document for visibility control. This saves needing to create multiple copies of DLVPs Shout out to @markdd for showing me this. It's been a game-changer for my workflow. With the DLVP selected, click 'Classes...' in the OIP to bring up the Viewport Classes Properties In the 4th column, select the classes you want to bring into the active document Select 'Use current document class visibilities' These classes will now be available in the navigation palette/SLVP class settings: Cheers, Cookie
  8. Hi @vsljames, I also use the Doughty STEP files all the time to make symbols. It seems to work well. Although some of the STEP files have a lot of geometry, which is worth clearing out to keep your files efficient. Here are the clamps you are looking for. If you need to rotate them in 3D, you'll need to delete the 2D geometry. Cheers, Cookie Doughty clamps.vwx
  9. Hi @jloganthomas I know and feel your pain. Pat is on the money with the organisation window/visibilities function. You can update Design Layer & Class visibilites from here for both saved views and viewports. I'm in here all the time. I'd also recommend looking at Viewport styles. Once you've setup a Viewport how you like it, in the OIP there is a Style dropdown. Select 'New Viewport Style from Unstyled Viewport..." You can edit the Viewport Style later by returning to the dropdown in the OIP, and selecting 'Edit Style..." Or you can Navigate to the Viewport Style in the Resource Manager, Right-Click and select Edit: It's super handy if you use the same visibilites across multiple viewports. Just one place to make the updates, and it's pushed out to all viewports which have the style applied. Cheers, Cookie
  10. Hi @MadXD, I was about to pester you for a set of 2025 icons, but you've already done it! One day I'll buy you a pint for this work.... Greatly appreciate it! Cheers, Cookie
  11. Hi @Cristiano Alves. Have you looked into Viewport styles? They are really useful for applying settings to multiple viewports. If you have older projects with viewport settings you like, you could save these as viewport styles into a favourites file in your resource manager for use in future projects.
  12. HI @Jesse Cogswell. Works great! Thanks for that. Very tidy bit of work. Cheers, Cookie
  13. Hi @Jesse Cogswell thanks for implementing the update. I’ll take a look and let you know how I get on. Cheers, cookie
  14. Hi @Sam Jones, well if you're game then I am! I'll start prepping some demo files. Personally I'm fine to have the rack headers as a seperate worksheet. Cheers, Cookie
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