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Brian Nitz

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  1. Yes, so what you're saying is if I have a device with up to 25 slots I would need to make the script variant you have shown up to 25 times to account for each possibility, thank you I think I should be able to get a working script from this!
  2. Ok I remember reading about the tags %1,%2 etc but I guess I didn't understand that part, and the the script is almost perfect currently if there is no slot to the device it doesn't add anything, is there a way for it to add 00 in these cases?
  3. Im currently working with the ConnectCAD number cable function, reading through the cable numbering rules I see I can add the signal type to the number by having %s in the text script. I was hoping this would translate over to things like the src device room/rack information as well, so I tried the below script and unfourtialy it just says the text and not the actual information. Am I possibly missing something or is this currently just not possible? Signal^&<none>^=%s&%Src_Room&%Src_Rack&%Src_RackU&%Src_Slot&%Src_Skt_Name
  4. Thanks Conrad, I had thought about that before but wasn't aware they could be nested, so I hadn't even tried it but it works perfectly
  5. With the current system when filling out a device location your able to put the room/rack/rack ru which can which is updated automatically if it's moved in the 3D. However, sometimes we have equipment mounted or loose separately under or on top of a desk. Is there a way to make some kind of invisible box to place in a 3D model and have the 3D equipment updated if moved into it? Im building a 3D model of the control room and would love to be able to have the equipment update if moved to a different desk position.
  6. That is exactly it, we had some imported objects from AutoCAD that were way off into the distance, thank you very much for the help!
  7. Im currently building out a long table and for some reason, the object is hard to manipulate and its geometry is all over the place when working on a certain file. I was even able to make the table correctly in a different file but once I copied it over it started experiencing the same issue. I'm not the original person to have made the file so I imagine its some kind of setting issue. Below you can see Table 1 which is what I was able to make and is fine, but table 2 is missing chucks and is all over the place. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. Not exactly, I guess im looking for 1 of two things. Preferably I would like the data to stay hidden until the device is clicked on or mouse-over in the PDF form or have it go to a page where the corresponding report with the data is.
  9. I'm looking to see if there is a way to pull up device data/records while looking at a device in the published/exported PDF. Currently, my company is using records to store IP and software keys info in each specific device and create reports to keep track. However, in the interest of making everything as simple as possible, I'm looking to see if there is any way to hyperlink the data to the device, much like how clicking circuit arrows/bubbles takes you to the opposite end in the PDF of the drawing.
  10. In the process of creating a Legend and Abbreviations page for my current project and wanted to see if anyone has managed to create a report of connectors used in a file. I'm currently using a static worksheet that just has a long list of connectors whether they are used in the current project or not, but in the pursuit of using page space efficiently, I would like to be able to create a report that is just the connector name and description found in the project. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  11. ah ok is the user folder accessible from the user libraries in the resource manager or is it found some other way?
  12. I've recently been working on creating a workgroup device file for the company I work for, I've managed to create the file and add things to it by dragging it into the file from the resource manager. While I can go into the workgroup library and find/use devices with no problem as the library grows it's going to take more and more time to find specific devices. Is there a way to link the device builder tool to the workgroup file so that it would scan it as well as the local user folder?
  13. @inikolova thank you but I seem to have figured it out. The file I was having issues with syncing was a working file, while the base was syncing just fine. I was assuming working files went off of a user's account or license but it looks like it's based on the machine in use.
  14. Currently, I have an issue where cloud services aren't syncing any files on my local machines. I saved a file from my work laptop yesterday but I could see it wasn't uploading it by check-in the web browser so I manually uploaded it via the web browser, today while I see it's still in the web browser it does not sync, and put it in my folder on my desktop. I have all the folders selected for sync in the settings on both machines. Any help would be appreciated.
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