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Framing Improvements



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And @Diego-Resuelvectorworks point is spot on. Metal studs  sorely needed.

Also :

(1) in terms of appearance in plan, would be good to also have an option to show a cross in the middle of a stud, instead of just  a rectangular outline

(2) would be good have an option to automatically insert insulation between studs

Edited by Amorphous - Julian
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@Matt Overton that is a great point! Currently framing doesn’t update with walls and roofs as the design changes. An updated wall, roof and slab tool would make this possible.


Would the Vectorworks employers who actively monitor this forum like to start a Wishlist Topic thread on the issue of how to improve wall, roof and slab tools so we can provide some end-user feedback on the topic?

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Correct! The way walls interact with framing and  finishes is best overhauled with a new tool.


We posted a topic on walls construction before, which is about the way walls are construction and how finishes are put over it- Our thought too was that it should be completely re-thought.



There are is so much useful user input and feedback on this forum for Vectorworks to improve its tools. Hence I reiterate the point that a dedicated moderator is imperative to collate these suggestions, offer return feedback and questions.


if VW employers don’t respond on this forum. We don’t know that you’re reading and understand our comments.

Edited by Amorphous - Julian
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19 minutes ago, Diego-Resuelvectorworks said:

After long talks with people inside Vectorworks, the wall tool is very complicated to update because is part of the foundation of Vectorworks, and has a ton of legacy code that nobody what to mess with...

Maybe the solution is a new wall tool, build from the ground up like the Curtain Wall tool, to start replacing the legacy Wall tool.

Yes has been talked about a few times.


Problem is Curtain wall also needs an overhaul not to be dog slow. 

Hopefully, someones been working in the background. 

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On 7/30/2019 at 4:30 PM, JuanP said:

Thank you for feedback, I just submitted this wish under the following: VE-999656

Even though this is an internal # and might not mean much to you all, It will help me/us to keep you all informed of any progress.


JuanP, can you update on any changes since 2019?

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On 4/12/2024 at 11:46 PM, DBrown said:

To my knowledge, nothing has improved since then, and any improvements seem unlikely, I ponder sometimes if the focus of Vectorworks is architecture...



Wall modernization has been on the roadmap in active research for a while now. Hey but at least Slabs/Roof modernisation got move to in development recently. 

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Sketchup is not the only other software that will do roof trusses of various types.


Vectorworks is way behind the curve with their framing tools.

We should not have to "design" what we need.


We amongst others are Builders, not just Designers.

Love Vectorworks, but serious lacking in these areas.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
On 4/16/2024 at 9:45 PM, Matt Overton said:

Wall modernization has been on the roadmap in active research for a while now. Hey but at least Slabs/Roof modernisation got move to in development recently. 


The wall has had significant reengineering starting with Vectorworks 2021. Wall closures are the biggest user facing feature that came out of it with additional improvements in later versions. The new Wall tool (with both arc and straight path modes) is another.  The improved wall, slab, and roof component texturing is another and slabs and roofs also had some reengineering done to them in order to support those improvements.  A lot of the reengineering is behind the scenes but lays groundwork to make adding other planned future features possible.

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1 hour ago, Matt Panzer said:


The wall has had significant reengineering starting with Vectorworks 2021. Wall closures are the biggest user facing feature that came out of it with additional improvements in later versions. The new Wall tool (with both arc and straight path modes) is another.  The improved wall, slab, and roof component texturing is another and slabs and roofs also had some reengineering done to them in order to support those improvements.  A lot of the reengineering is behind the scenes but lays groundwork to make adding other planned future features possible.

I think the wall closures are a nice addition, but is all on the wrong front, I can't remember any single user asking for wall closures, however, there have been plenty of users asking, begging, and demanding stacked walls for, like forever, ... so maybe you are doing great work in places were few people are going to use?

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5 minutes ago, DBrown said:

I think the wall closures are a nice addition, but is all on the wrong front, I can't remember any single user asking for wall closures, however, there have been plenty of users asking, begging, and demanding stacked walls for, like forever, ... so maybe you are doing great work in places were few people are going to use?


Just to offer an alternative view I think Wall Closures are a huge deal + am very pleased they were developed. For me, stacked walls are lower down the list of priorities.

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