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  1. Wow, that's impressive! Sad to see another talented person moving away from Vectorworks to go where the BIM industry is going
  2. You will need to create the mezzanine floor in another layer with the slab in a different class, so that way you can change the visibility of that Class to show as dashed. Workarounds, as usual in Vectorworks
  3. So instead of useful walls now we will copy Autodesk? I don't get it...
  4. Sadly, you can't create holes like that on Vectorworks in framing members or structural members, we are far behind on that front, same as stacked walls and several other things important to a BIM workflow. A workaround is not to use the Framing or Structural Member, create a Wall Style with the right 2D and 3D representation, you can make a Wall look like a concrete beam and you will be able to use windows as holes for the MEP ducting, but you will need to manually change the IFC classification manually to all the walls with that style to the IFCBeam denomination, so they will be transferred as such in a IFC file later on
  5. Like we say in my country, don't eat bread in front of the hungry....
  6. Please don't go the Revit way, I also have a Mac-only office and it is best to go the Archicad way, costs about the same, but now with the new subscription licensing, I use Vectorworks for some time, stop paying the license and jump to Archicad to do the next step in the project, usually MEP and HVAC
  7. Sorry to bring this up to you but the Medeek tool is way more advanced than the sad Wall Framing tool we have in Vectorworks, is way too ancient to be useful, it will give you some basic framing models, some basic material take-offs, but that's about it, the list of the things it can't do is way more extensive than the list of the thing it can do, is not parametric, meaning you will have to use the tool again and again if you change something in the design, you can't use custom profiles, you can't use it in walls with components, it can't do gable walls, and so on, but Vectorworks is more capable than Sketchup in BIM modeling, drafting and 3D modeling, but not in wall / roof framing or Stacked Walls like any other BIM tool out there
  8. We've have been waiting for stacked components for years now, we I'm with you on that! @Amorphous - Julian
  9. The framing tool is another example of things left behind in Vectorworks or to use the fancy word "legacy" all. I mean, ALL of the other BIM software have a 10x tool to create 3D parametric framing solutions with the embarrassing exception of Vectorworks, just doing a simple YT search you could find examples of other BIM solutions, from the almost unknown ChiefArchitect to SketchUp, not to mention the all-present Revit or Archicad. The roof framing tool is another option to be embarrassed with, another tool left behind in favor of the AI eye candy for the higher-ups. Well, at least Vectorworks is crossplatform
  10. Hi, I'm afraid you will have to jump through several hoops to achieve this, the Wall tool in Vectorworks is too simplistic and dumb to accomplish this directly, you can't have even stacked components, slanted walls or different shaped walls . For the walls with odd shapes I recommend to use the Pilar tool combined with walls of different thickness connected together
  11. Don't use Vectorworks for piping or MEP, Vectorworks doesn't have any good tool to do that, you can model piping and such, but it's not going to be parametric or useful for quantity take-offs
  12. The stair has a ton of features, but flexibility is not one of them, if you want to do a great stair, don't use the Stair tool of Vectorworks, model your own, but take into account you will spend several hours doing so
  13. I think the wall closures are a nice addition, but is all on the wrong front, I can't remember any single user asking for wall closures, however, there have been plenty of users asking, begging, and demanding stacked walls for, like forever, ... so maybe you are doing great work in places were few people are going to use?
  14. MEP on Vectorworks? Unless you want old-school, 19th-century 2D-only MEP design, yes, maybe people are doing that in Vectorworks 21st-Century BIM MEP design in Vectorworks? not a chance! , the MEP tools in Vectorworks are a sad joke...
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