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Vectorworks 2015 , 64bit and other technical questions

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Great! thanks!

Why no windows apps? :( Please make one :) In my opinion a very solid platform that works really well together (phone <> tablet <> comp)

It is a wonderful platform! I love it, it's great. Apps have the ability to 'talk' and share with each other, from the beginning, (unlike others). And the synchronization between all their stuff is amazing, even with the webapps...

Putting in a request now.

Thx. I don't know how they make the apps, but there are tools out there to create one app and have it 'converted' to the native platforms.... just saying, I know it's not always that easy.... (being a developer myself ;))

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I have to correct Jim on an earlier point. He said:

Im going to number your list if you don't mind:

1) Is it possible to bound a wall between the 1st and 4th floor and put windows in al floors?

As far as I understand it, yes. the Doors and Windows' heights can be bound to levels instead of layers, so they can all be in one wall in one layer but the various levels lets you control individual object height.

The new layer-less story levels do not allow you to create multi-story walls that display correctly on all interposed floors. They DO create a lot of flexibility, and accuracy in modeling wall materials, and some over-lapping from one story to the next that was not possible before.

thx for the clarification. So the NEW levels aren't new, but just the ones we had, with the removed restrictions of having to need a design layer attached to it and the overlapping with others of other storys. I can sleep assured....

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Patrick, you will need to duplicate / modify wall styles to do what you want. I'm pretty sure. We are also introducing new templates for Architecture and BIM in the "New..." command. The BIM templates have some advanced (constrained) wall styles embedded in them.

Can this be a wish list item then?

I don't get that the wall component bounds have to be decided by the wall style. A wall style to me is just saying which components will be in it, not how they will be restraint in height, that depends from wall to wall....

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Thank you for all of the information. VW 2015 is sounding like a great update.

I have a few more questions:

i) Will it be possible to create design layer section viewports that are non-perpendicular to the Top/Plan view, for elevating sloped elements, cutting RCPs and plans, etc? In VW 2014, I believe this is only possible with sheet layer section viewports.

ii) Will it be possible to use flattened design layer section viewports in 3D space, rather than as screen plane only viewports (as in VW 2014)?

iii) Are there any improvements to workgroup referencing?

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
i) Will it be possible to create design layer section viewports that are non-perpendicular to the Top/Plan view, for elevating sloped elements, cutting RCPs and plans, etc? In VW 2014, I believe this is only possible with sheet layer section viewports.

ii) Will it be possible to use flattened design layer section viewports in 3D space, rather than as screen plane only viewports (as in VW 2014)?

These have not changed in this release.

iii) Are any improvements to workgroup referencing?

It has received some back end tweaks to help with stability, however it has not been changed dramatically this time.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
Jim, just curious, after 64 bit, what do you think is the best new feature and why?

OpenGL and 3D Wireframe improvements, its insanely fast. The more graphics hardware you throw at it, the faster and smoother it moves.

In 2014, the OpenGL was MUCH faster but the 3D wireframe wasn't in the VGM yet, so it would bog down in complex files. Now even overly detailed 3D objects still display as long as you have a graphics card that can handle it. Most of the work I do in Vectorworks is completely in 3D and it makes life so much nicer.

I'd say runner up for me is the Deform tool, as I like the direct modeling concept rather than a dialogue box interface for creating free form shapes. I want to see more tools with a "hands-on" interface in the future, similar to how the Edit Curtain Wall tool works.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
Can you expand on what the worksheet enhancements are? Worksheets are one of the most frustrating things of VW. They are so powerful and useful but SOOO terrible to use.

The majority was cleaning up the UI a bit. All of those hidden commands inside that small arrow menu wee brought out as full dropdown menus. They also re-wrote the worksheet palette in Cocoa and added few more number formats that weren't easy to get before.

What about flat roofs? Are they in it. Can we have sloped slabs too?

No major changes to the Roof object specifically this version.

Not this time, they were too recent most likely. Features are normally decided upon between 18 to 12 months ahead of a release, and the feature set for that version is locked in 6 months or more before the release.

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee
Will we be able to download a copy of VW2015 on 9/16/14?

For those of us on Service Select, how will we go about getting our serial number?

Users with Vectorworks Service Select should be getting their serial numbers and download links via the Service Select portal midnight on September 16th.

The trial download should be available that day as well. I expect the following day at the latest.

For anyone unfamiliar, last year Service Select members were able to get it first, but there were significant delays in getting everyone their serial number. Free trials an non-Service Select users were not able to get Vectorworks 2014 for a number of weeks after that.

This was an unintended situation and the plan this year is to get everyone Vectorworks 2015 as quickly as possible.

Edited by JimW
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ii) Will it be possible to use flattened design layer section viewports in 3D space, rather than as screen plane only viewports (as in VW 2014)?

Out of curiosity: in what workflow would this be beneficial?

For presentation purpose of course....

In addition to some presentation uses, it would also be useful for developing designs as follows;

1) create rough 3D model;

2) cut sections from model;

3) develop design in 2D sections;

4) refine 3D model by tracing developed 2D sections in 3D space;

5) repeat.

This workflow is possible with non-flattened section viewports. However, it would be easier if the viewports could be flattened and remain correctly located in 3D space.

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