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  1. Hello! I need help getting that white highlight behind the dims text like I have behind the normal text (Image below). It usually appears automatically when I put in dims, but It is not happening on this file. I am sure I just unclicked a checkbox somewhere but I can't figure out how to bring it back. I tried clicking the box text option but the border around the box is not what I'm looking for. Thanks! - Juno
  2. I have just noticed an inconsistency in font sizes (and possibly kerning and line height) between text boxes and worksheets – see image. In both instances I am using the same font – Calibri at 12.0 plain/unbolded (I specifically set the .0), and yet my textbox text is about 11.25 size. I'm not looking for an answer (I doubt there is one), just giving a heads up to anyone else who may encounter this, like is it still a thing in the current all singing all dancing VW2025? I am using VW 2018 on Windows.
  3. I use VW for my own graphics, marketing and typographic work. One thing I do often is bring in a block of text and then manually break it up into single pieces of text so I can treat each piece of text differently. Has anyone worked out how to automate this? so I can bring in for instance a twenty line block of text, run a script, and it produces 20 individual text objects – one text object for each line of text in the original text block For instance right now I'm looking at assembling a pseudo wordcloud from about 20 words (so I don't have a text corpus, I'm making it purely on a graphic art basis). I am on VW2018, Windows.
  4. I find myself regularly looking for better and smarter rich text in Vectorworks. As of 2022, you still cannot have rich bullets or rich formatting with the text tool (among other flaws). I'm collecting as many rich text requests and wishlist items as possible here. There are a lot of individual requests for this stuff but it's part of a greater whole indicating how badly the way text functions in VWX needs an overhaul. If you read any of my stuff on the forums, it's clear I come from the creative suite world where there are much much better tools for this. But hey! Even this forum has better text capabilities 🤪 Places where we want to see rich text and better formatting options: Text tool Callouts Project data and sheet data Records Anywhere else? Here's me asking about rich text in callouts: Here's someone else asking about rich text in callouts: Here's another person asking about the same thing: And another: Here's me asking about rich text in sheet data, which also talks about lack of rich text using the text tool. Here's someone asking about better formatting options in 2016: Here's someone asking for Bullets in 2016: Here's someone else asking for them in 2013: And in 2012: Here's a really comprehensive request for rich text tools and formatting in 2011: There's a lot of good stuff in there in addition to formatting stuff. Good to read it through. And here it is again in 2010:
  5. I normally write my labels as a single text file (each label as a single paragraph), drag it into VW and then copy and paste out of it into single labels [I have no need or use for the call out system as it's not fit for my purpose]. Then I just drag them into position and I'm done. Is there a script (or Marionette) that will break a single text block into multiple text blocks based on eg carriage returns or space between paragraphs?
  6. I'd like to know if it's possible (and if not, add to Wishlist) to dynamically rotate text to align with the current view. For example: If working in Rotated Top/Plan view, I'd like certain text labels to automatically rotate to 0° based on the current view. In practice, I'm working on plans that are geographically referenced, and while working and presenting, it makes sense to rotate it away from north being at the top, because the site layout is "gridded" at a different angle. It means that all my text labels are constantly having to be adjusted as I move though different angles of Rotated Top/Plan view. It would also be useful to have the same feature within viewports for the same reason. Perhaps an option in the object info pallet to choose the rotation either being world based or screen based? Also, perhaps this extends beyond just simple text labels and applies to data tags & symbols too?
  7. What could be causing the behavior depicted? I can't get a text edit box. Really tried to figure this one out before posting... Thanks, Rudy Beuc 2023-09-28 19-29-25.mkv
  8. Hi, im having trouble with the text that I want to have on my architecture document. Im trying to write some text and putting it on a wall vertically in 3D, I am able to get the text to 3D but when I try to move the text or modify - rotate - rotate vertical, the text goes at some angle and is not vertical and Im unable to put it on the wall, can someone give me advice? Best regards
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This node combines some of the most important text object features into one node, some of which are now found in the OIP. Created by ComputerWorks GmbH. Compatibility: Vectorworks 2019 and higher
  10. I want to shorten and join strings like this 'Coprosma hawera ' that are in a single cell to CopHaw and have them in another worksheet cell. The case would be nice but it's not a must-have. Has anyone solved this. VW screenshot of what I want to see. Excel example enclosed below, but I wouldn't have a clue how to do this in vectorworks.
  11. Version 1.0.2


    More powerful, than a database or text application. A Vectorworks integrated label-script-example with Marionette. The attached example shows how to import address data from a worksheet (could be other data and sources) and additionally places symbol beside the address. The power of Vectorworks and Marionette allows us to put everything you like dynamically on that labels. As example sort by male and female names (if possibly :-) and generate a individual pictures. Just infinite possibilities.
  12. For a long time (and many versions) vw worksheet (I do mean the worksheet not the DB) has occasionally changed superscript 2's to square root signs. I'm on Windows but I understand in a mac there is some kind of link between how superscript 2's and square root symbols are displayed. But if VW is fully ported to Windows how can this happen? Is there a solution for this as a normal 2 is a seriously unprofessional looking symbol compared with ².
  13. Hello there, is it possible to get the the text style from the Parent PIO? just asking to make my onject more customizable (i.e. switching font and font style) Cheers!
  14. When I select an object (esp. polylines/polygons, lines) I often want to get the class name as text but VW makes this difficult as I have to get out go to navigator and select there (all very manual). I would have expected Properties to do this it but it has been forgotten there too. Is there a faster way?
  15. Hello people, I just edit because I found this way. import vs import os Vendor = 'ACME' Price = 123.45 Tax = 1.07 fileName = 'Classes.txt' def Example(): vs.GetFile(fileName) if not vs.DidCancel(): vs.Rewrite(Vendor, 0) #vs.WriteBin(Vendor) #vs.WriteMac(Vendor) #vs.WriteLnMAC(Vendor) #vs.Write(Vendor) vs.Close(fileName) Example() But, the next attributes get this message: "AttributeError: module 'vs' has no attribute 'WriteBin'. " -vs.Write -vs.WriteLnMac -vs.WriteBin -vs.WriteMac With write I don't get error, but also no result. -vs.Rewrite
  16. Have looked all over for this to no avail. How do I add manually text to a cell which has data from a function call? So I have a cell B65 that has text in it In cell B91 I have =B$65, which gives me my text: Planting poly How_do_I_add_text_to_the_cell_? update - I've just found that =concat(B$65, ref_to_text_in_Another_Cell) works, but if that cell has nothing in it function returns 0, and adds that to the result Planting poly0 - oh and you've got to put a leading space in your other cell or it joins the result! So does one avoid that 0? Haven't found any manual entry solutions though...
  17. Hi all, Is there a way to increase or decrease the size of the text in the vectorworks menus? like windows have the EASE of Access option, i've tried to increase that and didn't affect vectorworks as i thought it would be defined by that option. i'm asking this because our monitors are getting higher resolutions and the text is getting smaller and it makes it harder to read! Any option inside vectorworks i can search for? This is an example of the text i'm talking about.
  18. Has anyone else had a problem with their Keynote Legends expanding while editing and adding Callouts inside a Viewport? I believe this happened before (2020?), but had been resolved. Now it's happening again for me. I have to exit the VP, and click "Update" in the OIP. @Matt Panzerany ideas? BTW, this happens in all files. Before and after images below. Image 1 - after exiting VP Image 2 - after updating Keynote Legend
  19. Is it possible to get the text value from a text object within a worksheet? I am (still) looking for a way to take a text item from an imported DWG i.e. Room Number, and assign it to the Space Number of the closest Space object. I figure I could do this with a worksheet using the nearest x and y centres, but I still need the text value of my text object.
  20. I am having difficulty getting text to insert different from the document defaults. I use the Set Char Properties, and set alignment there, but it only does it after the text has been inserted. So if I am Top Left justified in doc setting, it will insert it there, then change to the Center Center I set in the node, but the text stays where it was initially drawn. I don't see a node that can set the defaults, or anyway to change it before I get the text string. What am I missing? Thanks.
  21. Hi All, I've just taken the plunge to Mojave, and straight off the bat have run into a major issue. Editing text in sheet view is absolutely crippling my system. I'm working in the same file as I was prior to updating to Mojave, on the same system, on the same SP3.1 Vectorworks. The only change is the system update, and it is severely slower since the update. Is this a known issue? I can record some footage showing the slowdown if it helps. Thanks A
  22. Enhancement request: multiline and wrapping text control options for Data tags, allowing text and data position control without text flipping issues (e.g. window & door tags) as suggested here by @Matt Panzer.
  23. I use object names often when I want to do a worksheet of areas, with each names object having a corresponding name in the worksheet to identify it. Is there a way that I can parse/read an object Name (e.g. D [ =AREA(N='D') ] in in D5 in image encl) and have another cell read and show/display/print that name? It sure would save a lot of double entry and avoid errors. I do not see a function enabling reading (in vw 2012) characters.
  24. Has anyone had a problem with the Redline tool? See the attached image - I do not know why the font appears overtop of itself. I've tried this in a current file, and I've tried it in a new file, and even in a blank file (no template) with the same results. It appears this way within a VP and on a Design Layer. I've even gone into the workspace editor, deleted the tool and added it back in again.
  25. MRoth


    Hello everybody I'm looking for a function to set the color of a single character of a text. So exactly the opposite of GetCharColor. I want to install this function in a marionette node. That's why it would have to be a Python command. Thanks for the help.
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