Marionette - Nodes
90 files
Laurent Piron
Add an objet to a class and create this class if it doesn't already exist.... thanks to chatGPT who help me because i don't know a lot in Python
Marionette Compose v2 Node
I'm working on developing a version of the Compose node that won't rely on the Vectorworks Menu Command since that ends up not always behaving as expected in all cases.
I figured I'd share my progress with it. It's not done, I haven't explored all edge cases, and it's possible that it's still buggy enough that you could end up in an infinite loop in some cases.
With this in mind, I highly recommend saving your work before testing this node. I'd appreciate any feedback on where it's failing or where you would expect a different behavior so I can add error handling/improvements.
The attached file is in 2025 version. I think it would be safe to export back a few versions, so if you're on an earlier version of Vectorworks but would like access to test, let me know and I can upload a copy for that version as well.
Import Symbol/Resource to Folder
By Mirko Guhr
This node imports a resource based on the type into the active document and returns this object.
With the input FolderName a folder can be defined where the resource will be placed.
If this input is left empty, the resource will be placed at the top level of the resource manager.
If the resource to be imported is already present in the document but modified, the usual dialog with change/overwrite, etc., will appear.
It is not necessary to have the reference as a favorite or anything like that. The absolute path is specified.
It is not possible to work with %userprofile% or %AppData%.
Here is the documentation for the resource typs:
some of the common resource type numbers:
Symbol: 16
Worksheet: 18
Record Format: 47
Hatch: 68
Line Type: 93
Texture: 97
As is usual in Vectorworks, there must be no duplicate names.
The node does not provide feedback if the folder name already exists. The folder will simply not be created if the name already exists.
This does not have to be another folder. If there is a class/symbol or something similar with the same name, the folder will not be created.
Make Planar Nodes
By DomC
Often what is missing to make usable Elements of this geometry is the fact, that
faces need to be planar to make buildable elements. Also it need to be planar to make
extrudes and other solids out of it.
The Two nodes "get Planes" and "ProjectPoints" are a step in this direction.
This example do nearly the same the existing Surface Array already can do. Except it directly
gets geometry from a subdivision object.
Anyway this has to be seen as a first step trying to model hulls with planar AND closed shapes. Which looks like a very hard task.
Trigonometry angles in triangle made of sides
By SimA
input dimensions
given lengths a,b,c
to find angles a, b, c
Worksheet based Popup, push Button
By DomC
Popups significantly raises usability of Marionette Scripts. Also for advanced marionette scripters often it is hard to search and enter the values.
Situation Now:
1. The Popup values has to be written in an input node or the params class of the node, which do just execute if node is edited.
2. Popups are not dynamically unless the values are calculated by the script and then the Popup will popup every time the script is running.
What does that Node improve:
1. The popup values can be directly pulled from a worksheet.
2. The provided node filters one popup with another popup, which is very efficient for fast filtering and combine choices
Worksheet Popup.mp4104 downloads
Record Popups
By DomC
In everyday life job is very often reading and writing record fields of user record formats
and PlugIn objects.
Situation Now:
1. Marionette users have to know the record name and need a lot of knowledge to get the universal name of PIOs
2. Marionette users needs to manually find and transfer the field names into string nodes and also have to know a
workflow to find the universal field names of PlugIns.
3. copy/paste of the names or writing the values is stressful and often results in type errors.
What does this Nodes improve:
1. Quick access to record formats, PIO records and field names
2. See the localized and universal names (if exists) of the fields, returns universal names to the script automatically
3. Can also be used in combination with "print debug" to show names for editing existing networks without using directly
the node
Record Popup.mp479 downloads
Name Popup
By DomC
About This File
This Node is similar like the Name-Node. Instead of writing the Name in the Node Infos, you can select the Name from a Popup, wich maybe is a little bit more comfortable. Using the Name input is often used by myself for quick testing, debugging or Stand-alone Scripts. This node helps eliminating errors like writing the name on the wrong field or copy/paste the name on wrong place etc.
A new innovation implemented, is a visual feedback of the node, which zooms the named object while choosing it in the popup. Which is a very interesting advance to improve user friendliness of Marionette nodes.
Ideas for further improvements:
1. Checkbox if zoom or not (not sure, because to many checkboxes decreases usability)
2. A Pick option to pick an object and auto-naming and inputting with this picked object (Not implemented, because I have not got it to work, that a pick callback runs inside of a Marionette script)
Name Popup.mp451 downloads
Extrude Y.vwx
By SimA
I was looking for a way to extrude 2D surfaces from the front view.
Now I've changed the "Extrude" node so that it now extrudes in the Y direction instead of the Z direction.
I am a carpenter, so use at your own discretion.
Ich habe nach einer Möglichkeit gesucht 2D Flächen aus der Frontansicht zu extrudieren.
Nun habe ich den Knoten "Extrude" so verändert, dass dieser nun in der Y-Richtung anstelle der Z-Richtung extrudiert.
Ich bin Schreiner, daher benutzen nach eigenem Ermessen.
Import pillow 2022
By DomC
Unsure on which different OS and how long this will work. I just need it for myself and wanted to share, because I know some of you are waiting for external-library-fix with OSX. For my usecase the issue at the Moment seems to be fixed. Not tested with Windows or other OSX Versions. Runs on my Machine intel Mac Book with Big Sur and Vectorworks 2022 SP1.
Do not run on Windows yet.
Feedback what it does on your machines is very welcome.
Set Class Extended
Just like "Set Class" "Set Class Extended" assigns a class to the referenced object. Furthermore you can also recursively include all sub objects (meaning all objects within groups and symbols). It also allows to set all attributes by class. These options are available as checkboxes in the OIP.
Set Class Extended was created by ComputerWorks GmbH.
Compatibility: Vectorworks 2021
Curve Map Wrapper
This is a wrapper that serves a similar function to Grasshopper's Graph Mapper component. To use the wrapper, connect it to a network, give it a minimum and maximum value for its domain range, the number of values you want in your list, and use a Name node to connect a drawn NURBS curve to the hCurve input. When you reshape the curve and run the network, the output list of values will change. You can use these values to shape, scale, array, or anything else in your network. Within the Curve Map Wrapper file is an example of a railing Marionette object and in the second file there is a vase Marionette object. Both use the Curve Map wrapper. This wrapper can be used in Marionette objects or regular Marionette networks.
Solid Boolean V3
By Gregi
It got struggled by using one "tool" to subtract from more than one Objects. This Node is fixing it.
You can use Solid Boolean V3 in situations, where you want to use the same hObj2 ("tool") for more than just one boolean. It creates a copy of the Object and deletes it at the end of network ("vs.Marionette_DisposeObj()")
Quick Common Math
By AlHanson
Very simple math nodes that cover frequently used math in networks. Mostly just to keep things cleaner with fewer nodes. Think Add 1 and Sub 1.
Half - Divides by 2
Double - Multiplies by 2
Squared - Value to the power of 2
Cubed - Value to the power of 3
Bounded Text
By AlHanson
Produces text that justifies and resizes itself to fit within the bounds of a provided rectangular object.
By AlHanson
Restricts the output value to the minimum and maximum ranges provided
Color Temperature to RGB
By AlHanson
Nodes to convert color temperature in Kelvin (K) values to RGB
Hue Saturation Value
By AlHanson
A set of nodes that converts between RGB and HSV colors and allows for adjusting RGB colors by HSV Values using the Python Colorsys library
Font Size
By AlHanson
Calculates the required font size to produce text of the desired height.
Get Values from XLS
By DomC
"XLS Get Values"is to read Data directly out of a XLS Sheet.
The Smaller Nodes "XLS GetSheetNames", "XLS GetSheetInfos" are additional Nodes which are not essentially.
use cases:
Everywhere you want to get Data out of an XLS File instead a Textfile.
Special Features:
1. If file Input is wrong the node will do nothing (no crash 🙂 )
2. If the sheet name is wrong it will import first sheet
3. If start/end is empty, it will return the complete sheet.
Story Replicator / Geschosskopierer
The Story Replicator is a single Marionette Node that allows you to easily store the story structure of one document and replicate it in another - as simple as copy/paste. It does so while preserving all the interconnected information.
This way you can create new documents and add Story structures already used in other documents without going through the hassle of making a copy of the original file and removing all unwanted content.
Der Geschosskopierer besteht aus einer einzigen Marionette Node und erlaubt Ihnen, Geschossstrukturen von einem Dokument auf ein anderes zu übertragen - so einfach wie copy/paste. Dabei werden alle miteinander verknüpften Informationen beibehalten.
Auf diese Weise können Sie neue Dokumente erstellen und in diesen Geschossstrukturen nutzen, die Sie bereits in anderen Dokumenten im Einsatz haben, ohne hierfür die Originaldatei kopieren und diese von allen nicht benötigten Inhalten befreien zu müssen.
Created by / erstellt von ComputerWorks GmbH.
Compatibility / Kompatibilität: Vectorworks 2020 +
Keep in mind:
Due to the way stories are structured and interconnected the tool may not be able to replicate every last detail for every situation.
Currently there is a known limitation: The tool was not tested with or designed to handle overly many design layers. Therefore depending on different factors the maximum possible number of design layers the tool can still handle correctly is about 60 +-5. If there are too many design layers when re-creating the document story structure, the tool will basically just stop and do nothing.
Durch die Art und Weise wie Geschosse strukturiert und miteinander verknüpft sind, kann das Werkzeug möglicherweise nicht alle Details in allen Situation richtig abbilden.
Zur Zeit ist eine Einschränkung bekannt: das Werkzeug wurde nicht getestet oder ausgelegt, um mit sehr vielen Konstruktionsebenen zu arbeiten. Deshalb liegt die maximale Anzahl an Konstruktionsebenen, mit denen das Werkzeug zu Recht kommt, - abhängig von verschiedenen Faktoren - bei etwa 60 +-5. Bei der Wiederherstellung der Geschossstrukturen im Dokument wird das Werkzeug bei zu vielen Konstruktionsebenen einfach aufhören und nichts machen.
Even though the downloads contain only v2020 files, they can be opened in Vectorworks 2021 and will work there as well.
Obgleich in den Downloads nur v2020 Dateien enthalten sind, eignen sich diese genauso gut für die Nutzung in Vectorworks 2021.
Converts a string to a "name" (object handle).
I found myself using concatenated strings to name objects (e.g. a series of squares named: sq1, sq2, sq3) after which a manual operation was performed and then another marionette network was run to pull new information from individual adjusted objects. I wanted the wrap the network and set it receive input via the string dialogue node (i.e. you click and type the name of the object you want to modify) but I needed a node to turn the strings into an "object name" and use that to get the object handle.
This node is pretty simple, but I think it's pretty useful if you are creating a two-step system with human modification in the middle and want to regain control of a bunch of objects named by concatenation.
By MRoth
This Node sends an object to the front of the stacking order.
If several items are moved foreward, the first item in the list will appear at the bottom, cause the subsequent items are placed in front of the first item.