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213 Spectacular

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  1. Replacing symbols with the eye dropper tool would save me so much time dude. A one click symbol replacement vs. like 5 clicks?
  2. Can't believe I'm asking this but – I have text in the none class and my class default is black pen and color by class, when I apply a text style where the text is RED, the text remains colored by class. Oddly, the background color will change from the white default and color by class to my text style's grey background. How can the pen color "color by text style"? Other than creating a class for every text style, how do I honor the text style's pen color? 🤦‍♀️ Stupidly, this kind of works: In your active class, I'm using "none" in this example, preset the tool so it's using your text style. This works for some reason. Use the eyedropper tool to apply settings from that dummy text to your target text. Huzzah! It is now the color you want, but: Even if you had all attributes selected, it doesn't inherit the the literal text style in the OIP. Select your Text Style in the OIP. Now it is both the right color and the Text Style you desire But unfortunately, now if I change the background color at the Text Style level, it doesn't follow the Text Style rules... dude come on I've been off the forums for a while because the work I've been doing for the last couple years hasn't thrown tons of bugs, but the QC level on all these tools in 2024 suddenly makes me feel like I'm using VWX 2020 all over again...
  3. Just got this issue for the first time and couldn't believe it. Restarted computer. Updated from SP06 to SPO07. Wasn't seeing this on my M1, but am now seeing on my M3 (both fully loaded 14"). I am connected via a USB-C monitor plugged into a daisy chained Sonnet Echo III module. In this setup, I've got displays as separate spaces and my dock and primary working space is on my external extended display. This has worked fine for a year. My setup at home is exactly this, but I connect via HDMI... haven't seen the problem there yet. The issue is extreme nasty lag, appears to lock up system, but when you command+tab to another app, the other app will work fine. If you even HOVER over a VWX window, the computer moves to a standstill. Looked at my activity monitor, and VWX isn't coming close to causing any issues there. Moved the window to my built in monitor (instead of my external display), and VWX works fine – but way too tiny and not good for efficiency. I'm running some basic apps here. Safari, Slack, Spotify, Mail, Messages, Calendar, FireFox, Discord. Not running a million windows in my browsers. I'm a reasonable man. I'm testing a fairly large VWX file and just clicking around in a sheet layer, so a "low lift" @OliK solution worked for five minutes and then stopped working. moving VWX to a new space via Mission Control on the extended display sometimes works ✅, but some other variables at play here. I have since tried: Launch VWX on primary built-in display ➡️ drag to a new space on my extended external display and immediately go into that space. Doesn't work. Still laggy. ❌ Launch VWX on extended display ➡️ drag to a new space on my extended external display and immediately go into that space. Doesn't work still laggy. ❌ Quit all programs and tried solutions (1) and (2) again. This worked. ✅ Now I'm slowly opening programs up, anarchy style. Restarted computer and tried solutions (1) and (2) again. Works the same as (3). [I'll try plugging in monitor direct via HDMI and running tests 1,2,3 to see if that works] TLDR : Since (3) worked, I suspect that there's some kind of memory leak and I just got build up enough application use and it'll crash again. Yep – that's it. If I leave MESSAGES open, VWX starts to run laggy AF after a few minutes. If I quit Messages, VWX performs as expected...don't even have to relaunch. Even more stupidly: if I hide MESSAGES, VWX continues to behave properly. HMMMM 🤔
  4. Woah weird I just copy and pasted directly from AI to VWX 2024 and it worked great.
  5. Jk you need to click through to the path and reverse it there.
  6. And... still an issue. Also "reverse" is missing. Official help hasn't been updated to reflect current OIP. Please send help ! https://app-help.vectorworks.net/2016/eng/VW2016_Guide/Text/Creating_Text_Along_a_Path.htm
  7. 9 years later... anyway to combine nurbs surfaces??
  8. Still problematic ! I suspect this is a VWX 2023 draw bug. I'm noticing lots of weird draw issues and this is certainly related.
  9. hey guys missed u Here are two solids: When I click to add solids, I get this nonsense: Oddly, when I hover over the object, I still see the original, clean Bézier curves: My next thought was - Shaded renderer is on low. Switched it to high. Still have same issue. When I click into it, it shows the bez points correctly, too: This means that this is probably a render error of some kind. At different zoom levels, it sometimes looks like this, too: Any thoughts here? So bizarre.
  10. You didn't include that handy-dandy additional super-power. I'd love it though.
  11. @michaelk amazing work. have been using today and it's insane that this stuff isn't built in! I want to combine your palletes into a single windows w/ several palletes and give the tools icons and all of that good-good. Wish I could dock 'em ! Again, amazing work. Thanks for making these.
  12. Content is NDA (classsssic) What I can tell you is, if I create a new report with the same settings, I can modify cells and then it'll update the cells on my original, locked report. This is fine for now. **scratches head** I can click the cells, format them, etc, but I can't modify the content in the cells. very weird.
  13. I have a report from a record, I used to be able to edit the record data straight ion the worksheet, but now it won't let me. Some sort of locked thing going on? Any ideas?
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