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386 Spectacular

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  1. It is not a good idea to use a new version of VW for project work until at least the second service pack. The third service pack often introduces new features and new bugs. By Service Pack 5, the software is generally stable. However, shortly after that a new version is released and the cycle starts all over again.
  2. @Pat Stanford Thank you very much. I wish I had your VW skill set. Your script implemented as a menu command works perfectly! The only thing I would want next is the ability to replace a worksheet with a button or right click.
  3. I always read that to mean that VW planned to incorporate/update/consolidate with Windoor at some point. But that is pure speculation.
  4. It's kind of astonishing that you cant duplicate a worksheet by right clicking. This wish list item was created in 2018. I would also like to be able to replace a worksheet by right clicking on it.
  5. A lot of Mac OS programs now allow you to move, duplicate and rename files by clicking on the Title Bar. It would be great if VW could implement this feature. I often have multiple VW files open at once, and it would be great to be able to easily manage the files within the program. https://www.howtogeek.com/266661/quick-tip-you-can-move-and-rename-macos-documents-from-the-title-bar/
  6. @Matt Panzer Thank you so much for looking into this and for filing a bug report!
  7. Is there a way to adjust the line weight of a Wall Closure Wrapping? It appears to take on the line weight of the wall as opposed to a component. Edited with a file attached if it helps... Untitled 2.vwx
  8. The VW2025 View Control Widget should include a toggle that allows you to switch between orthogonal and perspective projections.
  9. No. I go to the "View" pull down menu bar and selected "Create Viewport". I did not migrate any Plugins, Workspaces or Customized settings. So VW2025 should be working "out of the box". I may not have updated my signature but I am running OSX 13.6.7.
  10. I was just going to post that there was an error message when making Viewports. See attached screenshot. I am using VW Architect. I also experienced four hard crashes (as in VW completely closed and the model did not save) in the first fifteen minutes of playing around with VW2025, just playing around with the 2 point perspective and new navigation widget. I selected a fairly easy model, with not much in the way of viewports or annotations. Not atypical for a SP-0 release. That said, the floor reshape bug that plagued VW 2024 appears to have been fixed in VW 2025.
  11. I think coplanar 3D objects are intended to visually merge in Shaded Render mode. If you absolutely must use a 3D polygon, try using hidden line rendering.
  12. Try making the 2D linework a 2D Polyline or 2D Polygon.
  13. So, the scale of the drawing layer appears to affect the scale of the georeferenced image, much like it would a regular image. I am beginning to think that georeferenced tiff images do not work correctly in VW2023/2024. Or maybe they never did. For the image I am using to work, I have to set up a custom drawing scale at 1:432 (which is not any real scale I am aware of...) so that the tile image result is 10,000' x 10,000'.
  14. I have set the coordinate system to match the state plane coordinate system that was specified in the xml file. I selected importing as a bitmap (as opposed to image resource) I tried selecting Jpeg and png in alternate imports. I have played around with using the document vs image coordinate system I have changed the World file units to Survey Feet and Meters In all instances, the image is 1111 feet wide when it should be 10,000 feet wide. So, the image is off by an approximate factor of nine.
  15. For those who are more landscape design capable.... Is there a trick to importing a georeferenced tiff image into VW? I know the tile is 10,000' x 10,000', per the GIS xml data (attached), so I was able to scale the image manually. I tried setting the document units to Survey Feet and Meters. Per VW Help... https://app-help.vectorworks.net/2021/eng/VW2021_Guide/Import/Importing_georeferenced_images.htm Both times the resultant image scaled at 1111.11' When I imported the image in QGIS, it came in perfectly, so I know the file works. It is too big to post. Also the image color is better. Geospatial xml data is attached for reference. VW Import Result (Scaled and Rotated) QGIS Import (Looks a lot nicer) 40001400PAS_PEMA_2022-fin.pdf
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