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Pat Stanford

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Everything posted by Pat Stanford

  1. Open the Worksheet for editing. From the Worksheet View menu, make sure Database Headers is checked. This should show a row above the subrows that contains the formulas. (eg 3, not 3.1, 3.2, etc.) Right click on the Row number of the Database Header row and choose Edit Criteria. Take a look at the criteria and see if there is something there that is blocking the areas from displaying. If you can't figure it out, post a screen shot here of the Criteria dialog box and we can help explain what it is doing.
  2. Check the 2D conversion Resolution of the Vectorworks Preferences and the 3D Conversion Resolution of the 3D Pane of the VW Prefs. Also check that the object is actually a curve and has not gotten converted to a polygon with a low vertex count at some point. HTH
  3. Katerina Panagiotakis was (is) a very generous VW users and programmer. She provided lots of useful scripts and resources such as the hatch package and textures. The last public post I have in my archive from her was from the Fall of 2008. But I think she may still be around.
  4. Was the missing data in a file that was generated from the template AFTER you did the update? Or could it have been made BEFORE you edited the template? Create a new file from the Template and see if the fields you added are there. If they are then chock it up to user error (could they have created a local copy of the old template?) If not, it could be that the version with your changes did not get saved in a location that others are using the template from. Many possible causes. I recommend that you try one more more. If you still see the problem then we can spend more time trying to troubleshoot.
  5. The concept you are missing is called "Container Objects". There are a number of types of objects that can "Contain" other object. These include Symbols, Groups, Plugin Objects, and as you have noticed, Walls. When a Contained object has a different class than the Containing object, both of those classes have to be visible for the Contained object to be seen. This has lead many people to not use classes on Container Objects and always use the None class for them. Then they always leave the None class visible. The Container Object also makes the Class Option of "Active Only" less useful because you will never be able to see contained objects with that setting. The Work around is to set the visibility of all the classes except the class of the Container to invisible. You can then make any other class the Active Class which is always visible and get something similar to Active Only. Ask again if this is not clear enough. HTH
  6. Sketch Styles are Resources and can be moved between files or loaded from library files like any other Resource. To edit, goto the View menu:Rendering:Sketch Options. Click the Edit button. From the dialog box that opens you can adjust the Sketch Style. If you give it a different name it will make a new style using the new name and the options you have set. If you put a VWX file containing a Sketch Style into the Defaults:Sketch Styles folder of either your User folder or Workgroup folder and then go to the Gear Icon in the Resource Manager and restart VW, the Sketch Styles you have in that file will show up in the Default Content and be selectable from the Render tab of the OIP just like the "built in" options.
  7. I am not sure that I understand what you want, but take a look at this file. The database in Row 8 seems close to what you want. Columns A/B/C were just there while I was testing. Column D is the Material Name of the first Material. Column E is the name of the component that uses that material. I hope this helps you get where you are trying to go. Material of components.vwx
  8. Based on a more detailed reading of what you are trying to do, I am not certain it will help you in this instance. Concat takes a number of different strings and combines them together into one long string. =Concat(ComponentMaterial(1), ' – ', ComponentMaterial(2)) Will return a string consisting of the Material of the first component , a space, a long dash, a space, and the Material of the second component. You can extrapolate this for as many components as you want.
  9. I get the same thing as @Patrick Fritsch Just the black box. Using Safari. The full file name appears to show, but if I click the link nothing happens. If I right click and try to down load the file it does not download.
  10. The OS Compatability chart shows that VW2019 is not compatible with Big Sur. If you need VW, you are either going to have to upgrade VW or roll back to Catalina.
  11. Do you like troubleshooting unknown computer problems? Or do you want a computer that will allow you to get work done? If you like playing with the computer and what is under the hood, then go with Apple Silicon. If you would rather get work done, then buy now and go with Intel. There are far less unknowns. A reasonably equipped iMac (27", i9, 64Gig memory, 1 TB SSD, high end graphics card) will run about $4400. Amortized over a two year working life of 4000 hours, this is $1.10/hour. A faster machine does not have to improve your productivity very much to make it worth the money to upgrade relatively often.
  12. The following AppleScript gets the full path of the frontmost VW file onto the clipboard. There is probably a more elegant way to do this using python, but I am not enough of a python expert to make it happen. At least I figures some way to get the contents of a variable out of VW and into a form that can be used in the rest of the AppleScript. You can't copy a Text object in VW and paste it into a different application. So I Edit the text block, Select All, and copy that. That can be pasted into a different application. In the version of VW I am running I get a Beta Undo Error if I don't use the UndoOff command at the top. Undo will (should) automatically restart when the procedure ends. And since there are no variables in the VectorScript, you could actually delete the Procedure, Begin, End, and Run lines. HTH tell application "Vectorworks 2021" run VectorScript " Procedure Test; Begin UndoOff; CreateText(GetFPathName); Redraw; EditObjectSpecial(LNewObj,0); DoMenuTextByName('Select All',0); DoMenuTextByName('Copy',0); SetTool(-240); DelObject(LNewObj); End; Run(Test);" end tell set PTS to get the clipboard
  13. HLength seems to return the total length of a NURBS curve, but returns inches if the units are Feet & Inches. Since I know you like long names, try: GetPointAndParameterOnNurbsCurveAtGivenLength(Handle1, DesiredDistance/HLength(Handle1)/12, X1,Y1,Z1,R1,Index1); Where DesiredDistance is in feet.
  14. Probably. You can run Vectorscript commands from an AppleScript and there is a Vectorscript command that will return the file path of the active file. Perhaps better is you explain what you are actually trying to do so we can offer potentially better solutions.
  15. It is a layer stacking issue. The solid boxes are in the Furniture layer which is above the 1-Finished Floor layer. If you put both objects on the same layer you can use the stacking order commands to get what you want. I see you using a lot of Layers and a lot of classes. You might need to rethink what you are putting in different layers and consider using more classes for some of those things. Regards, Pat
  16. If they are just 2D objects, then Autohybrid won't do anything for you. Autohybrid takes a 3D object and creates an automatically generated 2D-Screen Plane-Top/Plan version. It is sort of like how you get 2D and 3D parts of a hybrid symbol. Can you post the file for us to look at? Or a simplified version?
  17. The way it is designed now, you have to specify the component (the 1 in my example above, but it could be any component number) to get the ComponentName or ComponentMaterial to display. It is really designed to have different components display in different columns. It would be possible to use a Concat statement to display the data for different components in a single column. Let's take a step back. Please post a mockup of what you are actually trying to accomplish and then we will see how close we can get.
  18. Do you have Fillets or Chamfers on any of the objects inside the solid? It is very likely that they would not automatically regenerate. Your signature says VW2018 is that correct? There has been a lot of work done on solids for VW2021 so they now understand Chamfer and Fillet history. Also, you say solids subtracted from a 3D Symbol. I don't think it is possible to subtract solids from a symbol. You would have to convert it to something other than a symbol first. Or I am misunderstanding what you are saying.
  19. I don't think 3D objects respect Stacking Order. They are drawn based on their actual 3D location. 2D and Hybrid Objects use Stacking Order, but I think you are seeing is a Screen Plane object (either 2D or Hybrid) above a 3D object. Perhaps make the green object into an Autohybrid so you get a Top/Plan screen plane version that you can change the stacking order on. Or it is also very possible that @Hans-Olav diagnosed it right as a Layer stacking order issue.
  20. If you are trying to scale an object using the mouse, have you set the fixed point in the Object Info Palette to be the center? When I do that and grab a corner point of a Rectangle and hold down Command and Shift I get symmetrical scaling around the center point. HTH
  21. It appears that something in the Lighting Device code is capturing the data and writing that back to the Lighting Device record so that changes can't be made through the worksheet. None of the Location or Rot fields are marked as Read Only or NNA Do Not Change, so I don't know why they are not responding to changes in the worksheet. You might want to put a post in the Wishlist forum asking for these fields to respond to changes in the worksheet.
  22. Please try a different workspace and see if the extra palette is there also. If not, and especially if you are using a custom workspace, I recommend that you create a new workspace from one of the standards and reconfigure it to match your preferences. HTH.
  23. Unfortunately, I think you are part of a small minority of users having these kinds of problems. There are certainly a few of you, but if it was a wide spread problem there would be much more wailing and gnashing of teeth. That doesn't make it any better for you, but please give VW some credit for not releasing something they new to be seriously defective. Something else to possibly try would be to do a clean install of both MacOS and VW on an external hard drive and boot from that drive. If it is still laggy and crashing then we can pretty much assume it is a hardware issue. If it runs smoothly, then it is likely some kind of software issue.
  24. Are you using a custom workspace? If so, please try one of the standard workspaces. I have seen all sorts of wierdness caused by migrated workspaces.
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