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Sam Jones

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523 Spectacular

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    Technical Director
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  1. True. Pat you beat me to the correction of my reply. AutoPlot Tools for Spotlight, www.autoplotvw.com, has tools for rotating multiple objects, but I'm pretty sure scripts have been posted that do this. If you want a demo of the rotate commands in AutoPlot Tools, let me know, but @Jesse Cogswell, may have posted one. Search by that name.
  2. Yep. Just type "-180" after the existing value and it will rotate to the arithmetic result. What is rotates around varies. Symbols will rotate around the insertion point. Graphic primitives are governed by the graphic you pick that is to the left of the X and Y values in the Object Info Palette (OIP).
  3. @JBenghiat This thread has made you even more of a marked man. Generally it does not make economic sense to commission a script for ones own use. However, commissioning and addition to the VS API, would be something I could use in other scripts to distribute to many others. Start thinking about how much you are going to charge and the manner in which you would do it. 😁😁
  4. I think there may be many, many, many, objects that will be needed that will be made by users, that those users are willing to share. It would be great if there was an easily identifiable place for people to upload to and easy for people in need to find. Constructing distributers, generators, and cables is a more involved process than in the old system which made the different objects virtually by changing settings in the OIP. Eventually, VW power planning object management will become an issue, but the number of objects needed will soon swamp the VW content team.
  5. I think that will do what I need, except that the use of worksheet scripts in this instance isn't very compatible with the desired workflow. I need to query provided worksheets. Conceivably, I could add the needed columns and store the script in a known path, but for now I'll just require the user to provide a symbol name in a column Thanks much. I will file away the scripts in my library.
  6. I have a worksheet database: =DATABASE(INOBJECT & (INSYMBOL) & (R IN ['BrxHoist'])) The Field A header is: =IMAGE I have attached a file that shows this Using VS, I want to query Field A for the name of the graphic or a handle to the graphic or a handle to the symbol defintition of the graphic and the place a scaled version of that graphic on a design layer at a position of my own calculation. This is for creating variable, field value based graphics on labels. For now I must assume that I cannot hard code the name of the symbol field of the selected objects, because I don't know what objects in a drawing will need to be labeled. Worksheet Graphic Example.vwx
  7. Is it possible to get a handle to the symbol definition being displayed in a worksheet cell or the name of that definition? I want to place an instance of a symbol displayed in a worksheet cell with the formula =IMAGE.
  8. Nope. Still fails in update 2 and fails in the Beta of update 3.
  9. Fails in this build: Application Version: 2025 Update 2.1 (Build 788841)
  10. When working. I have commands that act on selected Lighting Devices, "List Records and Fields" is one of them; there are others. They all work on a selected object if chosen from a a regular menu, but they fail to do anything at all when selected from a object context menu. They all work fine in the object context menu if the object is not a Lighting Device.
  11. Additionally, the commands do work when placed in a regular menu, just not in a the object context menu.
  12. Can anyone tell me why my commands that used to work as object context commands in 2024 and before are not working in 2025. Let me know any info you might need. I submitted a bug report, VB-208111, early in November, but no response yet. Hopefully, I'm missing something that I need to do.
  13. Sam Jones

    BeamViz 7

    For me, hands down, the most mindblowingly great third party plug-in ever! Problem, it does so many fabulous things you are cheating yourself badly, if you don't set aside time to investigate it seriously.
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