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Everything posted by cbaarch

  1. you can also insert a loci (on the nonplot class) and snap the window the the loci
  2. I like Jonathan's solution but this also works go to the file 1 which is were you want your classes from turn on the classes that you want to bring over to the new file (this only works if there are objects in the classes) either create 1 object per class or select all (classes is set to Snap/show/modify) group the object(which should be on the none class) copy and paste in file 2 in file 2 ungroup (dialog comes up asking if you want to ungroup wiht classes info) say yes then delete the objects you pasted the classes are now in the new file close File 1 without saving
  3. we have shied away from running the Home version of XP we run XP Pro we have not had any issues especially with a clean install
  4. use 3 walls if it is pilaster 2 vertical 1 horizontal tested this week on a stucco2x4 styled wall type
  5. A method I use to find the missing viewports go to Viewports under navigation palette double click on a name the sheet is resides on will be active and the handles will show check the class in the OI palette and change it to NONE repeat for each viewport since None class is most likely to always be on (while there edit the name so you know what VP1 etc. is for)
  6. This applies to mostly 2D working drawings: Do as much work as posible in the design layer this will pay off if you do a lot of exporting to dwg for the consultants. title blocks on sheets at 1:1 drawing labels as annotations since it picks up the scale of the VP annotations and some dimensions when doing larger scale details OK since the engineering consultants rarely need those details
  7. We create a whole apartment(building) plans with different classes and then create a symbol. we then turn classes on and off depending on what we want to show in the VP i.e furniture, text, wall types, door types or ID etc... the symbol is usually resides on the None Class but the object inside the symbols has many classes that method has been around since forever
  8. look at "area line light" movie at http://www.nemetschek.net/training/library.php?movie=12movies
  9. the technical font is probably "locked" especially if it is one by Corel in acrobat after creating the pdf select the T (touch up text tool)and select a text block that has technical then right click and select attributes in the dialog box you then check "embed". this needs to be repeat only once if you create a book but needs repeated with new files this is a site for a non-Corel technical font http://www.webpagepublicity.com/free-fonts-t.html#Free%20Fonts or you can try Font mapping in VW and delete any references to technical or mapping to technical.
  10. you also need to check if the class for Dimension it set to "Use at creation" if it is you need to either turn it OFF or set the attributes the way you want them
  11. you can find the tool(s) using workspace editor you can edit your workspace any which way you want with the editor. you can also create toolboxes for third party plug-ins that you can find in places like vectordepot.
  12. cbaarch


    they are in C:\Program Files\VectorWorks 12.5\Libraries\Objects-Imperial if you have VW architect 12.5 the above is for winxp version should be the same folder for Mac
  13. Add some memory to your existing CPU it may be enough for what you are doing - if this is not a full time job. as least 2048 MB - 4096 even better RAM is relatively cheap these days
  14. we tried using acad drawings done by other to make revisions and enhance the acad files at the end of the day we used VW walls and tools to draw over the acad plans and elevations and abandoned the acad file altogether it took very little time compared to try and modify a mixed acad/vw drawing later in the process
  15. Just draw a rectangle or polygon around the area of the saved view leave the rectangle selected create a viewport the object(s) in the view should be in the VP created if you have the rectangle set to NONE and NONE fill it will not show in the VP and to edit you select all to see the object used for the crop.
  16. Duplicate the sheet (select and right click when you are in the Navigation palette) this will give you an exact copy and will add a number after the sheet title that you gave it. rename to whatever then go in an edit/add to anotations
  17. symbols reside in 2 places the first is found in libaries these are the common symbols/plug-in that can be reused they can be added as favorites to the resource browser for easy access the second instance they reside in the current drawing(s) a symbol can be created in a current drawing but should be copied to a library if it will be used often changing a symbol in a drawing does not change the symbol in another file to do that, you have to open the 2 files and then go to the resource browser at the aboslute top of the list you will find the 2 drawings you then select the symbol(s) and "replace" them we have 1000 of files I would not want have my symbols changed in all our files if I change only 1 you should duplicate the symbols if you want to make changes that way you will not make the mistake of changing symbols that are not meant to be changed if you want the same info in 2 files you need to learn WGR - Workgroup reference
  18. pdf does not support overlays even in 12.5 if your end product is going to be printed to pdf you have to rethink your approach to graphic presentation
  19. It is easy to get metric to stick the drawing that opens when VW starts is based on the Default drawings all the properties that are set in that drawing will be used when VW starts or you create a new drawing using Default after customizing the Default file you save it as a template replacing the Default.sta in the Templates folder.
  20. you have to add the sketchup import to the menu via workspace edit
  21. if you create a polygon for the window and in the DATA tab you give it a name you can then use the following in the spreadsheet =AREA((N='name'))/144 the /144 is required to get sq.ft.
  22. I think this is a bug I reported the same behavior it has been verified by NNA (B055260)
  23. if you learn the VP on sheets you will find it a lot easier not much to it. create a view of what you want on your sheet draw a rectangle around the area (none fill, none line) leaving the rectangle selected create a VP in the dialog when you go to sheet you are allowed to create a sheet here (if you have not created a sheet before the VP will then be on the sheet you can scale it to fit the page (pages are setup in edit in sheet properties) you then insert you title block on the sheet which is already 1:1 you can get the scale of the view using drawing bubble tool in the annotation mode. worth the effort to learn we use it for every type of work from 1 sheet to 20 sheets
  24. Are you using Viewports and Sheets? if you are, then fitting on a whatever size sheet is not an issue and check what are your units are set to before you import? feet&inches or feet or inches
  25. Can you describe the process you go thru? in 12.5 we do the following when exporting to 2004-2005-2006 we use sheets and VP's when we export we select the sheets we want to be exported we do not rescale the drawing/layers we turn off 2D fills we export as classes and do not export classes that are off then in ACAD the sheets are setup for paper space and the design layers arein Model space
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