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  1. Hello, I'm trying to export all classes from a project file into an Excel list, but I haven't been able to find a function within the software that accomplishes this. Could anyone please advise on how to do this? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
  2. I have a resource libary that is used across the business and recently we have been starting to use Graphic Legends (GL). When we import the GL into the required document all class definitions from the resource liabary then get imported into the new document. Is there a way to make sure either no classes are imported or only the class definition of the GL is imported?
  3. This is an idea for a new way to create new classes. Instead of 1). going to the Organization, 2.) creating a new class and then 3) modifying it's corresponding attributes (i.e. pen, fill, texture, etc.), it would be awesome if there were a command, perhaps a right-click menu command, that created a new class with the attributes of a selected object. Inherently this would then work best if the objects selected were placed in the newly created class and made to reflect all attributes by class. This would be an additional, more visual way of creating classes, simply by first applying graphic overrides to existing objects, and then by using that object to define the style of a new class. Its kind of like a style in Word or InDesign...
  4. To simplify a section-viewport I wanted to show just frames not door leaves. In settings for the plugin door object, 2D visualisation, I set the leaf to a class different to the object's class. Then set that class to invisible in the VP. But the leaf still showed in the section viewport. But not on the design layers. A further setting is needed. I think because the leaf is framed. So in the plugin settings, classes, the stiles and panels have also to be set to the class which is off in the VP....
  5. Is it possible to make new classes using a list (as a .txt, or .csv etc.) like this: 6 plant_Type_-01 6 plant_Type_-02 6 plant_Type_-03 6 plant_Type_-04 6 plant_Type_-05 I imagine tis would be a script, so additionally would it be possible for that script to define class settings?; fill, line, opacity... For the way I work it would often save time.
  6. When I select an object (esp. polylines/polygons, lines) I often want to get the class name as text but VW makes this difficult as I have to get out go to navigator and select there (all very manual). I would have expected Properties to do this it but it has been forgotten there too. Is there a faster way?
  7. When I change the colour of the class my cabinet doesn't adjust to this colour. I have created multiple cabinets from one base wich works fine. But the cabinet I have attached doesn't change as you can see for yourself. I have changed three classes which the cabinet uses, but they all remain white. Does anyone have any idea, what might be the cause? Any suggestions or ideas to simplify my cabinet are welkom... I get the idea this one is made more complicated then needed. Parametric cabinet.vwx
  8. Hello, Scenario : I have objects A and objects B placed in a class X. I have layouts U in which class X is activated and layouts V in which class X is not activated. I realize now that it would be better to have objects A placed in class X and objects B placed in a new class Y. I want my new class Y to be activated in layouts U but unactivated in layouts V (like it was the case for class X). What I do : When I create the new class Y, I told it to be unactivated in each layout. I then manually activate it in each layout where class X was also activated. My question : Is there a more clever way to do it ? The idea would be to tell class Y to be active on layouts where class X is active.
  9. Hi everyone, I'm experiencing an annoying bug which makes impossible for me to use v2021. I'm working with 2D/3D symbols for windows with custom database attached in the ressources manager, in order to makes .ifc exports. After I opened my v2020 file to Vectorworks 2021, I noticed that when I deleted a class, re-assigning the elements to another class, the database of my 2D/3D windows symbols disappeared after freezing a few seconds. I made 2 videos on macOS and on windows10, to show this behaviour, which are attached to this post. Does anybody know why this happened ? Or does anybody already meat this issue ? Meanwhile, I'm stuck under v2020… Thanks in advance for your feedback, with kind regards, GatRed GR-201219.mp4 GR-201222.mp4
  10. Hello. Anyone finding it hard to change the colour of glazing bars , and glass, on the Wasco Skylight "Ext Pyramid 350PHYG 1212 Slab" ? I downloaded this symbol fromm VWX libraries. Great detail. As expected it's several nested groups. At the core of these the glazing bar is a Generic Solid. Which seems not editable (Edit/greyed). I've experimented with class attributes, changing classes, etc etc. But black is the only option is seems? Wasco actually ship in various colour options. Any insights welcome. Thank you. VWX 2020, latest SP.
  11. HI, I can't seem to apply a class (image) to a wall. I have no issue applying a solid colour but for some reason If I need to apply an image this does not work and defaults back to a colour. The wall is classed but I have no idea where the yellow comes from. I can render a wall with whatever image but when I apply class texture this does not work, even though the class is set (as it works with any color fills but not image fills). Photo attached. Anyone has any idea as this must be a simple thing which I did not grasp! Thank you,
  12. Hi all! If I create a group in VW, the group will be assign to the active class. Is there a way to have a class that is automatically used for new groups? Like with walls, even if I am in another class, the walls are always assign to the class "walls". Thanks! Francesco
  13. Hello all, On multiple projects I'm working on, I have lighting devices and 3D objects which are colored/shaded improperly when the Lighting class is visible. I created a new, blank document to demonstrate this behavior. In this document is a Lighting Device and a 2D white filled rectangle that I extruded. Whenever the Lighting class is invisible, the color/shading of other objects appears normal. Whenever the Lighting class is enabled, the color/shading of other objects is affected. The rectangle's color now appears gray even though the attributes panel shows that it is set to white. Any idea why this is happening and how I can prevent it? Thanks, Zack Lighting Class Visibility Color.vwx
  14. Hi all, I'm about three months new to Vectorworks, and I use it mainly for theater as a sound designer, but I'm working on a project where I've designed a whole theater venue (i.e. lobby, stage, auditorium), and I'm struggling deciding how to separate these different spaces. I've made layers for the orchestra, mezzanine, and balcony, but these layers don't necessarily translate to floor levels across the venue. I'd also like to make view ports and sheet layers with just the lobby, but objects like doors, stairs, and slabs are are all in one class regardless of where they are in the venue, so there's no way to hide a whole portion of the venue by turning off classes or layers. I'm thinking I should a.) create separate layers for each space, e.g. lobby ground plan, lobby mezzanine, lobby balcony; theatre orchestra, theatre mezzanine; stage fly gallery, stage mid gal, etc., or b.) make parent classes for each part of the venue and class common items to the appropriate parent class, e.g. Lobby-Stairs, Theatre-Stairs, Stage-Stairs, etc. Curious how other more experienced users would go about organizing such spaces. Hope the question makes sense. Thanks!
  15. The Plant Definition does not appear to give the user the ability to assign a plant to a particular class. This would appear to be a useful feature which would be very valuable when using the select similar tool for instance or in a large scale planting. Currently it appears to default to NONE. All comments appreciated.
  16. Trying to delete a class leads to this pop up window: Unable to delete the objects. One or more of the objects that you are trying to delete is a required component or automatically generated component of a plug-in object and cannot be deleted. As shown in the first attachment. I did a custom selection search as seen in the next snapshot. No plug-in objects using that offending class however. Am I missing something or is this a bug? Happy Holidays everyone! Gabriel ------ Vectorworks 2017 with Spotlight Module MacOS High Sierra iMac Retina 5K 27" 2017
  17. There seems to be a lot more auto-generated classes lately. For example, if I insert a stage light to project a gobo or I simply want the instrument body to appear as part of the scenery in my rendering, that auto creates four classes: Braceworks, Hanging Point, Distributed load and Point load. When I try to delete these classes I'm informed that "one of more of the objects I'm trying to delete is a required component..." Even after I have moved the objects to other classes. Same with all kinds of objects and symbols. It makes me not want to import anything in from the RB for fear of cluttering up my document with undeleteable classes. I can go into the Org panel and work my way up the tree reassigning and deleting and it looks like it worked. But exit, and there they are, still in the navigation stack. I go to one of these classes with Layers=S/S/MO and Classes=Active only and Ctrl-A and get nothing. So these are empty but undeletable classes. Is there a way to control the auto-generated classes or at the very least delete them effectively? VW 2020 Windows 10
  18. From the perspective of creating and maintaining drawings standards: Is there a way to have a class in one document and have it referenced in another document, then make a change in the class attributes and have it change in the referenced document. (as you might with a symbol) Also is there a way to rename a class and have it be renamed in the other referenced documents.
  19. Hi, Establishing criteria for databases is easy: Database header cell: =CompAreaByClass('Class-1') using the previous function and establishing criteria I manage to show results only form a particular layer. What I can't do is the following, I want in a normal worksheet cell to get the area of my components but specify from which layer. I know I have to use this function: Spreadsheet cell: =CompAreaByClass(t=wall,'Class-1') What do I need to add to the function above to specify the search in a particular layer? Thanks in advance, Martín
  20. I am trying to group together several similar items (each in a different class) into one group inside of a symbol. This group is intended to be in a parent class that would then control the visibility of the entire group. However, after grouping the items in the symbol and placing it the desired class, when I exit the symbol, the items come un-grouped. When I reenter the symbol edit, sure enough, they are all ungrouped. Any ideas?
  21. How about add the description in Organization dialog? so you can have an entire look of the drawing's structure
  22. Heya Team, How would you go about toggling which classes to show in your symbols thumbnail view? For example, truss with a simplified class, in hidden line symbol thumbnail render mode it doesn't look like truss. how would I turn that class off for the symbol render? Thanks in advance!
  23. I'll be teaching a 2-day hands-on Vectorworks BIM workshop at the AIA offices in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, on October 12 and 13: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/santa-fe-vectorworks-bim-workshop-tickets-50280749074
  24. So I have a class structure set up and therefore set my attributes to 'class style' but I have noticed that this changes and I'm not sure what key I''m pressing or what action I'm carrying out that is changing this? Any ideas? Its driving me crazy. I guess sometimes my active class changes to others too sometimes - I might start drawing on my '1 EXTG Walls' class and then all of sudden it might be back to my '0' class?
  25. it will be good to have Class 'parent class' so that objects take the class of the container (group, symbol, Plug-ins). this will be usefull by symbol. for exemple a chair with steel structure and a upholstery with parent's class that can be than change. or group with object with a fixed class (other objects have parent's class)
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