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  1. Onink

    Size of drawing

    Hello Mirko, Thanks again for your extensive explanation. I'm sorry for not responding any sooner, but I have a lot going on right now, workwise. As soon as I have some time I will try to fix my drawings. I also need to take them up to VW 2023 as I'm still in VW2021. That might allready be 'outdated' but it works for me and I don't need any more...
  2. Onink

    Size of drawing

    Hello @Zuzzla, Thanks for your reaction. It came to mind that I need to clean up my file and put more in a library drawing. I allready use this. But I haven't given me some time to do so. So I need to work on that in the near future. But i found out that when I altered a Marionette object by adding 10 nodes the file size increased by more then 8 MB. I thought that was quite much. I will try to simplify my objects, but I can't have my Marionette objects in de library. Because they seem to miss some connections and fail when I place them. And I use various different symbols in my Marionette objects which I can't subtract from the library. If I make these symbols subscripted from the library, are they not in my drawing? Size wise? I have some subscripted, but most are really in my drawing.
  3. Are marionette objects very space consuming? My standard template is about 110MB, but I adjusted some of my marionette objects and now it is 170 MB. How can I reduce the size of my drawings?
  4. Is there a way to add a render texture by dragging it to a marionette extrusion? I know you can add it to a class and change the class of the extrusion, but that would require my colleaque to change there way of drawing... I'm wandering which of these 2 options is more impossible😁
  5. Thanks Mark, this works the way I want it to.
  6. Is it possible to import a class from another drawing with it's settings? I'd like to have a drawing with classes where I've attached a render texture.
  7. I've got some marionette objects that use data from a record. Once I've filled the record I'd like to use a short cut key to update the object I've selected instead of clicking the button. I can't select a shortcut for this function in the workspace settings. Or am I missing something?
  8. It works for me. I also made a forward node by changing the script a little: #MRoth #V1.0 20200413 @Marionette.NodeDefinition class Params(metaclass = Marionette.OrderedClass): #APPEARANCE #Name this = Marionette.Node( 'Forward' ) this.SetDescription( 'Send an object to the front of the object stacking order.' ) #Input Ports InObj = Marionette.PortIn( vs.Handle(0), 'h') InObj.SetDescription( "The object to send to the front." ) #OIP Controls #Output Ports OutObj = Marionette.PortOut('h') OutObj.SetDescription( "The object" ) #BEHAVIOR def RunNode(self): #inputs obj = self.Params.InObj.value #script vs.HMoveForward(obj, True) #outputs self.Params.OutObj.value = obj
  9. Thanks! I'll see if this works for me.
  10. Is there a node to move object forward or backwards? Or is there a way to determine which object goes on top? I have a 2d marionette with multiple rectangles that need to be arranged.
  11. Is there a way, like VSEL, to only use this in the current viewport? Would VINVIEWPORT work?
  12. I'm using the VSEL option because that works best for me. But when I use this when I'm in a viewport, nothing happens. Why is this?
  13. Gentlemen, thanks for your help. The 'False' addition didn't work for me, but the VSEL does work.
  14. I've created a simple script to put selected objects in a specified class. But I found out that it does the same for objects that are selected within a group. How can I prevent that from happening? c='Gebouw' def DoIt(h): vs.SetClass(h, c) vs.ResetObject(h) return() criteria="((SEL=TRUE))" vs.ForEachObject(DoIt, criteria)
  15. Thanks for clearing this up. I'll have a look what works best for me.
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