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Matt Hall

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  1. We have set up our window styles and wall closure so the window are in the correct location automatically. However when I add window sills to the mix, the sill is in the wrong position. they are offset from the correct faces of the window frame it seems the window sills are set up to understand the the center of the window frame and the center of the wall, so when you set your windows to insert of another position other than the "center" it throws off the sill. I really never understood how to control sills so perhaps I am missing something. it seem like the sills are not yet compatible with the new wall and window insertions controls. It would be great to have a detailed video walking through several condition combining sill types, window styles, wall styles with several components set up with wall closures showing how you can place a window exactly where you want it to go relative the the wall components. and or a working file with examples that really cover some real world examples Thank you
  2. When I change the wall closure stetting the wall opening goes to the outside of the frame as shown above the fix If I copy to another document, duplicate the wall with the widow, covert the copy wall to unstyled, fix the wall closure, then create new wall style and name it the same as the original, then copy it into the original document to overide the wall style in the original document then it looks right in plan. Simple? The walls were created in a VW 2023 document. We have had several issues with editing door and window styles after upgrading to VW2024.
  3. The new Rail Tool, Dosnt seem to work with outside stringer stairs I had to convert the stair to a concrete stair, do the handrail and convert it back. I had drawing it in plan then used the gravity tool on a different stair but had issues, most post hit the stringer but one or two would land on some other element that i could not find (lots of levels in this project) PS how about adding a metal pan concrete stair tool to the options (very common commercial stair)
  4. After upgrading to 2024 I we have had some periodic issues with doors. some seem to have disappeared. not right away. might be happening has we modify a wall style but haven't been able to realy see a pattern to when and why it happens one time i moved a wall and the door disappeared, i did an undo. I could not move the door in the wall, i could not copy the door and past it somewhere else, I was like it wasn't there I had to let the door go and copy it back in from an old backup
  5. I have updated but not attempted to retry, I will give it a shot when I have a moment, Thank you
  6. I cannot find a way to add a bottom bar to a frame made with the new rail tool. Ideally I would like to make a rail that has a frame panel in it (like the last example, this infill) Am I missing something? (sorry the Screen shot does not show the 2x2 wire grid well)
  7. Any thoughts on a work around for this condition? or is there something I am missing?
  8. We are having real issues with the sill as well the sill wants to be within the jamb, not the entire window we are also using shared project files and get a lot of crashing while we save and commit. Seems to happen after we work with walls and windows. when you crash while committing everyone gets locked out of the project file and we need to create a new project file from somones working file, losing the work that had not been committed. We have had doors and window randomly disappear as well We jumped into the wall and window upgrades and love what they can do now. But we have lost days of work scratching our heads and rebuilding files that seem to be unstable. I think its about the walls and doors windows any thoughts
  9. I would like to us visualization to show all 2x4 studs, 2x6 studs. I cannot find a way to have the visualization identify what wall uses 2x4 and 2x6 Any thoughts. Below is using visualization to ID fire rating. I would like to do the same for stud thickness. this would be an internal review not construction documentation I though i could use the "Function User-Defined or the wall style name. But i cannot find how to add these to the Visualization tool Thank you
  10. Thanks for the reply i recall many years ago adding a field to an object but I do not recall the circumstances, Your probably correct that we cant customize the hardware, it seems very locked down. I did however have the same idea as EFA and added the field via a record. It does work but adds a second step, that makes if feel a bit fussy. just have to try it out to see how it works in a team setting. also used a legend to format the hardware groups the way wanted. Thanks for the input I can move ahead with this but if feels a bit like a mish mash of data that requires some finger crossing.
  11. I am trying to make use of the Hardware sets as part of Door Styles. To really use the Hardware set I need to include some items that are not part of the standard options. Example, weather striping or card readers. These could be dumped into the notes area but it would be nice to be able to include them in a proper format The next step would be to format the groups with the items stacked (rather than like a schedule where the items are all in one line ( Preferred this seems to be the default
  12. Yes, the property line should be able to be just a line without fill.
  13. I am having trouble setting up Key Note database with project sharing. We keep our project sharing VW documents on the Vectorworks Drive. We have set up a shared workgroup folder on our google drive. the workgroup folder seems to be working for multiple users. I cannot get the notes in a place that is stable or accessible. after i think i get things set up it gives me this. I have not found a step by step description, video or diagram that has helped me figure this out. any direction would be appreciated
  14. Right on Did the polyline tool the did create objects, hardscape path object Thanks thats the simple process i was looking for, in hindsight I should have figured that out.
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