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Everything posted by mjm

  1. third time in three days the VWX menu bar has become unresponsive - see attached movie. Super bummer. Watch the cursor carefully in the movie to see what's going on. Luckily I can CMD+Q the app and it offers a save dialogue, so nothing lost data-wise, just more productive time lost. Pardon me while I reboot & then re-open VWX… Screen Recording 2022-04-08 at 1.59.30 PM.mp4
  2. -ity-bump-bump-bump. Srsly. Having to force-quit the app because a process can't be interrupted is extremely nonproductive+irritating.
  3. @zoomer: your statement above, followed by @digitalcarbon's statement, enunciate perfectly the current Mac OS hardware/software dilemmas and one viable solution—one which I think fits few of us.
  4. @anb @FBernardo on the Mac OS v12+, the system font is SF Pro. Might be downloadable somewhere… It's a very functional face with lots of variants
  5. @markddimpossible to improve on your description.
  6. @Piotr Karczewski It's likely entirely likely I did not understand. My apologies. What I thought I understood is that symbol variants unnecessarily proliferate when needing to be modified. This is a problem indeed, one I have faced a few times. But in my impression a PIO is designed to accommodate any number of variables (see the Spotlight SoftGoods tool or Indoor or interiorcad). Maybe I'm attributing too much to the possibilities of the PIO - not sure. And also maybe those PIOs operate in too narrow a definition of variability to be effective for your needs? I can completely understand the desire for 'editable instances' of symbols - very cool idea.
  7. Isn't this the exact purpose of a PIO?
  8. @hollister design Studio Isn't there a way to 'roll your own' menus? Or maybe this does not exist already as a command?
  9. Caution: Mac OS-centric! In so many apps on the MBP touch pad I can two finger pan. It's the single smoothest method I have ever experienced for that action. However, up till yesterday I believed it impossible in VWX — well it is still impossible in VWX in strict terms. BUT — and some of you already know this I am certain — with the 'option' key depressed I can two finger pan effortlessly to my hearts content, so much better than the clunky 'depress space bar then click/drag' method, the touch required is so easy and light, so much more gratifying /speedier than the other methods. Thrilled to have finally found it!
  10. @Ed WachterThis has happened to me a few times. It's a Mac OS keystroke combo, so system, not app, issue. What the keystroke is I have no idea, lol
  11. woooie, this topic is making me sweat anxiously, thinking ahead to the new machine on order, arriving in five-ish weeks. This is stress I don't need. Forgoing Nemetschek's re-inventing the activation mechanic in VWX by then, how can I best plan ahead for a seamless transition (Only software I use <ha-ha, almost wrote "owned"> which puts me thru this)?
  12. Shift+c? I think that's what you want…
  13. @Jeremy Best sensibly excellent decision.
  14. mjm


    @Rob Books Just gonna say did not know this was there. Works a charm!
  15. Yes, this has been happening out of the blue to me as well recently. It seems to self-correct with a restart of VWX 2021 and/or 2022.
  16. @Luis M Ruiz Oh wait now—so if I get you; You have a theater, scene onstage with a set of 8'h x 3' wide mirrors, one upstage center, the others left and right of those & the reflection could be from a picture of the audience as reflection surface? And does that mean the reflection is 360º, or how do you control for that?
  17. to my eye this entire discussion centers around what works for whom, not so much whether it works or not, as shown by folks decades-long adherence to their way. Sometimes change is warranted, at others: not - so - much. Reading this thread helps me understand how many ways there can be to solve a problem or create a workflow. I personally plan to appropriate everything of use to me in how ya'll others do it. So thank you all
  18. mjm

    Mac V's Windows

    I hear that bang-for-buck-wise, everyone I have spoken with has said their new M1 machines, esp 32 GB & 64 GB models are crushing it with VWX (aside from the apps issues of course). I haven't heard from folks running Vision or Landmark. But all that's anecdotal. Plenty of specs out there to be found as well.
  19. Yup, I printed D & E size plates for years on 8.5x11 stock & got really good at trimming the margins with an Exacto knife. Glad those days are behind me!
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