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456 Spectacular

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  • Occupation
    Lighting Designer
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    United States

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  1. I'm just gonna add in that I regret not getting the 64GB MBP. If one is rendering esp if rendering a scene with multiple lighting sources, it tends to be big RAM consumption, such that it may complete the task, but I'll have had to shut down every other open app - web browser, email app, every Adobe app, etc. I have occasionally experienced ram spikes up to 149 GB on this 32GB machine, at least in VWX 2023, so…
  2. Do I understand this stuff correctly? fun with curves and loft.vwx
  3. @Benson Shaw—Oy to say the very least. Thought I was going bonkers more than once. Working w/ the path animation tool is incredibly frustrating precisely because of that random z-shift. Your workaround is the only way I know to keep a path I like once it's all gone to heck.
  4. I hear you there @Jeff Prince - however recently in a zoom mtg client asked for a major scenic addition and after the smoke cleared from the ask, the scenic designer built the piece in 3D in moments in the zoom. That was pretty cool. Definitely still not as fast nor as attractive as a good hand sketch.
  5. mjm

    iMac M1 8Gb

    Just gonna add I have a an M1 32gB MBP and I'd recommend 64 gB minimum.
  6. woops. Thanks @bcd. Can't believe I missed that all this time.
  7. If I may @Miss, try doing exactly as @Tom W. suggests as in below. Once you've located the PDF in LH corner by running "select all" then choosing "Fit to Objects", as suggested. Then deselect all, click on the PDF, zooming in as necessary and then hit delete.
  8. Sounds about right from my experience. d=De-selecting Snap to Geometry always make the vwx perform markedly better
  9. @jason schneider—o yah hear you. VWX 2024 sp 5 earlier this afternoon crashed so hard it restarted the M1 MBP
  10. Woo—things are not improving with this file. It jumped in one File…Save operation to double it's size from 624 MB to 1.35 GB. Ok, so, at least I can rescue the thing by File…New, then Layer import, don't forget to check Import Layer Objects, right> Did that, to find not all the layer objects came over, missing things from many layers. Huge bummer. I'm thinking to go back several backups and re-build from there.
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