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  1. @Pat Now you have the area of all spaces in the drawing. But what if I only want the area from spaces, only on te layer 00 walls?
  2. @Tom, thanks that's indeed what I want. @Pat also thank for your explanation, but I don't see a worksheet in your message P
  3. No, I don't think this works, because the sum of the areas is in a data row, and then you get the repetition of what is in the data row in all cells below it.
  4. If I have all the areas of the space in column A, how can I display these areas in column B as a percentage of the sum of all areas.
  5. Thanks for your answer Pat. The reason I ask is because a customer has a lot of these "legends" on sheet layers and he wants to get them so he can quickly print them.
  6. Would there be a way if I use the callout tool and place this as legend (keynote) to retrieve the contents of this keynote, legend into a spreadsheet or graphical legend?
  7. I would like to use the formula =SURFACEAREA('RIGHT NET'; 'min height from base=..') in a worksheet, but as a value, I want to refer to a cell from which I want to retrieve the slab thickness. Can these formulas refer to other cells, or other cells within other worksheets?
  8. Is it possible to make a data tag for a wall, where I can have the name of the placed texture with the texture tool So yes how can I do this?
  9. These are 2 walls with material with a texture. The red texture is aplying by the texture tool. So can I have al list of the name of the used textures in the inner component?Wall and Texture.vwx
  10. Hello Pat I have walls with multiple components. So I want a worksheet with the surface area of the inner component in one column, this can be done via the formula = surfacearea('right net'), and in the other column, I would like to see the name of this texture from the inner component. It could be that the inner component has a texture with the name A, but that I use the texture tool from the basic tools to place a different texture on that inner component, for example, texture B, so that I then see the name of texture B in the worksheet
  11. and how can I have a list of the names of the used textures on a wall in my worksheet?
  12. Hello On this forum, I saw a video on how to set up project sharing with a server. But I can't find him anymore someone who can help me give the link, please?
  13. Hello A wall consisting of several components, of which one component is load-bearing. How can I get this component in a different color through data visualization in my drawing based on the load-bearing field value. Tanks for the Info. Pascal
  14. How can I intelligently create a BIM model in timber frame construction Thanks P
  15. Hello Pat I have another quaestion for this script. How can i select parametric object which are in a wall with this script please mvg Pascal
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