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Pat Stanford

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Everything posted by Pat Stanford

  1. From the Tools Menu:Workspaces... will open the Workspaces dialog box. Select your workspace and click the Export... button. You will be promoted to save a Text file describing your workspace. It will include the shortcuts for each menu item and tool in square brackets "[ ]" to the right of the item name. HTH
  2. I think you are correct about getting the wrong handle. If the WF is inside the PIO, then it is not on the layer and the LSActLayer will certainly not get you the correct object. Do a search on the forum for the Waldo method. Basically put a locus, GetParent(LNewObject) to know where you are, and then find your object inside that parent. You are just on the steep part of the learning curve. What you want can be done. I recommend starting with simpler objects (maybe just extrudes, or even a two point 3D Poly) to figure out how to get the rotations to work. Then you can do back and change the object types.
  3. All of the formatting possibilities are in the Worksheet Format Menu:Cells...: Images Tab. You can display whatever view you want, but I don't think there is an option for the data type to be exported.
  4. If you use the Create Report command in a worksheet you can see almost all of the parameters you are usually interested in, so the script is less useful that when it was originally written. Last updates for VW2017, but I still use it occasionally.
  5. Complete guess, but what happens if you place each logo into a custom symbol? They might export as Blocks.
  6. There is no easy way to have multiple text blocks maintain distances between each other in VW. I was hoping you could use the parametric constraints, but that does not seem to work when the text length changes. @markdd idea of making the spacer the fixed point and formatting the number to be Right Aligned (always next to the spacer and growing to the left as more digits are added and the name Left Aligned (growing to the right) is probably your best option.
  7. You will probably need to use a double function something like: =Value(SubString('Lighting Device.Weight',' ' ', 1)) SubString use these the second parameter (in my example two single quotes with a single space between them) is the delimiter. Every time there is the delimiter character in the string Substring will recognize that as a separate part. The last parameter (One (1) in my example) is which of those parts to return. So the substring above will return the part of the weight field before the first space. [I know that the record/field is probably wrong. I would have to switch workspaces to try and find the correct names.] The Value converts the text returned by the substring into a number that you can do math on.
  8. I will defer to others more knowledgable than me, but my guess is no. The entire reason that things like Wall_Area_Gross are Functions in the worksheet is that there are calculated every time and not stored as part of the record. Since IFC maps (I think) internally stored data to an externally accessible data format, I don't think there is a way to get that information. I hope that I am wrong and will learn something new.
  9. I don't understand. What exactly are you asking for? Some kind of togglable marker that would display on the drawing next to objects that have a record attached? Any record? A specific record? Only custom records or should PIOs (with a parameter record) be attached also? Actually probably too specific in terms of implementation. What is the problem you are trying to solve and what information do you think would be useful to you to solve that problem.
  10. I have never seen Create (Edit) Report automatically enter an IF statement. Can you explain exactly what you are doing to create it? Coming from a worksheet/database background, there are probably more time I would have to delete the IF than there are times I would want to add it, so I am pretty happy with the way only what is requested in entered. But everyone is different.
  11. Almost anything is scriptable ;-) I was thinking of splitting the record into two parts One to be hidden, one to keep. Use a script to attach the hidden version and transfer the data from the full record. Then edit the full record to delete those fields. The trick is if you need to see the data in the OIP but not be able to edit it.
  12. Yes, If a report has already been defined and you select the Report (database) row, the right click option changes to Edit Report. And once you have it setup, all you need to do to get the current data is Recalculate from the Worksheet File menu (Or right click on the Worksheet image in the drawing if you don't have it open for editing)
  13. The Red rectangle is being generated by the Extrude node. Without the extrude you get two groups. One for the lines and one for the center circle. What are you actually trying to accomplish?
  14. There are several threads floating around try searching for "=Image" and you should find them with more information on how to make it work. One of the tricks is to set the scale and the cell size so the image displays reasonably.
  15. I am not good enough in Python to really be commenting, but in Vectorscript, GetPtL returns four Real values. I don't know if GetPtL will accept tuples or not. Try splitting them out yourself instead of expecting it to happen automatically. That certainly makes sense in light of the Invalid number of parameter errors.
  16. You picked a bad option to learn on. VW does not handle a variation in thickness of an individual wall very gracefully. Others will be able to give you much better advise, but the tow options that I can think of are creating it from an Extrude (draw a polygon showing the edges of the walls and then extrude it up), but this will not let you add Doors or Windows directly nor will it join with other walls. Other option would be to use a Wall Projection to get the varying thickness you need.
  17. And I forgot to mention that I think you will have to use a script to set a Record format to hidden. And to attach a hidden record format to an object. If you want to proceed with this option let me know and I will see if I can find my notes about hiding records.
  18. See this thread for response.
  19. No way to lock fields or record. The best workaround I can think of would be to create the critical fields in a Hidden record format. You would not be able to see them on the OIP, but you could access them (and unfortunately also edit them) in a worksheet. To ensure they are not directly editable in a worksheet your could use a formula of =Value(Record.Field) which would give you a number you can sum but not automatically write the value back to the record. When you need to edit the record attached to the symbol create another worksheet that accesses the Record.Field directly.
  20. I thought there had been some discussion on the forum a month or so ago and data not showing in the OIP, but I can't find it. I think the upgrade to SP3 was supposed to be the fix. If the problem comes back I suggest that you contact Tech Support directly for their input.
  21. If that is a requirement, then you probably do actually need the IF statement. I was just going by the Criteria I saw which was only going to show Windows with Transoms. Glad to help.
  22. Hi Eric, My suggestion to to contact VW Tech Support and send them the file. They can test and see if the file slows down their machine. Maybe they could even send you a "typical" file that works well for them and see if it runs slow on your machine. If there is a problem with the file, Tech Support is going to be in a better position to try and find (and hopefully correct) the problem than anyone else.
  23. I think Loom Note (the record name) needs to be a string and have quotes around it. You are supposed to be able to use double single quotes to "escape" a single quote you need inside a string. So something like: dynCharArray = '=DATABASE(INVIEWPORT & INSYMBOL & (R IN [''Loom Note'']))' But I can never tell if that is a two single quotes or a single double quote. For future readability I would use something like: dynCharArray = Concat('=DATABASE(INVIEWPORT & INSYMBOL & (R IN [', CHR(39), 'Loom Note', CHR(39),']))' Where the CHR(39) will generate the single quote marks you need. Harder to write but much easier to see exactly what you have.
  24. Clicking to select an object works for me on SP3.1. Have you restarted VW and the computer? When you click on an object does the object highlighting change to show it is selected? Does the OIP say No Selection? Or does it say the type of object but not display any other information?
  25. I don't think there is an easy (any) way to have an editable version of the Layer Name in a worksheet. I would have to try and see about Height and Elevation but I don't think so. It may be possible to create a script that would display a dialog box with scrolling that might work, but I hate doing custom dialog boxes.
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