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    Entertainment Lighting Programmer/Technician
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  1. They do have to be strings. I converted them. But, I have it working now. When I switched one of the options from integer to real, I must have missed one line of code somewhere. Because I just switched some stuff around, and it started working as expected.
  2. I use a lot of lighting devices (several hundred per plan), and I have not seen this happen. I'm on a Mac though.
  3. I've got a script which has the user enter several values in a dialog. Most are Integer values, but one is a Real value. I started using SetSavedSetting and GetSavedSetting so that values would track between each usage of the script. All of the integer values track through, but the one real one almost always returns as zero. Sometimes it will return once if I input an integer value, but only once. I use this line to get the value from the dialog: IF GetEditReal(id,cChanEnt,1,rTest) THEN lchan:=rTest; I have tried both of the following to write to Saved Settings: SetSavedSetting('OffsetFieldInfo','Channel',num2str(3,lchan)); SetSavedSetting('OffsetFieldInfo','Channel',concat(lchan); Both of these enter a 0. The script does run with the value entered into the dialog, so I know that lchan receives the correct number. Anyone have any insight on this?
  4. It's definitely possible by looping through all classes, determining if there's anything on that class, and hiding the class if not. But it wouldn't be very efficient. I don't know if there's a simpler way to do that. Real quick off the top of my head: num:=ClassNum; count:=1; WHILE count<=num DO BEGIN classname:=ClassList(count); NameClass(classname); SelectAll; objcount:=NumSelectedObjects; IF objcount=0 THEN HideClass(classname); count:=count+1; END; {while count} This would work only on visible layers. You'd have to add code to make all layers visible and show/snap/modify.
  5. What is the best way/software/app to create SVG icons? I haven't delved into that yet.
  6. They are generally not made using Renderworks cameras. I almost always make them by going into Walkthru mode, setting up my view, then creating a viewport from that angle.
  7. Before I post this as a bug/annoyance, maybe it's considered a "feature" and someone can explain why. It's killing me. Every time I go to a viewport and select edit camera position, Vectorowrks insists on rendering the view in what I assume is Fast Renderworks, every time I adjust the camera. I have to make sure to put in Shaded mode, but many times, that freezes the software and I have to force quit. It never did this previously. Is this some new thing? Is there somewhere to choose this or to turn it off?
  8. I looked in there and must have missed that! Thank god. Those stupid things drive me insane.
  9. Bumping this up...is there a setting yet to make these things not appear, ever? So tired of having to stop and assign these things to an invisible class every time they randomly appear.
  10. One example is that I wrote a very lightweight "Hang Point" PIO to use in my renders. It's a little like the hoist tool, but requires no symbols, no classes, no long list of options and settings, and is geared towards film/tv which is where I work. I'd love if it could travel with a pipe/truss.
  11. I know there's no way to build a PIO in Vectorscript to be a rigging object that an object will travel with. But what about the other way around? Is there any code I can put in my PIO to make it connect to a truss/pipe and move if the truss moves?
  12. Well, that was rude of them. I never would have figured that out because it doesn't show up in spotlight preferences, worksheet field options, or anywhere else. And a google search for that comes up with "did not match any documents". So there is literally zero documentation of that. I wonder if it's just something beta testers knew and it never became public. Thank you so much for that bit of info. The script works now and will hopefully save me boatloads of time going to the OIP every time to search through 50 label legends.
  13. I wrote a script that I could use with my StreamDeck to quickly change label legends of Spotlight Lighting Devices. Other fields can be set with the typical SetRFIeld, but the "Use Legend" field, which is where label legends are stored, doesn't seem to take the info from that. I know it's the correct field, because "GetRField" will return the correct info. I thought maybe it's because it's a drop-down field, but other drop-down fields do take SetRFIeld info. Any ideas?
  14. You can change the color of each fixture per viewport in the Lights Palette, but not in the design layer as part of the fixture itself. If you want to have the color changed globally for rendering, but for reports to show a different color, you'd need to use a User Field as your paperwork color field.
  15. I'm glad you posted this. Not for the script itself, but because it reminded me to look into saved settings and how to implement them. I didn't realize it was so easy, and now I got it working on my own stuff.
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