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    Entertainment Lighting Programmer/Technician
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    Atlanta, GA

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  1. One example is that I wrote a very lightweight "Hang Point" PIO to use in my renders. It's a little like the hoist tool, but requires no symbols, no classes, no long list of options and settings, and is geared towards film/tv which is where I work. I'd love if it could travel with a pipe/truss.
  2. I know there's no way to build a PIO in Vectorscript to be a rigging object that an object will travel with. But what about the other way around? Is there any code I can put in my PIO to make it connect to a truss/pipe and move if the truss moves?
  3. Well, that was rude of them. I never would have figured that out because it doesn't show up in spotlight preferences, worksheet field options, or anywhere else. And a google search for that comes up with "did not match any documents". So there is literally zero documentation of that. I wonder if it's just something beta testers knew and it never became public. Thank you so much for that bit of info. The script works now and will hopefully save me boatloads of time going to the OIP every time to search through 50 label legends.
  4. I wrote a script that I could use with my StreamDeck to quickly change label legends of Spotlight Lighting Devices. Other fields can be set with the typical SetRFIeld, but the "Use Legend" field, which is where label legends are stored, doesn't seem to take the info from that. I know it's the correct field, because "GetRField" will return the correct info. I thought maybe it's because it's a drop-down field, but other drop-down fields do take SetRFIeld info. Any ideas?
  5. You can change the color of each fixture per viewport in the Lights Palette, but not in the design layer as part of the fixture itself. If you want to have the color changed globally for rendering, but for reports to show a different color, you'd need to use a User Field as your paperwork color field.
  6. I'm glad you posted this. Not for the script itself, but because it reminded me to look into saved settings and how to implement them. I didn't realize it was so easy, and now I got it working on my own stuff.
  7. This is something I have been dealing with as well. I have a script which runs through a series of objects and offsets the X and Y of the texture to more randomize multiple identical objects with the same texture. But, they do not update unless I move the objects.
  8. I used that to change overall field info, but it doesn't do conditional parts of strings as far as I could tell. Like if I have a symbol with a field "Truss 10' Silver" and another "Truss 8' Silver", it won't change just the "Silver" part of those strings, at least as far as I could tell.
  9. It does it for all the dropped symbol instances, but it does not appear to do it on the resource browser symbols so that the symbol value changes for all future instances.
  10. I thought Batch Rename could do this, but apparently not. I have a bunch of symbols in my Resource Manager, particularly truss symbols I built. They all have "Silver" in various fields. Now that I've copied all the symbols and made a black version, I have to change "Silver" to "Black" in all of the record formats (not for symbols in the drawing, but rather in the record format of the symbol definition in the resource browser). The Records tool lets me change the overall value, but not find/replace values within a string. Is there a script that does this, or a menu command I have missed? It will at least help for future endeavors. Right now, I'm going through symbol by symbol and changing the values.
  11. It is part of a PIO written in Vectorscript. I do have a ResetObject(h) at the end, but I do not have a redraw. The object does reset if I make any adjustment to it, but I'm wondering if the redraw would even happen if nothing triggers the plug-in to run again. Might try the convert to generic solid.
  12. This issue has been happening repeatedly for a while, and I'm looking for a way to solve it. I build some complex models in Vectorscript, and sometimes use SubtractSolid to build some shapes. A simple example code is: <object code> s1:=LNewObj; <object code> s2:=LNewObj; subtract:=SubtractSolid(s1,s2,s3); DelObject(s1); DelObject(s2); I've posted an example below. Moving the object causes the parts to come back, but they eventually disappear again. What is the best practice for making these objects stay? Should I convert them to generic solids? Do I need to reset the object in the code?
  13. As Pat said, you need to use SetTextureRefN to apply textures to objects. SetTextureRefN(<handle>,<texture name>,0,0); I usually use 0,0 because it textures the whole object, but you can assign parts. Then use SetTexMapReal or SetTexMapRealN to set texture settings...size, rotation, etc. I also suggest making a line which determines if the texture exists in the document, and doing something else if it doesn't.
  14. After many years, I am finally moving towards using the actual truss tool instead of just the straight truss tool. I decided to make some of my own generic truss symbols devoid of manufacturer names and all that. They work just fine, snap as expected, etc. But, the info provided in the OIP does not come in as expected. When I first added a piece of the truss to my test drawing, a pop-up came up asking for the "Type". Just as a test, I entered "Overhead". Now, I cannot seem to change that in any way. that truss symbol always inserts with type "Overhead", and I cannot figure out how to change that. My 10' section comes in with the NAME field as 12"x10', while my 8' comes in with Truss 12"x8' Silver, even though all their records have matching entries. Is there some underlying invisible record applied to these symbols that is not editable? I cannot seem to change this behavior by editing the Truss Record or the EntEquipUniversal record.
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