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  1. I also just discovered (for me, could be common knowledge for others) that you have to select the entire row, not just a cell within the row, in order to edit the database 🤦‍♂️. Thanks for your help Pat! This has been bothering me for a while.
  2. That seems to be the problem. With Design Layer Viewports checked, it finds 6 objects, unchecked it finds 2. Thanks for pointing that out, I never would have found it. Although I'm now having a new issue where I can't actually edit criteria. Once a row has been converted to a database, none of the *... options under the Database dropdown are responsive. So this was done with a fresh worksheet. I'm content to create a new worksheet that's set up properly, but would love any suggestion as to why this may be.
  3. I'm running 2024 Build 721259 on a Windows machine, and this happens when I'm adding devices and circuits normally. Here is a screenshot of what is happening. You can see that there is (seemingly) 1 instance of each object, but they appear 3 times in the reports. Additionally, if I edit a field within the report, the other 2 entries for that object update automatically. I'll also PM you this file. Thanks for any help!
  4. I typically show both strands on both ends to avoid any possible confusion. However, I have in the past done something like option 3. I would show the cable number only on the ST side, and insert a text box on the LC side with the plain cable number (ex. F1001-A & F1001-B on ST side, F1001 on LC side).
  5. In VW 2024, when I run a report of all Devices or Circuits on my drawing, everything has 3 identical entries. How can this be resolved?
  6. Thanks for the suggestion, I didn't know this feature existed. I'm playing around with it now, and it's not really giving me the behavior that I'm after. I didn't mention it in my original post, but I'm often going a little off-script to get things to look the way I need them to look in a rack elevation. I've included a screen cap of what I'm working on. I actually started this project in v2022 and am struggling to pick up where I left off in v2024. What I need to do is show a touch panel mounted to the front of a blank panel, and I was able to just drop the touch panel device over top the blank panel in v2022, but no matter how I try to do this in v2024, I can't quite get it. I'll probably just have to hover the touch panel in front of the rack and manually create a section view to see it, then manually enter the rack information on the device using custom properties. I would think either hide the side panels, or have the the option. Thank guys! These will be a big help.
  7. First off, I think the new 3D rack editing is pretty nifty. It's something I wish that I was able to do before instead of getting a monolith that I'd have to redraw any time I made a change to the elevation. That said, there are a couple things I'd like to see: The ability to edit a rack while using the clip cube. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, it would be nice to not rotate the entire world when I want a different view of the rack I'm working on. The option to work in just 2D. Most situations, at least for me, just don't call for modelling the entire rack in 3D, and as such, don't justify the headache of working in 3D. It would be nice to be able to just slap together a quick and dirty elevation like we were able to before. I've seen it elsewhere in the forums, but a tray that does not have slots. The slots are cool, but more often than not, I'm putting devices with different form factors on a single shelf, and I'd like to show them as they would appear in real life. The option to create a side view elevation. I know I can do this manually, but it seems odd to be forced to model the rack in 3D, but then not have the option to auto-magically create front, rear, and side views. Otherwise, I'm really enjoying the upgrades made in 2024, and I appreciate you guys continuing to improve ConnectCAD. Thanks!
  8. I would like to be able to display a socket's connector type on the drawing without having a circuit connected to it. I've figured out how to achieve this by adding linked text to the socket text symbol and making it look like the default connector text. However that text appears bold when a circuit is connected and its connector text overlays on top of my connector text. Is there a way to turn off or make the text invisible when a circuit is connected? Is there another way of achieving this that I haven't thought of? (Here's a screenshot of what I'm doing.)
  9. @Nikolay Zhelyazkov In that same vein, it would be nice to be able to number sockets with letters as well. I like to match what is printed on the device whenever possible, and I often find myself having to either enter every socket separately in the builder, or using the renumber tool after the fact like you suggested.
  10. In the device builder in 2021, we were able to tab through and type in all of the fields in socket definition without having to touch the mouse. Now in 2022, we have to click two or more times on each field to edit them. It looks like the socket definition area has been completely redesigned, so it may not be possible, but I would love to be able to navigate that area as quickly as I could in 2021. As a side note, I am a fan of the more easily searchable signal and connector fields, as well as the ability to rearrange sockets. Those features have been on my wish list for a while.
  11. @Conrad Preen Is this a new feature in 2022? I'm still not seeing it in 2021. Once I'm through this project, I'll be switching over to 2022, so it's no big deal if it is. I can just put the device on a non-plotted layer to get the rack/rackU information and manually draw it how I want it to be. Thanks for the help! I appreciate that you guys are always responsive and insightful.
  12. @Conrad Preen Thanks for filing the bug, much appreciated. I remember seeing the option to hide all text, but when I went to use it per your suggestion, I couldn't find it. It was a checkbox under the "Display" heading, right?
  13. For the most part, ConnectCAD does a pretty good job of sizing/enabling/disabling a device's make/model in the front elevation view. However, when I have a device that is less than 1U tall, this function often struggles. I've included a picture of such a situation. After reading through other similar threads, I understand that you guys try not to overload the elevation tools with features/customization that might be intimidating for newer users. That said, it would be nice to be able to simply hide make/model on devices. Is this something you would consider adding? Thanks!
  14. @Nikolay Zhelyazkov I looked into it, and you're exactly right. While I didn't change it in the middle of this project, I did change our starter file from metric to imperial and changed the snap grid size, all without touching the loop symbol. So I just opened up the loop symbol, and sure enough, the sockets are spaced according to the old grid size. This is going to save me a lot of headache. Thanks for the insight!
  15. @Nikolay Zhelyazkov Sure thing! I'm on version 2021, and here is that sample file. IO Loop Issue Sample File.vwx
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