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Peter Vandewalle

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Everything posted by Peter Vandewalle

  1. Would it be possible to use relative paths instead of absolute paths? As long as the referenced files are in the same project folder (including subfolders), that should work. The computer specific path parts won't matter anymore.
  2. While editing a polygon or a polyline with the Reshape tool , the user can add vertices to the polygon/line using the Add Vertex Mode . So far so good. Now I'm not exactly a newbie in Vectorworks but I never found a way to choose wether the new vertex will be created at the left or the right side of the vertex I just clicked. I know this is not an issue as long as we stick to straight edges polygons. In that case you'll just start from a midpoint. But when the vertices are bezier or cubic, there seems to be no way to choose a side. Does anybody have a clue? Or are we all just struggling with this issue and do we need a solution from Vectorworks inc.?
  3. When I was programming in VS, I always had the files in a workgroup folder. Maybe a stupid question, but after moving the files, did you restart Vectorworks? Shouldn't the include file be a .px file?
  4. I'm using Python / Eclipse on Mac OS also. I gave up on the debugger. It's just very unreliable.
  5. If scripts get useless, mostly it's just a few lines that need to be updated. Vectorworks isn't planning to stop Vectorscript or Python support, half of their plugins are Vectorscript...
  6. In 2022, a lot more is possible with Marionette. And you can still organise 10 parameters en 2016... I guess the idea was that when you needed more parameters, you'd better script in Python or Vectorscript.
  7. That could be a version issue. Marionette was pretty new in 2016.
  8. I was going to suggest to drop the spaces...
  9. Just put a number in front of the parameter names. The Marionette object will only show the parameter name without the leading numbers. the parameters will show in the numbers order. 01Width > Width
  10. We have a simple electric tool in our localised version (Benelux).
  11. Hi All, I'm now also running into this issue. On my old Intel Macbook the issue didn't exist. Since I swapped to an M1 Max, I'm now part of the club 😞
  12. I noticed that behaviour when the option I mentioned is checked. When it is unchecked, the tab will still jump your cursor from field to field, but it'll forget the dropdowns and interface buttons.
  13. Strange, I can't reproduce this issue. The tab doesn't jump to the dropdowns, but I never "use keyboard navigation to move focus between controls".
  14. This should do the trick: c='Gebouw' def DoIt(h): vs.SetClassN(h, c, False) vs.ResetObject(h) return() criteria="((SEL=TRUE))" vs.ForEachObject(DoIt, criteria)
  15. Sure: def reverse_it(hObj): sText = vs.GetText(hObj) sTextReverse = sText[::-1] vs.SetText(hObj, sTextReverse) vs.ForEachObject(reverse_it, "(NOTINDLVP & NOTINREFDLVP & ((T=TEXT) & (VSEL=TRUE)))")
  16. This seems to be linked to this thread: There's a plugin that does exactly what you want, I think.
  17. I've been benchmarkling a bunch of M1/Max/Pro Macs recently. I used among others this file with some scripts. Render Speed Test.vwx The file contains 3 scripts: Render Speed Test py: Renders every layer. To really compare different computers, this is not ideal since the screen size will have an impact on the render time. Render Speed TestViewports: Renders all viewports on a sheet layer. Reset Viewports: You need this script to reset the viewports before running the Viewports test. Otherwise they won't render since the viewports are up to date 🙂
  18. In Python that'll be easier: hText = vs.LSActLayer() sText = vs.GetText(hText) sTextReverse = sText[::-1] vs.SetText(hText, sTextReverse)
  19. For viewports, set the detail level to 'low'. Make sure your walls use class settings for a fill (Edit Wall Attributes). Use class overrides to make the wall classes fill black. For section viewports, just open the advanced properties, 'attributes' tab. Check 'Merge Cross Sections'. The section will use the 'Section Style' class for attributes. Change that class's attributes to black or use the class overrides for that class.
  20. If you want to write and edit you Python script in a separate file, you'll need to import that file into the vsm and run the script. To do so write something similar in te plug-in editor: import path.pythonfile as mod mod.main() main() being your main def in pythonfile.
  21. If you want more, you'll need to edit the search criteria by the formula.
  22. Most cloud services will just warn you when you open a file that is in use by someone else, just like a regular server does. if you need tobbe able to use a Vectorworks file simultaneously, you’ll need to go the project sharing way.
  23. The time delay isn't important. The actuals save is done to your local drive. After that action the sync runs through the cloud app. You won't even notice that when working in Vectorworks. I use Google Drive for work, iCloud drive for my personal work, Vectorworks Cloud Services for the exchange with Nomad. All of that just runs in the background. When using the cloud as a server, that's how it should be done imho. Google Drive (not suited for Project Sharing): https://workspace.google.com/intl/en_ie/pricing.html Vectorworks Cloud Services (suited for Project Sharing): included in your Vectorworks license. Dropbox (suited for Project Sharing): https://www.dropbox.com/business/plans-comparison
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